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Water retention during heat

Hot weather in the summer can be a lot of fun, but it can also cause some unpleasant side effects with it. One of these problems are Water retention during heat. You may have noticed that your feet, ankles or hands feel like they are swollen and heavy. This can be very uncomfortable! That's why we want to help you understand why these annoying swellings can occur in the heat and how you can help them. prevent them them, in order to make the most of the hot days. So let's dive into the topic together and find out what's behind this unpleasant side effect of summer and what you can do yourself for your health.

Symptoms of water retention in the heat

  • Swelling of the extremities: A clear sign of water retention in heat is swelling in the extremities such as the legs, feet, ankles or hands. These swellings are caused by the accumulation of excess fluid and can cause the affected area to swell significantly.

  • A feeling of tightness in the affected areas: Heat often causes an uncomfortable feeling of tightness in the affected areas. You may notice a feeling of heaviness or pressure associated with the swelling. The tightness may feel uncomfortable and restrict movement.

  • Weight gain: As excess water accumulates in the body, it may show up on the scale. It is important to note that this is mainly water and not fatty tissue.

  • Limitation of mobility: The accumulation of water in the affected areas can lead to limited mobility. You may have difficulty putting on shoes or your joints may feel stiff and immobile.

Causes of water retention in heat

When it's hot outside, your veins dilate to carry away the body heat and regulate body temperature. This vasodilatation can cause fluid to leak from the blood vessels into the surrounding tissue. This causes swelling in the legs, feet and hands.

During hot spells hormonal changes occur in your body. In particular, the hormone aldosterone, which is responsible for regulating salt and water balance, can be affected and lead to increased water retention.

At high temperatures you sweat more to lower your body temperature. This causes you to lose not only water, but also salts such as sodium. When your body loses sodium, it tries to compensate by retaining water. This can cause swelling as the body tries to compensate for the lost sodium with water.

The lymphatic system is an important part of the immune system and helps remove waste from body tissues. The lymphatic system may be impaired in heat and not work efficiently. This can cause water to accumulate in the tissues.

Based on the causes, appropriate measures must then be taken to prevent or reduce deposits.

Measures to prevent and treat water retention in the heat

Water retention in heat can be uncomfortable and affect your well-being. One possible cause of storage in heat is the dilated function of veins due to high temperatures. To boost your health and reduce water retention, here are some useful tips, especially in summer.

  • Adequate hydration: Adequate hydration is crucial to prevent water retention. Drink water regularly to keep your body hydrated. Try to avoid alcoholic and caffeinated beverages, as they can have a dehydrating effect. Optimally, you should drink water, diluted fruit juices or unsweetened herbal teas in the summer.

  • Avoiding a highly salty diet: A high-salt diet can contribute to water retention. Therefore, reduce your consumption of salty foods such as convenience foods, snacks and fast foods. Make sure to eat a balanced diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and low in processed foods. Perfect for this are our vegan bowlswhich can be prepared in just a few minutes.

Delicious, light recipes for the summer you can also find on our blog and on our Instagram channel. You can also find more tips about losing weight.

  • Cool and shady environment: Stay in cool and shaded environments in hot weather to avoid overheating. Look for places with air conditioning or fans to keep your body cool. Wear loose and airy clothing that allows your skin to breathe, and wear a hat and sunglasses to protect you from direct sunlight. Cooling measures such as cold compresses or ice packs can help relieve swelling from high temperatures. This can constrict blood vessels and reduce fluid buildup.

  • Physical rest and relief of the legs: Avoid excessive physical exertion in hot weather, as this can lead to increased stress on the cardiovascular system. Try to avoid prolonged standing or sitting, as this can lead to fluid retention in the legs. Instead, it is advisable to elevate your legs regularly to improve circulation and reduce swelling. Light exercise like Yoga however, is ideal to promote vein health in the summer.

  • Regular exercise is one of the best ways to combat congestion in the heat. Light physical activity activates the muscle pumps in the legs, which help pump blood in the veins to the heart more efficiently. This can help reduce fluid buildup in the legs and feet. Try to be more active during the summer by incorporating walks, bike rides or other forms of exercise into your daily routine.

  • The Elevation of the feet can also contribute to the treatment. When you elevate your feet, gravity is used to drain excess water from your legs. Try elevating your legs several times a day for about 15-20 minutes to reduce swelling.

  • In some cases, a drug therapy may be considered to remove excess fluid from the body. Draining medications, also called diuretics, can help eliminate excess water. However, it is important to take these medications only under a doctor's supervision because they have specific dosages and possible side effects.

Self-treatment methods such as cooling measures and elevating the feet in the summer may provide temporary relief, but it is important to treat the underlying cause of water retention to achieve long-term relief.

For a light and carefree summer feeling, a suitable treatment is a3, 5 or 7 day juice cure. With a juice cure you relieve your body and intestines and get rid of bad eating habits. It is ideal for the start of a long-term dietary change and helps to reset your body.

When should a doctor be consulted?

In case of severe and persistent water retentionIf you experience swelling or water retention that does not go away on its own, you should see a doctor. Severe swelling and water retention may be a sign of an underlying disease or health problem that requires medical examination and treatment.

If you experience other symptoms in addition to the retention, such as shortness of breath, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, or other unusual discomfort, you should seek medical attention immediately.

If you have pre-existing conditions such as heart problems, kidney problems or other chronic conditions and notice water retention in the heat, you should consult your doctor. The underlying condition may increase the risk of retention and require special treatment.

It is important to pay attention to your body and react to possible signs of complications. A doctor can perform a thorough examination, determine the cause of water retention and recommend appropriate treatment measures.

Frequently asked questions about water retention in heat:

What is water retention in heat?

Increased water retention in summer usually occurs particularly in the extremities such as the legs, feet, ankles or hands, which can be caused by heat and hot conditions.

Why do water retention occur in heat?

In heat, blood vessels dilate to dissipate the heat and cool the body. This allows fluid from the blood vessels to enter the surrounding tissues and cause retention. Hormonal changes, sodium retention and changes in the lymphatic system may also play a role.

What symptoms can accompany water retention in the heat?

Typical symptoms of retention in heat include expansion of the extremities, a feeling of tightness in the affected areas, weight gain and a restriction of mobility.

How can I prevent water retention in the heat?

The following measures can help to prevent storage:

  • Sufficient drinking

  • Avoidance of a highly salty diet

  • Staying in cool and shady environments

  • Physical rest and relief of the legs

When should I see a doctor?

It is recommended to see a doctor if the water retention is severe and persistent, additional symptoms such as shortness of breath or chest pain occur, or if you already suffer from pre-existing conditions that may increase the risk of retention.

What are the treatment options for water retention in heat?

Treatment options for heavy and thick legs and hands in high temperatures include cooling measures such as cold compresses, elevation of the legs, and in some cases, drug therapy such as draining medications (diuretics). The appropriate treatment depends on the individual situation and the underlying causes.

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