Celery juice effect: Is celery juice healthy?

Frische Zutaten für Selleriesaft: ein Glas grüner Saft neben Stangensellerie, einem grünen Apfel, Kohl und Blattgrün.
Frische Zutaten für Selleriesaft: ein Glas grüner Saft neben Stangensellerie, einem grünen Apfel, Kohl und Blattgrün.

Selleriesaft hat in den letzten Jahren viel Aufmerksamkeit als neues Superfood erlangt. Von Stars und Influencern wird der grüne Saft häufig zur Vorbeugung von Krankheiten oder zum Abnehmen empfohlen. Viele Menschen schwören mittlerweile auf die gesundheitlichen Vorteile, die mit dem regelmäßigen Konsum von Selleriesaft einhergehen sollen. Doch was steckt wirklich hinter dem Sellerie-Hype? Ist der Saft von Staudensellerie bzw. Stangensellerie tatsächlich so gesund, wie behauptet wird?

In diesem Artikel werden wir uns genauer mit der Wirkung von Selleriesaft auf den Körper befassen und herausfinden, ob es sich lohnt, das gesunde Gemüse im Supermarkt mit nach Hause zu nehmen. Erfahre mehr über die Wirkung von Selleriesaft und ob er einen Platz in Deiner gesunden Ernährung einnehmen sollte.


  • Selleriesaft ist bekannt für seine positiven Eigenschaften.
  • Enthält Kalium, das zu einer normalen Funktion des Nervensystems, einer normalen Muskelfunktion und zur Aufrechterhaltung eines normalen Blutdrucks beiträgt.*
  • Kann leicht zu Hause hergestellt oder als fertige Variante von LiveFresh konsumiert werden. 
* Kalium trägt zu einer normalen Funktion des Nervensystems bei. Kalium trägt zu einer normalen Muskelfunktion bei. Kalium trägt zur Aufrechterhaltung eines normalen Blutdrucks bei.

What is celery juice made from: the bulb or the stalks?

Celery juice is usually made from celery root, also known as celery stalksnot from the bulb. Celery contains many healthy nutrientswhich give celery juice its characteristic taste. The stalks are washed, cut and then processed into juice using a juicer or blender.


Celeriac, on the other hand, is often used in soups, stews or similar dishes, as it has a different consistency and a milder taste. If you want to drink celery juice, it is recommended, use fresh celery stalksto get the best flavor and the full benefits for your health for your health.

Did you know that you can also make vegan schnitzel from celery? Click here for the recipe: Vegan celeriac schnitzel. In our News & Juice Blog you will find delicious celery recipes as well as many more vegan recipesthat are easy to integrate into your everyday life.

Why celery juice is made from celery stalks

Celery juice is made from celery stalks, as this celery has a higher concentration of nutrients than other types of celery. Especially in comparison to celeriac, which is often used as a cooking vegetable, celery has more to offer. This celery scores with a a richer content of vitamins, minerals and essential oilswhich is known for its characteristic aroma and its health benefits.

Celery is particularly well known for its its digestive propertiesdue to its high fiber content. This fiber can stimulate intestinal movements and help to regulate stool, which improves the promote digestive health can promote digestive health. Another benefit of celery in the production of celery juice is its less bitter taste compared to other types of celery. This helps to improve the taste of celery juice and makes it more appealing to many people. more pleasant to eat.

This is why celeriac is not used for celery juice

Celery juice is usually not from celeriac which is also known as root celery. The reason for this lies in the lower nutrient density and the higher starch content of this type of celery compared to celery stalks. Celeriac is therefore mainly as a cooking vegetable used as a cooking vegetable - browse through our blog and discover delicious and healthy recipes.

Compared to celery stalks, celeriac has a higher lower antioxidant and vitamin content than celeriac. including vitamin K. In addition, its fiber content is lowerwhich may make this celery less beneficial for digestion.

Knollensellerie wird hingegen oft in Suppen, Eintöpfen oder ähnlichen Gerichten verwendet, da es eine andere Konsistenz und einen milderen Geschmack hat. Wenn Du Selleriesaft trinken möchtest, ist es empfehlenswert, frischen Staudensellerie zu verwenden, um den besten Geschmack und die vollen Vorteile für Deine Gesundheit zu erhalten.

Wusstest Du, dass man aus Sellerie auch vegane Schnitzel machen kann? Hier geht’s zum Rezept: Veganes Sellerie Schnitzel. In unserem News & Juice Blog findest Du sowohl leckere Sellerie-Rezepte als auch viele weitere vegane Rezepte, die sich einfach in Deinen Alltag integrieren lassen.

Darum wird Selleriesaft aus Stangensellerie hergestellt

Selleriesaft wird aus Stangensellerie bzw. Staudensellerie hergestellt, da dieser Sellerie eine höhere Konzentration an Nährstoffen aufweist als andere Selleriearten. Insbesondere im Vergleich zum Knollensellerie, der oft als Kochgemüse verwendet wird, hat der Stangensellerie mehr zu bieten. Dieser Sellerie punktet mit einem reicheren Gehalt an Vitaminen, Mineralstoffen und ätherischen Ölen, der für sein charakteristisches Aroma verantwortlich ist.

Ein weiterer Vorteil von Stangensellerie in der Herstellung von Selleriesaft ist sein weniger bitterer Geschmack im Vergleich zu anderen Selleriearten. Dies trägt dazu bei, den Geschmack des Selleriesafts zu verbessern und macht ihn für viele Menschen angenehmer im Genuss.

Darum wird Knollensellerie nicht für Selleriesaft verwendet

Selleriesaft wird üblicherweise nicht aus Knollensellerie hergestellt, der auch als Wurzelsellerie bekannt ist. Der Grund hierfür liegt in der geringeren Nährstoffdichte und des höheren Stärkegehalts dieser Sellerieart im Vergleich zu Stangensellerie. Knollensellerie wird daher hauptsächlich als Kochgemüse verwendet – stöbere gerne durch unseren Blog und entdecke leckere und gesunde Rezepte.

What effect does celery juice have on the body?

Celery contains a wide range of vitaminsminerals and trace elements. These include vitamin K, which is said to strengthen the bones, and vitamin Ca powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties. Celery also contains some B vitamins, which are important for energy metabolism. Furthermore Calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium and phosphorus are contained.

Celery therefore contains many health-promoting effects are attributed to celery, which tempt many people to celery hype to take part in the celery hype. Celery juice can have a healthy addition to a balanced diet. diet. Just a glass of celery juice in the morning can make these benefits noticeable.

Celery juice and its effect on skin & hair

Thanks to its high vitamin C content, celery juice can improve the promote the production of collagenwhich is essential for elasticity and firmness of the skin is responsible. This can contribute to radiant skin. In addition, celery contains antioxidantswhich have an anti-inflammatory effect and can help to protect the skin from premature ageing and damage caused by environmental factors.

Also for the health of your hair celery juice can be beneficial. It contains important nutrients such as iron, vitamin A and vitamin E, which can improve the support natural hair growth. In addition, the high water content in celery juice can help to scalp with moisture and reduce dryness and dandruff.

Celery juice and its effect on digestion

Celery juice is often used for its potential positive effect on digestion valued. The juice contains dietary fiber and a variety of nutrientswhich can help to promote healthy digestion.

The fiber in celery juice can help regulate bowel movements and prevent constipation. They support natural bowel movements. Celery juice also contains natural enzymes that promote support digestion digestion. These include, for example, the more efficient breakdown of food and the better absorption of nutrients. The high water content of celery juice can also promote hydration and contribute to healthy bowel function.

Here you can find more information about digestion during a juice cleanseIs diarrhea during a juice cleanse normal?

Celery juice and its effect on the cardiovascular system

One of the Possible effects of celery juice on the cardiovascular system is its potential antihypertensive property. The juice contains natural compounds such as potassium and magnesium, which can help relax blood vessels and lower blood pressure. High blood pressure is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, so regular consumption of celery juice can help to lower blood pressure. Regulate blood pressure in a natural way.

In addition, celery juice contains antioxidants such as vitamin C and beta-carotene, which can help protect the arteries from free radical damage. This can help to Reduce the risk of plaque build-up in the arteries and maintain overall heart health.

It is important to note that celery juice alone is not enough to prevent or treat cardiovascular disease. A healthy lifestyle, regular exercise and a balanced diet are crucial for maintaining good heart health. However, as part of a healthy eating plan, celery juice can be a valuable addition be a valuable addition.

Celery juice and its effect on the liver

Celery juice is also associated with positive effects on the liver and the regulation of cholesterol levels. associated. One of the possible effects of celery juice on the liver is its detoxifying property.

Make your own celery juice: Recipe idea

To make your own celery juice, you need a powerful juicer, fresh celery stalks and some time and effort. Here is an example recipe.


  • 4-5 celery stalks


  1. Wash the celery thoroughly to remove any dirt or residue.
  2. Cut the stalks into smaller pieces that fit well in your juicer.
  3. Place the celery pieces in the juicer. The juice is extracted while the solid parts are left behind.
  4. Pour the freshly squeezed celery juice into a glass and enjoy immediately.

Optionally, you can also add add other ingredients to the celery juiceto vary the taste or increase the nutrient density. Popular additions are Fruit and vegetables such as apples, cucumbers, lemons, ginger or parsley.

Note, however, that most of the health benefits of celery juice come directly from the celery itself. and not from other ingredients. If you want to enjoy the full benefits, it is recommended, Celery as the main ingredient as the main ingredient. If you don't have a powerful juicer or don't want the hassle of washing up, it's better to use a ready-made juicer. celery juice from LiveFresh celery juice. This way, you can enjoy freshly squeezed celery juice every day without any effort. Of course, you can also refine the finished celery juice as you wish.

Simple celery juice recipe: LiveFresh Refine and enjoy juice


  • ready-made celery juice from LiveFresh 
  • 1 organic lemon, juice and finely grated zest 
  • a few fresh mint leaves, roughly chopped 
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup or honey (to taste) 
  • Ice cubes to serve 

Refine with celery juice:

  1. Add the LiveFresh Pour the celery juice into a blender or tall container. 
  2. Add the juice and grated zest of the lemon. 
  3. Add the chopped mint leaves and 1 tbsp of maple syrup/honey. 
  4. Puree/blend everything for approx. 30 seconds on the highest setting. 
  5. Mix in more maple syrup/honey to taste, if desired. 
  6. Pour the juice into glasses over ice cubes and enjoy immediately. 

Buy celery juice or make it yourself? Experiences

The decision, to buy celery juice or make it yourselfdepends on individual preferences and the availability of ingredients and time resources.

The case for homemade celery juice

That speaks for LiveFresh celery juice

Freshly squeezed

Enjoy a celery juice like freshly squeezed every day, as it is cold-pressed1 and is never heated

You decide on the ingredients, quality and taste

Celery juices from LiveFresh have the same properties as freshly squeezed juice


You don't need a powerful juicer


You save yourself the hassle of washing up


Longer shelf life thanks to gentle high-pressure process


100% natural and without artificial additives

The Making celery juice at home requires a little more time and effortbut offers more control over the quality and purity of the ingredients. You can select fresh celery stalks and juice them as required. However, making your own celery juice requires a powerful juicer, which may be an investment. In addition, the shelf life of homemade celery juice is usually shorter. It may be necessary to prepare the juice daily to benefit from the full flavor. the full health benefits to benefit from the full health effects.

The advantage of the buying celery juice lies in the convenience and time saved. It is no additional preparation is required and you can benefit from the health benefits of celery juice straight away. Just make sure that the juice is as pure as possible. no additives such as preservatives, sugar or flavorings. The celery juice from LiveFresh is organic, 100% natural and contains no artificial additives. The gentle production process also ensures that a large number of important vitamins and nutrients are retained. Thanks to the high-pressure process, the juice is also preserved.

Ultimately, the choice between buying celery juice and making it yourself is a personal preference.

Recipe ideas with celeriac: soup, salad, casserole and co.

Celery gives each of these dishes a wonderfully fresh and slightly sweet note. On our News & Juice Blog you will also find more delicious recipes with celery like our vegan celeriac schnitzel or our somewhat different Orange-celery cream soup.

Recipe 1: Creamy celery soup


  • 1 bunch of celery (approx. 500 g), cleaned and sliced 
  • 1 large potato, peeled and diced 
  • 1 onion, chopped 
  • 2 tbsp butter or oil 
  • 1 liter vegetable stock 
  • 200 ml cream or milk 
  • salt, pepper 
  • nutmeg 
  • Chopped parsley to garnish 


  1. Sauté the onions in the butter/oil. Add the celery and potatoes and fry briefly. 
  2. Pour in the stock and cook for approx. 20 minutes until everything is nice and soft. 
  3. Puree the soup with a hand blender. Stir in the cream/milk and season to taste with salt, pepper and nutmeg. 
  4. Serve garnished with fresh parsley. 

Recipe 2: Celery and apple salad


  • 4 stalks of celery, cleaned and cut into thin slices/sticks 
  • 2 tart apples (e.g. Braeburn), peeled and cut into sticks 
  • 1/2 cup walnuts, chopped 
  • 1/2 cup raisins or cranberries 
  • 1/4 cup yogurt or sour cream 
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar or lemon juice 
  • 1 tablespoon mustard 
  • 1 tbsp honey 
  • salt, pepper 


  1. Mix the celery, apples, nuts and raisins/cranberries in a bowl. 
  2. For the dressing, mix together the yogurt, vinegar, mustard, honey and salt & pepper. 
  3. Fold the dressing into the salad and mix well. 
  4. Leave to stand for at least 30 minutes before serving the salad. 

Recipe 3: Gratinated celeriac and potato casserole


  • 1 kg potatoes, peeled and sliced 
  • 1 bunch of celery (approx. 500g), cleaned and sliced 
  • 1 onion, chopped 
  • 3 cloves of garlic, crushed 
  • 50 g butter 
  • 1 cup vegetable stock 
  • 1 cup cream 
  • 1 teaspoon thyme seeds or marjoram 
  • 150 g grated cheese (Cheddar or Gouda) 
  • salt, pepper 
  • breadcrumbs for sprinkling 


  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. 
  2. Sauté the onions and garlic in the butter. 
  3. Add the potato and celery slices and fry briefly. 
  4. Deglaze with stock and cream, add thyme/marjoram and salt & pepper. 
  5. Place everything in a casserole dish, sprinkle with cheese and breadcrumbs. 
  6. Bake in the oven for approx. 40 minutes until golden brown.

How much celery juice should I drink every day?

There are no specific amountthat you should drink daily to benefit from the effect of celery juice to benefit from the effects of celery juice. The optimal amount depends on your gender, age, weight, state of health and personal preferences, among other things. Anthonhy William recommends 500 ml of celery juice. So if you would like to use A. Williams' method, you can use the LiveFresh celery juice is also excellent - two juices a day are enough.

Some people drink a small glass of celery juice on an empty stomach in the morningwhile others drink it in larger quantities as a supplement to their meals drink. It is important to listen to your body and find out what amount is appropriate for you. If you are just starting to drink celery juice, it is advisable, start slowly. You can then gradually increase the amount and observe how your body reacts.

However, you should know that celery juice can have a diuretic effect. It is therefore advisable to drink enough water in addition in order to avoid a ensure sufficient fluid intake.

If you have a medical condition or are taking medication, you should check the following before drinking celery juice talk to your doctor.

When is the best time to drink celery juice?

The ideal time window for consuming celery juice can vary from person to person, as it depends on the individual preferences and personal lifestyle. and personal lifestyle. However, here are some times when many people prefer celery juice:

  • In the morning: Many people enjoy their celery juice as part of their morning ritual. The juice can be drunk on an empty stomach to quickly absorb the nutrients it contains. A glass of celery juice in the morning can energize the body and serve as a refreshing start to the day.
  • Before meals: Some prefer to drink celery juice about 15-30 minutes before a main meal. This can help to curb appetite and increase the feeling of fullness during the meal.
  • As a snack: You can also enjoy celery juice as a healthy snack at any time. If you need an energy boost in between meals or feel thirsty, a glass of celery juice can be a good choice.
  • After training: Some athletes drink celery juice after a workout because it is hydrating and provides electrolytes. This can help to compensate for fluid loss after exercise.

There are no strict rules for the timing of celery juice consumption. Choose the time that best suits your daily routine and personal preferences.

What does celery juice taste like?

Celery juice has a characteristic tastewhich slightly salty and refreshing refreshing. The taste of celery juice can be depending on the ripeness of the celery and the preparation technique. vary. Some describe the taste as mild and grassy, while others find it slightly sweet and spicy.

Some people find the taste of celery juice takes some getting used toas it differs from other fruit juices or drinks. The unique taste is not immediately appealing to everyone. LiveFresh therefore adds to the organic celery juice a dash of lime juice to soften the taste and give it a fresher note. Some people like it right from the start, while others only learn to appreciate it after a certain amount of getting used to it.

Manche Menschen finden den Geschmack von Selleriesaft gewöhnungsbedürftig, da er sich von anderen Fruchtsäften oder Getränken unterscheidet. Der einzigartige Geschmack sagt nicht jedem sofort zu. LiveFresh fügt dem Bio-Selleriesaft daher einen Schuss Limettensaft hinzu, um den Geschmack zu mildern und eine frischere Note zu verleihen. Einige Menschen mögen ihn von Anfang an, während andere ihn erst nach einer gewissen Zeit des Gewöhnens schätzen lernen.

What is the shelf life of fresh celery juice?

Freshly squeezed celery juice has a limited shelf life and should preferably be drunk immediately after preparation to benefit from its full nutrients and flavor. If you want to store celery juice, you should do so in an airtight container in the fridge.

As a rule, fresh celery juice remains in the refrigerator for about 24 to 48 hours. After this time, it can lose quality and taste and break down. Fresh celery juice is sensitive to oxidation due to its high water content. This means that it can lose nutrients over time. If you want to get the full benefits, it is best to preserve the prepare the juice shortly before consumption.

Or even better: Go for the ready-made celery juices from LiveFresh. These are also 100% natural but have a longer shelf life thanks to the gentle high-pressure process. So you always have a delicious celery juice ready to drink in your fridge.

What should you look out for when buying celery juice?

When buying celery juice, there are a few things you should look out for to make sure you're getting a a high-quality product product.

  • Organic qualityPay attention to the quality of the celery juice. Certified organic juices are often a good choice as they are produced without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers.
  • IngredientsRead the ingredients list carefully. Ideally, celery juice should only consist of fresh celery, with no added preservatives or sugar. It is also important to make sure that the juice does not contain any ingredients that you cannot tolerate.
  • ProductionLook for juices that are made from fresh, ripe celery and use a gentle processing method to preserve the nutrients as much as possible. The vitamins contained in celery juice in particular are quickly lost through heating during pasteurization. In contrast to conventional juices from the supermarket, the LiveFresh ensures gentle processing. The juices are cold-pressed1 and by means of high-pressure process preserved. This preserves many important vitamins and nutrients.

What side effects can celery juice have?

Celery juice is generally considered safe for consumption, however some people may experience side effects.

  • Allergic reactionsSome people may have an allergic reaction to celery. Symptoms of an allergy may include skin rashes, itching, swelling of the face or throat, breathing difficulties or gastrointestinal problems.
  • Flatulence and indigestionCelery juice contains fiber, which can cause flatulence or digestive problems in some people. This can occur in particular if you drink large amounts of celery juice or are sensitive to fiber.
  • Interactions with medicationCelery juice can interact with certain medications, especially blood-thinning medications. The natural substances contained in celery can increase the blood-thinning effect of these medications. If you are taking blood-thinning medication, it is important to consult your doctor before consuming celery juice.

It is always advisable to discuss individual intolerances and possible interactions with a doctor before including large amounts of celery juice in your diet. Everyone reacts differently to food. It is therefore important, pay attention to your body's reaction and, if necessary adjust the amount.

How many calories does celery juice have?

Celery contains only a few calories and this also applies to celery juice. A glass (250ml) of fresh celery juice usually contains around 40kcal if it is pure and without the addition of other ingredients or sweeteners. The exact amount of calories may vary depending on the size and water content of the piece of celery used to make the juice. In comparison, a glass of orange juice has around 115kcal and a glass of grape juice around 150kcal.

Celery juice is a low-calorie optionwhich is good for people who want to keep an eye on their calorie intake. It is also a healthy choice for those who want to lose weight or balance their diet. Celery juice is rich in nutrients and offers numerous health benefits without many calories..

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