News & Juice

Yogurette Overnight Oats


Yogurette Overnight Oats

This Porridge not only looks gorgeous, but also tastes super delicious. Strawberries, yogurt and chocolate make a healthy, delicious Yogurt Porridgethat you will love! You can use the Yogurette Porridge for breakfast, as a dessert or as a snack.

Preparation: 2 min.

Preparation: 15 min.

Total time: 17 min. + (12hrs.fridge)

Cuisine/Origin: Regional

Ingredients (1 serving):

LiveFresh Apple Cinnamon Porridge



Dark chocolate


  1. Melt the dark chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave.

  2. Now prepare the porridge according to package instructions

  3. Meanwhile, wash the strawberries and cut into small pieces

  4. Then put the porridge in a small bowl, pour the yogurt on it, spread the strawberries on top and cover with the melted dark chocolate

  5. Finally, put a strawberry on top and put in the fridge overnight

Nutritional values (per 100g):


17,1g carbohydrates

5,8g protein

2,9g fat

Recipe video:

@daskochduolivefresh Yogurette Overnight Oats 🤤♥️#healthyfoodideas #einfacherezepte #schnellerezepte #overnightoats #oats #yogurette #tiktokrezepte #viralfoodrecipes ♬ Rush - Ayra Starr

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Yoga Figuren


Yoga figures

Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years and aims to bring body, mind and soul into harmony. The yoga practice consists of various elements, including breathing exercises, meditation and yoga figures. The practice of yoga has many positive effects on general wellbeing and is seen by many people as a way to reduce stress, strengthen the body and calm the mind. In this article, we will take a closer look at the various yoga figures, also known as asanas, and their health benefits effect explain.

The effect of yoga

The positive effects of yoga on general well-being are now well documented. In the following, we will take a closer look at the effects of yoga.

  • Stress reduction: The best-known effect of yoga is stress reduction. The combination of various breathing exercises, meditation and yoga poses calms the mind and promotes relaxation. Through regular yoga exercises, you can learn to control your own stress response, making it easier to cope with everyday stress.
  • Improved flexibility: Asanas serve to open up the body and promote flexibility. Regular exercises can make the muscles and joints more flexible, which improves mobility.
  • Physical strengthening: Various yoga poses require enormous physical strength. With the help of various yoga exercises, physical strength, posture and endurance can be improved.
  • Improved concentration: Yoga and meditation promote concentration on the breath and the execution of the exercises. This increases the ability to concentrate on a task.

On our blog you will not only find delicious recipes for a balanced diet, but also informative articles on the subject of health. In addition to the yoga figures, you may also be interested in the articles on positive affirmations or meditation interest.

The 4 most important yoga figures for beginners

Asanas, also known as yoga poses, are an important part of yoga. Asanas are physical exercises designed to strengthen, stretch and make the body more flexible. There are hundreds of different asanas, all of which offer different benefits. However, if you're new to the yoga world, it can be difficult to know where to start. In this article, we'll introduce you to the 5 most important yoga poses for beginners that you should know. 

  1. The mountain pose (Tadasana): Mountain pose is a basic standing exercise that will help you improve your posture and stretch your back. To perform this pose, stand in an upright position with your feet parallel to each other. Inhale deeply and raise your arms above your head as you exhale, then lower your arms again.
  2. Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): Downward facing dog is one of the most well-known yoga poses and helps to stretch the shoulders and straighten the back. Start on all fours on the floor and then push your hands forward and hips back to create an inverted V-shape.
  3. Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II): The warrior is a dynamic exercise that will help you build strength and endurance. Start in a standing position and then take a big step forward with one leg. Bend the front leg at a right angle and straighten the back leg. The arms are stretched, with one hand pointing forwards and the other backwards. The hips are open at the sides and the gaze goes over the front hand.
  4. Cobra (Bhujangasana): The cobra is a yoga exercise that stretches the back and improves the flexibility of the spine. Start on your stomach and place your hands under your shoulders. Use the strength of your back to lift your upper body upwards while your head remains in line with your spine. Your sternum pushes forward and upwards and your pelvis and the back of your feet remain firmly on the floor.

These are just some of the basic yoga poses and exercises for beginners. There are many more that you will learn in the course of your yoga practice. When you start yoga, you should always make sure that you perform the asanas slowly and mindfully and do not feel any pain. Over time, you will become stronger and more flexible and yoga practice will become an important part of your life.

In our blog post Yoga for beginners you will find useful tips & tricks, basic information and exercises that you can easily do at home.

Frequently asked questions about yoga figures:

Do I have to be flexible to do yoga?

Yoga is a form of exercise that is considered by many to be a method of improve flexibility flexibility. It is therefore not unusual for many people to wonder whether they need to be flexible in order to do yoga. However, the answer to this question is not quite so simple.

First of all, it is important to understand that yoga is much more than just a physical exercise. Yoga is a holistic practice that connects body, mind and spirit. Although flexibility is an advantage in many yoga poses, it is not the only prerequisite for practicing yoga. Yoga is a practice that is accessible to people of all ages and physical conditions. So if you are not particularly flexible, don't worry. There are many ways to adapt yoga to suit you and your fitness level.

It's important to remember that flexibility is a process that takes time and patience. Even if you are not as flexible as you would like to be today, yoga can help improve your flexibility over time. Yoga poses, breathing exercises and meditation can help you improve your posture, stretch your muscles and heighten your awareness.

How long does it take to see progress?

Yoga is a practice that offers many benefits for the body and mind. It can help to reduce stress, increase flexibility, strengthen muscles and improve overall wellbeing. However, many people who start yoga wonder how long it will take to see progress.

It is important to understand that yoga is a practice that requires time and patience. How long it takes for you to see progress depends on various factors, such as your fitness level, your age and your commitment to the practice. If you practice yoga regularly, you can usually notice changes in your body and mind within a few weeks or months. Here are some of the changes you may notice.

  • Improved flexibility: If you practice yoga and asana regularly, you will probably notice that you gradually become more flexible. Your muscles will be stretched and strengthened, which can lead to you being able to bend or stretch deeper in certain poses.
  • Stronger muscles: Many yoga poses require strength and endurance, especially those that focus on posture. If you practice yoga regularly, you are likely to develop stronger and more defined muscles.
  • Improved posture: Yoga can help improve your posture by helping you focus on your breathing and alignment. If you practice yoga regularly, you are likely to develop a more upright and confident posture.
  • Improved breath control: Yoga also includes breathing exercises that can help increase your lung capacity and improve your breath control. If you practise yoga regularly, you will probably find that you can breathe more deeply and freely.

However, it is important to note that the progress you make in your yoga practice is not always visible. You may notice changes in your mind and emotions before you notice physical changes. Yoga can help to reduce stress, improve your mental clarity and make you more emotionally balanced.

Can you lose weight with yoga?

Although yoga is not an endurance sport like running or swimming, it can still be an effective way to lose weight if done correctly. The key to losing weight with yoga is to develop a practice that focuses on physical activity, healthy eating and relaxation.

Yoga can help tone the body and build muscle. Many yoga poses, such as Downward-Facing Dog or Warrior, require strength and endurance and can therefore help to burn calories and build muscle. A regular practice of yoga can help to increase metabolic rate and improve digestion, which in turn can help to lose weight.

Another benefit of yoga for weight loss is that it can help relieve stress and reduce emotional eating. Many people turn to unhealthy foods when stressed and emotionally distressed, which often leads to weight gain. Yoga can help reduce stress and regulate emotions, which can help reduce unhealthy eating habits.

However, it is important to note that yoga alone may not be enough to achieve significant weight loss. A healthy diet and physical activity are also crucial to weight loss success. Eating a balanced diet that is rich in nutrients and low in foods high in sugar and fat can help reduce calories and provide you with the necessary nutrients to support healthy weight loss.

In summary, yoga can be a great addition to a healthy diet and physical activity to help with weight loss. A regular yoga practice can help burn calories, build muscle, reduce stress and improve digestion. However, yoga should not be seen as the sole means of weight loss, but as part of a holistic approach to improving physical and mental health.

If you don't have time to cook healthy, nutritious and low-calorie meals, then it's time for our food cleanse. You'll be provided with delicious and healthy meals from breakfast to dinner - making losing weight child's play.

What do I need to practise yoga?

Yoga is a practice that requires no special prerequisites. To practise yoga, you only need a few things, which are generally easy and inexpensive to obtain.

  • Yoga mat: A yoga mat is the foundation for most yoga exercises. It ensures that you practise on a non-slip surface and prevents injuries caused by slipping or sliding. There are many different types of yoga mats on the market, available in different sizes and materials. A good yoga mat should be non-slip, durable and comfortable.
  • Comfortable clothing: When practicing yoga, it is important to wear comfortable clothing that allows freedom of movement.
  • Yoga blocks and straps: Yoga blocks and straps can help to achieve the correct alignment in a particular pose and can help to increase or decrease the intensity of the exercise. They are particularly useful for beginners who are not yet as flexible or for advanced asanas.
  • Instructions: It is best to look for an on-site class or a yoga class that takes place online to receive optimal guidance.
  • Relaxation area: It is important to have a quiet place where you can practice yoga. A place where you feel comfortable and free from distractions, such as noise or other disturbances.

To summarize, yoga is a practice that does not require any special prerequisites. However, some basic equipment such as a yoga mat and comfortable clothing, yoga blocks and straps can help you to be comfortable and safe during your practice.

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Hula Hoop abnehmen


Hula Hoop slimming

Many know it from their childhood. You grab a Hula Hoop and swing it around your waist with a lot of fun and verve. What you probably didn't know back then: The Hula Hoop is a effective piece of sports equipmentto burn calories in a fast and entertaining way. In this article you will learn everything important about the subject of lose weight with the Hula Hoop In this article you will learn everything you need to know about losing weight with the hula hoop, which muscle groups are used, what benefits the training offers you and simple tips & tricks to get started with the hula hoop.

Advantages of Hula Hoop Training

Especially during the Corona pandemic, the hula hoop has made a big comeback. Thousands of people have followed the trend and some have achieved great success with it. Whether the purchase of a hula hoop is really worth it for you and what benefits you can expect with it, you can find out here:

  • Burn caloriesDepending on various factors, including training intensity and duration, the calorie consumption differs. Depending on the hula hoop workout intensity, even up to 900kcal can be burned within one hour. Training with a hula hoop is therefore an effective sports method, which can support weight loss.

  • Improve overall healthAerobic activity strengthens the cardiovascular system and increases blood flow. This is because the prolonged movements during exercise increase the heart rate, which stimulates the circulation. This helps lower your blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

  • Fun: Burning calories and having fun at the same time, is that even possible? A hula hoop workout burns a similar amount of calories as jogging, but is significantly more fun! Burning the last meal together with friends or next to your favorite TV show, it can be as easy as that. The fun activity also helps you reduce stress and increase your overall well-being.

  • More endurance: It's not just calories that can be burned with this trendy fitness tool. By circling the hoop around your waist with momentum and vigor, you'll improve your overall physical endurance and fitness. Start with several minutes at a time without dropping the hoop. By continuously increasing, you should then be able to swing the hoop for about 30 to 90 minutes at a time in a few weeks.

  • Tight skinDuring the execution, especially your abdomen and the muscles in your lower back are trained. The constant movements will strengthen your core, define your abdominal muscles and tighten your skin.

  • Improved posture: In order to balance the hula hoop on your waist for extended periods of time and perform the movements, you need to have an upright posture. Your body is forced to stand upright while you distribute the weight evenly on both legs. Regular hula hoop fitness will straighten your spine and strengthen the muscles in your back and neck.

Training tips for beginners

All you need to get started is a hula hoop and you're ready to go. For an effective workout that helps you lose weight, we show you the important tips for the correct basic posture.

  1. Place your legs shoulder-width apart and ensure a secure stance with slightly bent knees.

  2. By tilting your pelvis slightly forward, you avoid a hollow back and strengthen your pelvic floor.

  3. During the entire workout you should tense your abdomen and keep a straight posture.

As you already know, the sport of hula hooping is a fun and effective way to get fit and tone your body. However, if you're new to this sport, it can be difficult to know where to start. Here are our tips & tricks for beginners:

  1. The right hula hoop: For an effective and enjoyable workout, it's important to choose the right hula hoop. When the hula hoop is placed on the floor, it should reach about the waist and be made of comfortable material such as synthetic or foam. Beginners should start with a "normal" hula hoop and avoid hoops with weights or knobs

  2. Warm-up: Before the workout, it is important to warm up your muscles to avoid injury. You should perform simple stretching exercises for a few minutes to prepare for the sport session.

  3. Start slowly: Especially as a beginner, you should start slowly with simple movements. Slowly increase the amount of time the hula hoop spins around your waist.

  4. Pay attention to your posture: Make sure you maintain the correct basic posture. The movement should come from the core of your body and not from your arms or legs. This is the only way to effectively train your abdomen and improve your overall fitness.

  5. Motivate yourself with music: Fast and energetic music can help you last longer and make your workout effective. The songs you choose should motivate you and keep you moving.

  6. Set realistic goals: Especially as a beginner, don't overdo it with your workout and pay attention to your body's signals. Take breaks, set realistic goals and gradually increase your training. For example, you can set a goal to increase the duration by 1-2 minutes every week.

On our blog you will find more informative articles about nutrition and health. We give you Tips & Tricks for your weight loss success and show you how to effectively and sustainably reduce your reduce body fat and that also completely without sport. You will also find on our blog healthy and delicious recipe, which make a balanced diet a breeze.

Frequently asked questions about hula hoop:

How fast can you lose weight with Hula Hoop?

The speed at which you can lose weight with a hula hoop workout depends on several factors, such as individual body weight, diet and frequency of exercise.

Hula Hoop is an effective way to burn calories and lose weight. With one hour of intensive training you can burn up to 500kcal. It is important to know that weight loss is not a fast process and requires patience and perseverance. It is also important that you adjust your diet to support weight loss.

You don't have time or don't feel like making a diet plan, picking out recipes and constantly going to the supermarket? In the stressful everyday life, a balanced and healthy diet often gets lost. The Food cure helps you to prioritize your nutrition without stress. The weight loss cure provides you from Breakfast to the Dinner with delicious, vegan, low carb and high protein dishes, which are prepared in just a few minutes. Meanwhile, you will be fully guided and supported by us with recipes for the preparation and follow-up, as well as fitness and yoga sessions.

What are the disadvantages of Hula Hoop?

Besides the various advantages that the Hula Hoop sport offers, there are also some possible disadvantages that should be taken into account.

  • Bruises and bruisesEspecially at the beginning, it often happens that bruises and bruises appear on the hips and abdomen due to the unaccustomed load. It is best to look for a tire with little weight and without knobs.

  • Back pain: The hip swaying required in hula hoop hulling is an unaccustomed movement, especially for the lower back. This often leads to back discomfort as these muscles are usually untrained. Take the workout slowly and take regular breaks.

Although hula hooping can have potential drawbacks, these can be minimized with careful planning, proper preparation and adjustment of exercises. It is important to start hula hoop exercises gradually, learn proper technique, and listen to your body to avoid injury.

Which Hula Hoop is the best?

Padded, with knobs or even with weight? Even when choosing the right hoop, you need to pay attention to many different factors such as individual fitness, body type and personal preferences. Here are the most important factors that you should consider before buying:

  • Size: The size of the hula hoop depends on your height and weight. For beginners and untrained people, a larger hoop is recommended because it is easier to handle.

  • Material: Hula hoops are available in different materials such as plastic, wood and metal. Plastic hoops are most popular and affordable, while wooden hoops can offer better durability and weight. Metal hoops are more suitable for advanced and competitive athletes.

  • Weight: A heavier hula hoop is easier to control, but also requires more strength and effort. Lighter hoops require less effort, but are more difficult to control. The choice of weight depends on individual strength and fitness level.

  • Structure: Some hula hoops have a smooth surface, while others have knobs or grooves. Dimpled hoops provide more grip and can help control the hoop better, while smooth hoops rotate faster and may be better for faster workouts.

  • Transportation: Some hula hoops are easy to fold and transport, while others are one piece and more difficult to transport. For people who travel a lot or have limited space, a foldable hula hoop may be the best choice.

Ultimately, choosing the best hula hoop depends on individual needs and preferences. It is important to try different options and choose the hoop that best fits your needs.

What are the best exercises to lose weight with hula hoop?

With hooping, different exercises can be implemented to intensify the workout or make it more exciting. Here are our favorite exercises that are guaranteed to make you sweat and help you lose weight:

  • Vary speed: Every now and then, change the tempo in which you swing the hula hoop sometimes faster and sometimes slower.

  • Change direction: Most of the time, you always turn the hula hoop in a certain direction. For a new challenge, try the other direction next time.

  • Move arms: To really work up a sweat, you can alternate between stretching your arms vertically upward and bending your head in the opposite direction at the same time in the 5 Minute Tackt. This way you not only train your sense of balance, but also your abdomen. To train your arm muscles as well, you can also stretch your arms out to the side and perform circular movements while exercising with the hula hoop.

What muscles are trained in the hula hoop?

Training with a hula hoop not only helps you lose weight, but can also alleviate complaints such as pelvic floor pain or back pain. The following muscles are trained:

  • The straight and oblique abdominal muscles

  • The lower back muscles

  • The pelvic floor

  • Upper and lower leg

  • The buttocks

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Breaking the fast

The Therapeutic fasting has gained more and more popularity in recent years, as it is considered a natural and healthy method of detoxification is considered. It involves abstaining from solid food for a certain period of time in order to cleanse and regenerate the body. But fasting alone is not enough to achieve long-term health benefits. Breaking the fast after therapeutic fasting plays a crucial role in this regard. The Fast breaking makes it possible gently switch back to solid food and prepare for a balanced and healthy diet prepare. How this works, what you should pay attention to, and what problems can occur, we take a closer look in this article.

Procedure of breaking the fast after therapeutic fasting

Similar to the end of the fast in Ramadan, which is celebrated with a feast, it is also important that you break your fast. celebrate your success in breaking the fast. However, it is advisable not to overeat and to focus on foods that are easy to digest in order to avoid overloading the digestive system and to reduce the To maintain the success of your fasting.

Breaking the fast after a therapeutic fast is an important process for gently reacquainting the body with solid foods and initiating a healthy diet for the long term. The increase in Food intake should be Gradually so as not to overload the digestive system. It is recommended small portions It is recommended to eat small portions, chew the food well and increase the portion size only slowly in order to gradually get used to normal food intake. It is also important to pay attention to the signals of the body and to take breaks when necessary.

The Choice of food also plays a decisive role here. It is important that the foods are easily digestible and tolerated to avoid digestive problems or nausea. Vegetable soups, steamed vegetables, fruit juices and smoothies are recommended, for example.

Tips and recommendations for breaking the fast after therapeutic fasting

Breaking the fast after a therapeutic fast requires a few steps to gently reacquaint yourself with solid meals. Here are some tips and recommendations you should follow in the first few days after fasting:

  1. Eat slowly and chew thoroughly: It is important to chew your food slowly and carefully to facilitate the digestive process and not overwhelm your digestion.

  2. Avoid foods that are difficult to digest: During the breaking of the fast, foods that are difficult to digest such as red meat, fried foods and fatty foods should be avoided. Instead, you should focus on easily digestible and well-tolerated meals, such as steamed vegetables, vegetable soups, steamed fish or chicken breast, and fresh fruits.

  3. Adequate fluid intake: You should also consume plenty of fluids after fasting to hydrate and aid in the detoxification process. Water, herbal teas and fresh fruit juices are the best choices here.

  4. Refrain from alcohol and nicotine: Alcohol and nicotine should be avoided as much as possible during the fast and immediately afterwards, so as not to put unnecessary strain on the body.

During the Juice cure you will not only be accompanied during the days of the cure, but you will also get recipes and tips for the build-up days afterwards, so that it will be easier for you to start a healthier diet. In addition, you will find here delicious and healthyrecipesand moreInformation on a healthy diet.

Possible problems and complications of breaking fast after therapeutic fasting

Breaking the fast on the first day after fasting can also bring some problems and complications, especially if it is not done properly. Here are some possible problems and complications that can occur:

  • Overload of the digestive system: If you eat too much too quickly after fasting, it can overload the digestive system and cause discomfort such as bloating, abdominal pain or diarrhea.

  • Nausea and vomiting: For some people, breaking the fast can cause nausea and vomiting, especially if you eat too much too fast

  • Beware of allergies and intolerances: If you are allergic or intolerant to certain foods, you should avoid them. It is important to focus on foods that are easy to digest and tolerate.

Aftercare after breaking the fast

Aftercare is just as important as breaking the fast itself. Here are some important aspects you should consider:

  • Gentle diet in the first few days: You should get used to eating slowly, eating only small portions at first and choosing foods that are easy to digest. Every bite should be chewed thoroughly.

  • Reintroduction to the diet: After a few days, you can begin to introduce more foods into your diet, but you should do so slowly and gradually. Start with simple foods like fruits and vegetables.

  • Long-term change in eating habits: Fasting can help break bad eating habits and bring about a long-term change in your eating habits. After breaking the fast, it is important to introduce a balanced and healthy diet so that the positive feeling lasts as long as possible.

For The Build Up Days you can find recipes and tips right in the guide to the Juice cureOn our blog and our Instagram channel you get easy low carb recipes to lose weight. The dishes are not only healthy, but can usually be prepared in a few minutes. 

You don't want to go to the trouble of putting together a diet plan and recipes and having to buy the ingredients individually? In the often stressful everyday working life, this is totally understandable. For this reason LiveFresh has the Food cure developsLow carb, high protein and 100% vegan. The weight loss diet contains everything you need - from breakfast to dinner and some snacks you are completely supplied every day. The ready-made diet plan will guide you through the entire diet. 

Frequently asked questions about breaking fast:

What is breaking the fast after therapeutic fasting?

The end of the fast is celebrated with the breaking of the fast, as in Ramadan. This involves gradually returning to a normal diet after eating only liquids or very little food for a certain period of time. Therapeutic fasting is a form of fasting in which one abstains from solid meals for a certain period of time and only consumes liquids such as water, tea, broth or juices in order to detoxify and regenerate the body.

It is an important part of therapeutic fasting because after fasting, the body must be gradually accustomed to eating solid foods in order to restore digestion and metabolism to normal. The resumption of eating, should be gradual the first few days and easily digestible foods should be chosen so as not to overload the body.

What foods should be eaten after fasting?

Recommended foods after fasting:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables, preferably light varieties such as apples, pears, bananas, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots and spinach.

  • Easily digestible proteins like fish, lean meat, eggs and legumes (if you tolerate them well).

  • Healthy fats like olive oil, linseed oil and coconut oil.

  • Whole grain products like whole wheat bread, brown rice, quinoa and oatmeal for fiber and energy.

Slowly getting used to solid meals is important so as not to overwhelm the digestive system. Heavy, greasy or highly spiced foods should be avoided while focusing on foods that are easy to digest.

Here you will find delicious and healthyRecipesand moreInformation on a healthy diet on the build-up days.

What should be the meal after breaking the fast?

Tips for eating after breaking the fast:

  • Start with small portions, especially on the first day, and gradually increase the amount.

  • Eat regularly and choose easily digestible foods such as fruits, vegetables and soups.

  • Avoid fatty foods, red meat, fried foods and highly spiced foods.

  • Drink plenty of water and herbal teas.

  • Eat in silence and avoid distractions. Take your time and consciously design meals to gently acclimate to solid meals and ease the digestive process. 

What are possible problems with breaking fast after therapeutic fasting?

Especially on the first day after breaking the fast, there is a risk of problems if you eat too much too quickly. This can lead to an overload of the digestive system and cause gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, flatulence, cramps or diarrhea. It is therefore advisable to start eating slowly and carefully to gently accustom the body to solid food and prevent possible discomfort.

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Slimming cure

A purification cure is also called Detox and has the potential to rid the body of from harmful substances and thus improve the general improve well-being. There are various reasons why people choose such cures for detoxification, for example, due to a unhealthy diet or a unhealthy lifestyle, which can lead to an accumulation of waste products and toxins, causing an imbalance. Also complaints like fatigue, flatulence or Skin problems can be reasons for a detox. But most would like to improve their improve their health, the Stimulate metabolism or slimming and decide for one of the many cures for purification and detoxification. In the following article we will explain the different methods, their implementation and the effects of a detoxification cure in more detail.

Methods of detoxification cure

One detoxification cure can be carried out in various ways. Here are some methods that can help relieve the body by supporting the intestines and liver, thus improving overall well-being:

  • Classic fasting: Fasting involves abstaining from solid food and instead drinking only water or teas,. This allows the intestines to rest and the liver to be relieved by eliminating toxins and the body can purify. This detoxifies the liver and also makes it easier to lose weight.

  • Soup fasting: Soup fasting is a method of detoxification in which only soups and broths are consumed. These are usually vegetable soups, which are rich in nutrients, fiber and vitamins and thus optimally supply the body with important substances.

  • Detox juices and smoothies: Juices and smoothies made from fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients and antioxidants. During a cure, juices are drunk regularly throughout the day. This relieves the intestines and lays the foundation for a healthy dietary change. Unlike other forms of fasting, juice fasting is mild and gentle on the body, as it continues to receive important nutrients despite the reduced calorie intake.

LiveFresh juices are not heated, but gently preserved using pressure. For an easy start to a change of diet and nutrition is suitable a3, 5 or 7 days juice cure. 

However, not only the method is important for the success of your detoxification cure, but you can also support the detoxification through:

  • Medicinal plants and teas: Medicinal herbs and teas such as nettle, dandelion or yarrow can detoxify the body and thus improve the general well-being. They can be used very well as a supplement to Juice cures, be drunk.

  • Exercise and sports: Regular exercise and sports help to stimulate the metabolism and flush out toxins through sweat.

  • Sauna: Detoxification via the skin can be stimulated by sweating in the sauna and should not be missed during detox.

  • Change of diet: A healthy and balanced diet is an important component after a detox. Eating fresh and unprocessed foods with lots of vegetables, as well as reducing sugar, fat and alcohol, will prevent excessive new toxins from entering the body. Although new toxins can still be added via environmental toxins, which is why a regular detox cure makes sense.

On our blog and our Instagram channel you find healthy and delicious recipes for weight loss and after your detox.

The Food cure is developed as a weight loss cure on low carb, high protein basis and 100% vegan. The cure includes everything you need - from breakfast to dinner and some snacks you are completely supplied every day. The ready-made diet plan will guide you through the entire diet. 

Implementation of a purification cure

If you want to carry out a detoxification cure, there are some aspects to consider. Here are some important points to carry out:

  • Choose the method that suits you: It is important to carefully consider the method and choose the one that suits you best. If you can't imagine giving up food completely, the juice diet might be a good choice for you.

  • Preparations: Before starting the detoxification cure, it is important to thoroughly inform yourself about the chosen method and, if necessary, ask a doctor for advice if you have any health restrictions. In addition, you should prepare slowly for the cure and take enough time to buy the necessary food and also eat a few days before something lighter. During the Juice cure you will be completely accompanied and get ideal recipes for the preparation in the included guide.

  • Implementation: During the detox cure, you should follow the guidelines of the chosen method and drink enough fluids. It is also important to listen to your own body sensations and make adjustments if you feel unwell.

  • Tips for a successful cure: To have a successful detox cure, it is important to take your time, get enough sleep and exercise. Avoiding stress and setting realistic goals can also help you complete the cure successfully.

Effects of a purification cure

Positive effects on the body

A purification cure can help to rid the body of toxins and waste products, strengthen the immune system, stimulate the metabolism, improve the general well-being and possibly even improve the risk of certain diseases

Possible negative effects

During a detoxification cure, you may experience unpleasant side effects, such as headaches or fatigue. These are usually detoxification symptoms that usually disappear after a few days.

Long-term effects

Although a detox cure can have short-term positive effects, it is important to remember that a long-term change requires a healthy and balanced diet and lifestyle to achieve long-term positive effects. Such a cure can therefore be seen as a first step in this direction.

Would you like more information about juice fasting? Then you will surely find what you are looking for here: Advantages: This is why you should do a juice fast and LiveFresh Detox Juice Cure: Reset Your Body  

Frequently asked questions about detox cures:

What does detox cure mean?

A detoxification cure is a measure designed to rid the body of toxins and waste products in order to improve health.

How does a detoxification cure work?

A detox cure can be done through various methods, such as fasting, a change in diet, detox juices, medicinal plants and teas, as well as exercise and sport.

How long does a detox cure last?

The duration of a detox cure can vary. As a rule, it lasts between three and seven days. However, depending on the method, the cure can last longer or shorter.

What are the advantages of a detoxification cure?

Relieving stress can lead to improved digestion, increased energy, better skin and an enhanced sense of well-being, among other benefits.

Is it possible to exercise during a detoxification cure?

Yes, exercise and sports can be quite useful during detoxification, as long as they are not overdone and the body has enough time to recover.

Can one work during a purification cure?

Whether one can work during a detoxification cure depends on the method and the individual resilience. As a rule, however, one should plan enough rest breaks and not overexert oneself.

How often should one perform a detoxification cure?

How often one should perform a detoxification cure depends on various factors, such as the individual state of health and lifestyle. However, a detoxification cure should not be carried out too often

Is a detoxification cure also suitable for children?

A detoxification cure is usually not suitable for children, as they are still growing and need a balanced diet with healthy foods. With children, you should pay attention to a healthy and balanced diet and not do a detox cure.

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Ofen Süßkartoffel


Oven sweet potato

Do you feel like a delicious and healthy dish? How about a stuffed sweet potato? This recipe is easy to prepare and contains a variety of nutrients to keep you full and happy.

Preparation: 2 min.

Preparation: 50 min.

Total time: 50-55 min.

Cuisine/Origin: Regional

Ingredients (1 serving):

1 sweet potato

1 package LiveFresh Exotic Bowl



  1. Wash the sweet potato thoroughly and pat dry

  2. Put the sweet potato in the oven and bake it for about 40 minutes at 200°C.

  3. While the sweet potato is baking, prepare the LiveFresh Exotic Bowl according to the instructions on the package.

  4. When the sweet potato is done baking, take it out of the oven and let it cool for a few minutes.

  5. Carefully scoop out some of the sweet potato and place the LiveFresh Exotic Bowl into the scooped out sweet potato.

  6. Finally, add a generous spoonful of guacamole and enjoy your stuffed sweet potato!

Nutritional values (per 100g): 


68,1g carbohydrates

12,5g protein

8,8g fat

Recipe video:

@daskochduolivefresh Our Exotic Bowl as a filling of this sweet potato. 😍♥️ #leckererezepte #easyrecipes #gesunderezepte #einfacherezepte #schnellerezepte ♬ original sound - nightcore


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