1 What is intermittent fasting and how does it work?
Fasting has been a constant of human life since time immemorial. In times of need, there was and still is often a lack of food. Even if this was more like starvation, as it was not known when there would be food again, it can be compared to conscious abstinence, today's fasting. In medicine, fasting was discovered at the beginning of the 20th century to improve quality of life and life expectancy. It is often used as a diet to lose weightbut it can do much more, which we will look at in more detail in the blog article.
Intermittent fasting also has evolutionary roots. In the early days of mankind, the diet depended on what hunters and gatherers could provide. Fasting was later called for whenever harvests failed, natural disasters occurred or hunting success failed to materialize. So there was always a need for days of fasting.
Today it is about controlled fasting days resp. fasting periods at certain intervals of hours or days, that is, to eat and fast in a very specific rhythm on the day or in the week. Intermittent fasting does not mean that you can indulge excessively during the eating phases. Rather, it is about consciously abstaining from food and eating a balanced diet.
There are different models from which you can choose the one that suits you, your life situation and your diet. everyday life and your everyday life. Important for the success of the intermittent fasting is that you can firmly integrate it into your life and that the fasting days adapt to your life and not the other way around!
1.1 What is the 16:8 method?
In this model, food intake is limited to 8 hours per day. The remaining 16 hours are spent fasting and only consuming calorie-free drinks. The 16 hours also include the night. Whether breakfast or dinner is omitted during the 16-hour fast can be decided individually. See also the fasting plan at 6.1 and 6.2. This is one of the most popular variants as dietto lose weight lose weight or to help with diabetes to keep blood sugar levels low. The other models are also suitable for slimming or for diabetes suitable. The decisive factor is how the variants best fit into your diet. day into your day.
1.2 What is the 5:2 method?
The 5:2 principle involves eating a normal, balanced diet on 5 days and fasting on the remaining two days. On the fasting days a maximum of 800 calories are consumed. The fasting days do not have to be consecutive and can vary from week to week. On the fasting days you could, for example classic juice cleanse from LiveFresh to fall back on. In the section 6.3 you will also find a suitable example plan with healthy recipes for the 5:2 method.
1.3 What is the 1:1 method?
Another option when intermittent fasting is the 1:1 rhythm or alternating fasting, i.e. days with a normal diet alternate with fasting days on which the calorie intake is reduced to 800 calories or less. The classic juice cleanse from LiveFresh. In this variant, the calorie intake is greatly reduced over the course of the week, allowing you to lose weight as quickly as possible. A sample plan with delicious and healthy recipes can be found in the section 6.4. The 1:1 variant is also very suitable for switching to the 5:2 or 16:8 method after the initial weight loss.
1.4 What needs to be considered during intermittent fasting?
A longer fasting phase results in lower insulin levels, greater weight loss and a greater reduction in blood sugar levels with diabetics. Therefore, if you have a pre-existing condition, especially if you are taking medication such as diabetes should always consult their doctor and, if necessary, adjust their medication accordingly.
It is also very important that you check your protein requirements at the 16:8 method during the day and then spread it over the remaining meals. With the 5:2 and 1:1 fasting methods, you should also cover your protein requirements on the non-fasting days to prevent cravings and a "yo-yo" effect. On average, an adult needs 1 g of protein per kilogram of body weight. For a 60 kg woman, this means 60 g of protein per day. 20 g of protein can be found in 80 g of uncooked lentils or 25 g of pea protein powder, for example.
You should also always pay attention to how your body feels and try out which type of fasting suits you best and makes you feel most comfortable. Women in particular should make sure that their stress levels do not increase too much as a result of long periods of fasting, which can lead to hormonal imbalances. As a rule, most women feel most comfortable with the 16:8 principle, in which dinner is omitted, due to the hormonal balance. Feel free to try out what feels best for you.
2 What happens in the body during intermittent fasting?
Intermittent fasting is more than just a dietas it is said to have many healing effects. Many users observe an improvement in the way they feel about their body and a weight reductionwhereby the interfall fasting its good reputation for slimming has gained. Ideally, giving up energy also reduces the so-called autophagy This means that our body cells cleanse themselves and unnecessary or diseased cells are broken down. In the best case scenario, this protects us from diseases or bacteria. It is important to provide the body with high-quality building materials during the eating phase, such as protein and healthy fats.
Some fasting enthusiasts also report that they feel fitter, "lighter" and more alert than before - in other words, healthy. The ability to concentrate also benefits many fasting people.
But even when used temporarily Intermittent fasting can be a good impulse for a change in diet, as you develop a much finer feeling for your food intake and for what your body really needs.
3. how long can intermittent fasting be carried out?
Intermittent fasting with the 16:8 and 5:2 methods can be carried out as a long-term dietary change, without a time limit. With the 1:1 principle, the calorie deficit over the week is very large, which is why this variant is a good way to get started and then switch to the 5:2 or 16:8 method to slowly reduce or maintain your weight and improve your health and well-being in the long term. However, as everyone reacts differently, ask your doctor for advice if in doubt.
4 Who is intermittent fasting suitable for?
Healthy adults can start an intermittent fasting cure at any time after consulting a doctor. For diabetes good experiences can be made in connection with intermittent fasting can be reported. However, as blood sugar levels are likely to drop, it is important to check with your doctor beforehand how medication can be adjusted accordingly. Before starting a fasting cure, it should be clarified with a doctor which method is suitable - this applies in particular to older people. Furthermore, everyone should pay attention to their body and feel what is good for them and what is not.
5 Who is intermittent fasting not suitable for?
Fasting affects both physical functions and mood. You should therefore check carefully whether your physical and mental health allow you to fast.
Pregnant and breastfeeding women women should not fast. Likewise, the criticism loudly that intermittent fastingin which breakfast is omitted, has a negative effect on the sensitive hormonal system of women This can upset women's sensitive hormone systems, increase stress hormones, reduce metabolic activity and increase fat storage. Women should therefore pay very close attention to their bodies and, if possible, not eat Intermittent fasting every day. Another good option is to skip dinner so that the body can balance its hormones more easily with a protein-rich breakfast and is therefore less stressed.
If you are underweight or have a serious or chronic illness, you should also consult your doctor. Because children are still growing, they should also only fast if medically recommended and under medical supervision.
6. intermittent fasting plan
So that you don't lose track between the different intermittent fasting methods and to make it easier for you to find your way through the so-called meal times healthy to eat healthy, we have created a intermittent fasting plan with delicious and healthy recipes, compiled.
6.1 Intermittent fasting plan 16:8 method variant 1
In the first variant of the Intermittent Fasting Plan of the 16:8 method, breakfast is omitted. You will find breakfast recipes for the weekend that make it easier for you to integrate intermittent fasting into your everyday life. Of course, you can also do intermittent fasting at the weekend and only eat your first meal of the day at lunchtime. The recipes can be exchanged with each other. However, make sure that you cover your own protein requirements and drink one or two additional protein shakes if necessary (see also section 1.4).
16:8 plan variant 1
Time of day |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
mornings |
Tea, water, vegetable broth or black coffee |
12:00 |
Depending on your individual protein requirements, you may want to try a vegan dessert. protein shake as a dessert (see section 1.4 What needs to be considered during intermittent fasting)
6.2 Intermittent Fasting Plan 16:8 Method Variant 2
In the second variant, you skip dinner during the day and start the next morning with a high-protein breakfast. This variant is particularly suitable for women as the hormone system is optimally balanced. See also section 1.4.
16:8 plan variant 2
Time of day |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
7:00 |
Until 15:00 |
In the evening
Tea, water, vegetable broth or black coffee |
Depending on your individual protein requirements, you should also have a vegan protein shake as a dessert (see section 1.4 What must be observed during intermittent fasting)
6.3 Intermittent fasting plan 5:2 method
For the 5:2 variant with 2 fasting days per week, you will find a plan with healthy recipes below.
5:2 plan
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
Juice cure day |
Juice cure day |
Depending on your individual protein requirements, you should also have a vegan protein shake as a dessert (see section 1.4 What must be considered during intermittent fasting)
6.4 Intermittent fasting plan 1:1 method
You can find out how you can best incorporate the 1:1 method in the plan below.
1:1 plan
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
Juice cure day |
Juice cure day |
Juice cure day |
Depending on your individual protein requirements, you may want to add a vegan protein shake incorporate (see section 1.4 What must be observed during intermittent fasting)
Frequently asked questions about intermittent fasting:
What can I eat during intermittent fasting?
During fasting, calorie-containing foods and drinks are avoided. However, make sure you drink enough. Preferably water and unsweetened tea or coffee. Artificial flavors and sweeteners should be avoided. Green tea contains catechins, which are said to have an appetite-suppressing effect.
To maximize the positive effects of intermittent fasting you should make sure you eat a balanced and varied diet during the so-called "eating phase". Plenty of colorful vegetables with a source of protein and high-quality fats form the basis here. Pay particular attention to your protein requirements (see section 1.4). You should avoid ready meals and sweets as much as possible. For a healthy diet you will find many tasty and healthy recipes and more information.
What can I drink during intermittent fasting?
During the so-called "fasting window" you can drink water, unsweetened tea or black coffee. If you feel the need for something salty, you can also drink broth. During the "eating phase" you can also drink other beverages with your meals. Between meals, you should again choose drinks that are as calorie-free as possible to keep your blood sugar levels low.
Can I drink coffee during intermittent fasting?
During the intermittent fasting you can also Coffee drink. However, to ensure that the fast is not interrupted, it should be black, i.e. without milk or sugar. For optimal sleep quality, you should drink your last coffee before 2 pm if possible.
How effective is fasting for 16 hours?
The 16:8 method is very effective in many ways. The health benefits are based on autophagy, the cell renewal process that is set in motion. In addition, the insulin level is low, which diabetes diabetes and can also reduce inflammation. The gastrointestinal tract is also relieved. However, the protein requirement for the whole day should still be met so that your body has enough building materials available and cravings are prevented. If your total calorie balance remains below your daily requirement, it is also suitable for weight loss.
How much weight can I lose with intermittent fasting?
How much weight you lose depends on the individual. Severe overweight that has existed for a long time or medication and metabolic diseases such as diabetescan influence the slimming somewhat more difficult and slower progress. In most cases, a weight plateau is reached after a period of weight loss and you stop losing weight. It can then be helpful if you change your fasting regimen, i.e. the fasting method or your diet during the eating phase.
How long should you do intermittent fasting for?
How long you should intermittent fasting is up to you and your well-being. The 16:8 or the 5:2 variant is suitable for long-term fasting. The 1:1 method should be used more as an introduction to the other intermittent fasting methods or a healthy change in diet, as a very large calorie deficit is achieved.
Which intermittent fasting method is suitable for beginners?
If you have no experience of fasting, the 16:8 method is a good way to start. You can start by skipping dinner 1-2 days a week. After a few weeks, you can then slowly increase the number of fasting days or switch to the 5:2 or 1:1 method. However, if you have already been on a juice cleanse from LiveFresh you can also start directly with the 5:2 or 1:1 method.
How many meals during intermittent fasting?
With the intermittent fasting after the 16:8 method you can eat 2-3 meals in the 8-hour eating window. It is important that you still cover your protein requirements during the day and then distribute them over the remaining meals (see section 1.4).
What side effects can occur with intermittent fasting?
You may feel hungry, especially at the beginning. However, if you get used to the fasting rhythm, drink enough and follow our other tips below (see question: What can I do if I feel hungry during intermittent fasting?), then your feeling of hunger should soon improve. You may also experience occasional headaches or tiredness, especially if you haven't drunk enough. In most cases, broth or a glass of water with a pinch of salt will help to balance your electrolyte levels. If you feel stressed by fasting, you may not have chosen the right method or it simply doesn't fit into your everyday life. Take another look at the section 5. Who is intermittent fasting not suitable for? . Women in particular should be very careful here and choose the right method to avoid upsetting their hormone balance.
What can I do if I am hungry during intermittent fasting?
The feeling of hunger does not usually last long, but comes in waves and then disappears again. It helps to keep yourself busy during the fasting phases. During a hectic working day, you won't have much time to think about food.
There are also natural aids that can suppress hunger:
- WaterA glass of water first thing in the morning can curb the feeling of hunger. Sparkling mineral water can provide relief from loud stomach noises
- Green teaGreen tea contains antioxidants that can stimulate the metabolism, but also catechins that curb the appetite.
- CinnamonStudies have shown that cinnamon slows down the digestive process and suppresses hunger. It can also have a positive effect on blood sugar. Cinnamon can be added very well to tea or coffee
- coffeeThe antioxidants in coffee have been shown in studies to have a hunger-reducing effect. In addition, the caffeine in coffee can stimulate the metabolism and fat burning.
The most common mistakes with intermittent fasting
- Choosing the wrong variant
If you find your own personal fasting variant that can be easily integrated into your everyday life, you will stick to it for longer. In addition, skipping breakfast in particular can have a negative effect on some women. longer lead to hormonal imbalances. In this case, a different variant, e.g. without dinner, may be a better option (see section 6.2). Find the right one for you and healthy option for you. -
False expectations and impatience
Sometimes it takes a while for your body and metabolism to adapt to the new, healthy conditions. It can take up to two or three weeks before you get used to longer breaks between meals. Be patient! -
Continue to feast uninhibited
Even in the non-fasting phases you should not feast without end. If you want to lose weight, you should be careful not to eat the calories you have saved straight away. During the non-fasting period, you should focus on nutritious foods with little sugar and, above all, not overeat. It is best to continue eating normally, as if you had not fasted. -
Eating too little
People are often very motivated and want to lose as much weight as possible. However, this has several disadvantages: If you eat too little, you slow down your metabolism and reduce your energy turnover. This can lead to the yo-yo effect that often occurs when dieting. In addition, radical diets ensure that hunger and dissatisfaction become constant companions. Make sure you still reach your protein requirement of 1g/kg body weight to prevent cravings and the yo-yo effect (see section 1.4). -
Too little sleep
Even one sleepless night causes our hunger hormone to rise and tempts us to eat more than we actually need. -
Too much stress
Under stress, the body produces the hormone cortisol, which causes blood sugar levels to rise. This hormone also encourages the storage of absorbed energy in fat deposits. Reducing stress is therefore an elementary component when it comes to well-being and losing weight.