Products on a scientific basis.
Products on a scientific basis
Juice cures for your restart and food cures for sustainable weight loss
Juice cures for your restart and food cures for sustainable weight loss
Unser After Holiday Special:
Sichere Dir die Saftkur direkt mit dem neuen Shape Bundle zum Vorteilspreis und starte so direkt nach der Kur mit Plan in Deine Ernährung.
Für alle, die nach der Kur durchstarten möchten.
3 Tage Saftkur + Dein Startpaket für danach.
inkl. Shape Bunde mit 7 leckeren Low Carb Bowls, 12 High Protein Skyr Drinks in den Sorten Kirsche, Maracuja und Heidelbeere (je 4 pro Sorte) und unseren beliebten High Protein Lower Carb Pasta (2x).
Protein Bundle Basic
inkl. 7 leckere Low Carb Bowls, Skyr Drinks, Low Carb Pasta uvm.
Start with a juice cleanse and change yourself.
Start with a classic juice cleanse into a healthier and fitter lifestyle and learn how to
how you can better control your hunger in the long term.
Regular price 83.95€
Regular priceUnit price 1.61€ per 100ml -
Regular price 135.95€
Regular priceUnit price 1.44€ per 100ml -
Regular price 184.95€
Regular priceUnit price 1.37€ per 100ml - Shelf life: All juices have a shelf life of at least 4 weeks after arrival.
Feel good with LiveFresh.
We accompany you on the way to a healthy & fit lifestyle with functional products from our own production.
✔ Targeted nutrition
✔ Scientifically developed.
✔ Made with love.
What is your goal?
We support you in achieving your individual goal.
juice cleanse - Reset your body.
Start now with a juice cleanse in
a more conscious & healthier lifestyle.
food cleanse - Lose weight.
Lose weight in 7-21 days through sustainable weight loss.
Vegan bowls for your everyday life
Replace one trash meal a day in your daily routine with our vegan bowls and save yourself calories.
Products to lose weight.
Discover our scientifically developed products and start your journey to a feel-good weight!
You can also find us at
One team. One goal.
Nutrition made in Germany.
Our dynamic team of nutrition experts, engineers and fitness enthusiasts is proud to offer you products that help you shape your body and mindset in a self-determined way.
Scientific concepts.
Developed with our nutrition expert Dr. Ulrike Fischer.
Together with our nutritionist, we have been creating products for years that help you to feel good all round and achieve your desired weight.