News & Juice

Low Carb Pasta


Low carb pasta

This delicious Low Carb Pasta with Red lentil pasta is not only healthy, but also impresses with its high protein and fiber content. With fresh vegetables, the dish can be prepared in just a short time and will keep you full for a long time.

Preparation: 5 min.

Preparation: 15 min.

Total time: 20 min.

Cuisine/Origin: Regional 

Ingredients (3 portions):

120g low carb fusilli - high protein pasta

1 zucchini

1 orange bell pepper

1 small broccoli

1 spring onion

handful of cherry tomatoes


1 tbsp tomato puree




  1. First boil the pasta according to the packet instructions and wash and chop the vegetables in the meantime

  2. Then sauté the vegetables in a hot pan for approx. 2 to 3 mins. while stirring, add the tomato purée and sauté for a further 2 mins.

  3. Now add a little pasta water and the pasta to the vegetables and mix everything together

  4. Finally, serve the meal on a plate, top with some fresh herbs and enjoy!

Nutritional values (per portion):


11g Carbohydrates

21g protein

4g fat

Recipe video:

@daskochduolivefresh Low carb pasta 😗 #lowcarb #lowcarbpasta #gesunderezepte #pastarezepte #lowcarbrezepte #livefresh ♬ suono originale - 𝕷𝖞𝖗𝖎𝖈𝖘 𝕴𝖙𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖆


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Losing weight for the lazy

You want to lose a few poundsbut at the same time not too much effort do? Don't worry, we understand you! This article is about the Losing weight for the lazy - a smart and realistic approach to your weight loss goals. Together we will explore how you can use your laziness to your advantage without sacrificing healthy and successful weight loss.

Understanding the basics

Understanding calorie balance

To lose weight successfully on a diet, it is important to understand the calorie balance is important to understand. Calorie balance is the ratio between the calories you consume through your diet and the calories your body uses through various activities. If you consume more calories, than you take inyou will lose weight. However, if you eat more calories than you burn, your weight will increase. So it's all about calorie deficit by either eating less or incorporating more activities into your daily routine.

Energy consumption at rest (basal metabolic rate)

You also consume calories when you are at rest, without any physical activity. This Energy consumption at rest is known as the basal metabolic rate. The basal metabolic rate varies from person to person and depends on factors such as age, gender, height and body composition. It indicates how many calories your body needs to maintain vital functions such as breathing, heartbeat and metabolism. Even if you were just lying in bed, your body would still be using energy to stay alive.

Energy consumption through movement (activity factor)

In addition to the basal metabolic rate, the energy consumption through exercise also plays a decisive role in the calorie balance. Energy consumption through exercise is referred to as activity factor and includes all physical activities that you perform during the day, such as walking, climbing stairs, household chores or sporting activities. The more active you are, the more calories you will burn in addition to your basal metabolic rate. By specifically incorporating more exercise into your daily routine, you can increase your energy consumption and thus increase your calorie deficit, which in turn helps you lose weight.

It is important to understand the relationship between calorie balance, basal metabolic rate and activity factor in order to develop a successful weight loss strategy. Through conscious eating behavior and increasing your physical activity, you can achieve your goals and maintain them in the long term. Remember that small changes in everyday life can often make a big difference and you don't have to change everything immediately. With patience, discipline and knowledge, you will be successful on the way to your desired weight!

Nutrition for the lazy

Healthy foods for a simple diet

As a lazy person, it's important to focus on simple yet healthy foods that will help you reach your weight loss goal. Go for fresh fruit and vegetables as they are full of nutrients and fiber and will keep you fuller for longer. For example, you could keep apples, bananas, carrots and cucumbers to hand. Also reach for protein such as pulses, chicken, turkey, fish or tofu to maintain your muscles and boost your metabolism. Supplement your diet with healthy fats such as avocado, nuts or olive oil, as they give you a long-lasting feeling of satiety. And remember, Water is your best friend - always keep a water bottle handy to keep you hydrated and avoid cravings.

Practical and quick recipe ideas

As a lazy person, saving time is important. There are numerous quick and easy recipe ideas that you can easily integrate into your daily routine. A green smoothie for breakfast, made with spinach, banana, almond milk and a spoonful of peanut butter, provides you with nutrients and energy. A mixed salad with pre-cooked chicken or chickpeas and a tasty dressing of olive oil and lemon juice is a quick and healthy option for lunch. For dinner, you could make a simple vegetable stir-fry with broccoli, peppers and zucchinis and serve it with quinoa or wholegrain rice. Don't forget to use leftovers and save them for several meals. This saves time and prevents you from turning to unhealthy options when you're hungry and stressed.

We have some super tasty low carb recipe ideas for your everyday life that are ideal for losing weight. More recipes you can also find on our blog and on our Instagram channel. 

Don't want to go to the trouble of putting together recipes and having to buy the ingredients individually? This is totally understandable in an often stressful working day. For this reason LiveFresh at the start of 2023 the food cleanse was launched on the marketLow carb, high protein and 100% vegan. The slimming diet contains everything you need - from breakfast to dinner and a few snacks, you'll be ready to go. completely supplied every day and the meals are prepared in less than 9 minutes. With the food cleanse you are well on the way to becoming lazily slim.  

Meal planning for the week

The Planning your meals for the week is a real boon for lazy people. Take some time at the weekend to create a simple meal plan for the coming week. Think about it, which dishes you can prepareto have on hand quickly when you're hungry. For example, cook a large portion of chicken breast or vegetables to use for several meals. Also prepare healthy snacks such as nuts, sliced fruit or vegetable sticks to combat cravings. You can also have a create a shopping listwhich will help you to make targeted purchases in the supermarket and avoid temptations. Meal planning not only makes it easier for you to lose weight, but also saves you time and money as you have to buy less food outside. Here you can find more Tips & tricks for an easy introduction to meal prep.

Remember that healthy eating doesn't have to be complicated. By focusing on simple, nutrient-rich foods, trying out quick recipe ideas and planning your meals in advance, you'll be a lot closer to your goal of losing weight and feeling healthier. Stay flexible, don't be too hard on yourself and allow yourself a little treat every now and then - it's all part of a balanced and sustainable diet. You can do it!

Exercise for the lazy

Integrate everyday exercise

It's often a challenge for lazy people to get up and get moving. But did you know that even simple changes in your everyday life you can integrate more exercise into your daily routine? Try to move more often the stairs instead of the elevator take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk to work or the shops instead of using the car, and stand up more often if you have been sitting for a long time. Everyday movements may not seem like intense exercise, but they can still make a positive contribution to your energy expenditure and health and keep you moving. Small steps like these add up and help you feel more active without you having to put in a lot of extra effort.

Effective and time-saving sports

There are many sports that are effective and take up little time. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) for example, is a great way to burn a lot of calories in a short space of time. It involves intense exercise in short bursts followed by short rest periods. This allows you to complete an effective workout within 20-30 minutes. Swimming is also a recommended sport as it trains the whole body and is easy on the joints. It's also fun and provides a pleasant cool-down. Also yoga and Pilates are also ideal options for combining strength, flexibility and relaxation. Find the sport that suits you best and make it an integral part of your routine.

Short workouts for at home

For lazy people who don't feel like leaving the house or going to the gym, short workouts at home are ideal. There are numerous exercises that you can do within your own four walls, without special equipment equipment. A quick circuit workout with squats, push-ups, lunges and abdominal exercises is a great way to train the whole body. You could also do a short yoga or pilates routine in your living room to Strength and flexibility improve strength and flexibility. There are also many fitness apps and online videos that can help you create a customized and time-saving workout that fits perfectly with your schedule and fitness level.

Exercise doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. You can incorporate effective workouts into your daily routine and keep fit at home without investing a lot of time and energy. Choose forms of exercise that you enjoy and allow yourself to be lazy, but at the same time stay active to keep yourself healthy and moving. With the right balance, you'll feel fitter and more energized, and your weight loss goals will be easier to achieve.

Weight loss motivation for the lazy

Set realistic goals

As a lazy person, it is important to set realistic weight loss goals in order not to overwhelm yourself and to stay motivated in the long term. Instead of aiming to lose weight in the shortest possible time, set small, achievable goals for yourself. Think about how much you can realistically lose per week or per month without having to resort to radical measures. Remember that everyone is different and it's not about achieving quick results, but about losing weight sustainably and healthily. If you regularly achieve small successes, you will stay motivated to continue making progress.

Build in reward systems

Reward systems can be a great way to help your weight loss motivation maintain. Plan small rewards for yourself when you reach your goals or see your progress. For example, reward yourself with a a relaxing massagewhen you have reached a certain stage. Rewards give you the feeling that your efforts are paying off and motivate you to continue working towards your goals. However, it is important that the rewards do not come in the form of unhealthy foods or behaviors that work against your weight loss goal.

Success tracking and motivational tools

The tracking of your successes is an important step in maintaining your motivation to lose weight. Keep a written or digital record of your progress, be it the number on the scales, your measurements or your activity level. You can also use a diary to record your feelings, successes and challenges during your weight loss journey. Success tracking allows you to follow your progress and remind yourself how far you've come. You can also visual motivational aids create visual aids, such as a vision board with pictures that represent your dream weight or fitness goals. These visual aids serve as a constant reminder of your why and keep you focused on your path to success.

By setting realistic goals, building in reward systems and tracking your achievements, you will stay motivated to reach your weight loss goals. Remember that it won't always be easy and there may be setbacks. But with a positive attitude, discipline and the right motivational strategies, you will get closer to your goal step by step and achieve long-term success. Believe in yourself and stay motivated - you can do it!

Frequently asked questions about losing weight for the lazy:

I'm not particularly motivated, but I still want to lose weight. Are there any simple tips I can follow?

Absolutely! There are some lazy-friendly tips you can try. For example, you could make small changes to your diet, such as drinking fewer sugary drinks and choosing water instead. You could also incorporate regular walks into your daily routine to get some light exercise without it feeling like a strenuous fitness routine.

I love to eat and can't really bring myself to follow strict diets. Is there any way I can still lose weight?

Yes, there is! You could simply pay attention to portion size. Try to use smaller plates to control your meals and stop eating when you feel satisfied but not overly full. This will allow you to still enjoy delicious food while reducing your calorie intake.

I don't have time for intensive training. How can I still lose weight?

Don't worry! You don't have to do hour-long workouts. Try to incorporate exercise into your daily routine, for example by taking the stairs more often instead of the elevator or escalator. You could also do short, energizing workouts at home, such as HIIT exercises that only take 15-20 minutes.

Can I lose weight without giving up my favorite snacks?

Yes, you can! Just make sure you enjoy your snacks in moderation. If you have a craving for sweets, try to consider healthier alternatives such as fruit, nuts or dark chocolate.

I like to drink alcoholic beverages. Do I have to give them up completely to lose weight?

You don't have to give them up completely, but reduce your consumption. Alcohol contains a lot of empty calories and carbohydrates, which can affect your weight loss progress. Try to rethink your alcohol habits and make more conscious decisions about alcohol-free days.

How can I motivate myself when I'm lazy?

Look for small rewards for your progress, whether it's a relaxing visit to the spa or a new book. Set realistic goals and break them down into smaller, achievable milestones so you don't feel overwhelmed. Remember that even small steps can help you move forward.

Can I lose weight if I sit a lot and have an office job?

Yes, you can! Try to get up and move at regular intervals, even if it's only for short breaks. For example, you could go for a walk during your lunch break or make a phone call standing up. Any form of movement helps.

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Change of diet

Self-optimization and well-being often begin with a a conscious change in diet. The way we eat affects not only our physical health, but also our mental health. energy, mood and long-term quality of life. In a world where a variety of dietary options are available and scientific knowledge is constantly growing, our food choices are becoming more important than ever before. Changing our diet can have a variety of goals, whether it's weight management, improved vitality or disease prevention. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at the aspects, challenges and benefits of changing your diet to develop a deeper understanding of how we can improve our health through conscious choices. lifestyle through conscious choices can have.

The need to change your diet

Health problems caused by an unhealthy diet

An unbalanced and unhealthy diet can have far-reaching effects on our health. The variety of food available todayoften accompanied by processed and high-calorie options, has led to a increase in diet-related diseases has led to an increase in diet-related diseases. Obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other health problems are closely linked to our eating habits. The importance of a conscious change in diet is therefore becoming increasingly clear in order to tackle these health challenges.

Effects of nutrition on body and mind

The link between nutrition and physical well-being is undeniable. Our food choices not only influences our weightbut also our energy level, immune system and body composition. But it's not just the body that reacts to what we eat - the mind is also influenced by our diet. Studies show that certain nutrients and foods have a direct effect on our mood, concentration and cognitive function can have. A targeted change in diet can therefore not only help with weight loss and bring physical but also mental improvements.

For an easy introduction to a change in diet and nutrition, the juice cures from LiveFresh. For a healthy diet you will find many tasty and healthy recipes and more information about a balanced diet.

The challenges of changing your diet

Habits and social aspects

A change in diet often requires a change in long-standing habits. Our preferences and routines can prove to be obstacles when it comes to introducing new, healthier foods. In addition social aspects social events, family dinners and the eating habits of our social environment can make it difficult to consistently pursue new nutritional goals. Coping with these habits and social influences is a key component of a successful dietary change.

Time and budget management

The hectic pace of modern life can the time and budget management for a healthy diet. Preparing fresh meals often takes more time than reaching for convenience foods. Additionally, healthy foods can be more expensive, which can challenge the financial side of dietary changes. The ability to manage limited time and budget effectively is crucial to achieving a sustainable and balanced diet.

With the vegan bowls from LiveFresh you can prepare a healthy meal in a short space of time that will fill you up and help you lose weight thanks to low carb high protein.

Planning a successful dietary change

Goal setting and realistic expectations

One clear objective is the starting point for a successful change in diet. Define whether you want to losing weight, improving your health or other goals. It is important to have realistic expectations and to be aware that sustainable change takes time. Set intermediate goals to track progress and stay motivated.

Creating an individualized nutrition plan

A customized nutrition plan is a key tool for a successful transition. Take into account your preferences, lifestyle, allergies or intolerances. Plan meals and snacks for the week in advance to minimize temptations. A balanced plan that contains all the necessary nutrients makes it easier to implement and increases the chances of success. If you have some time, you can create your own diet plan for losing weight together. If you're short on time and don't want to go shopping and spend a long time in the kitchen, then the food cleanse from LiveFresh is just the thing Low carb, high protein and 100% vegan you are completely supplied every day. The ready-made nutrition plan guides you through the entire diet. 

Healthy nutrition in everyday life

Shopping and stockpiling

The key to a healthy diet in everyday life lies in shopping correctly and stocking up wisely. Create a shopping list based on your individual nutrition plan to select healthy foods. Look for fresh fruit, vegetables, protein nuts and whole grain products. Keep your stores stocked with healthy options to minimize temptations. Avoid sugar and sugary convenience foods, this will make it easier for you to change your diet by avoiding cravings.

Cooking and preparing healthy meals

The preparing meals at home gives you full control over your diet. Experiment with different cooking methods such as steaming, roasting or grilling to preserve the flavor and nutrients of the food. Use fresh herbs and spices to intensify the flavor without adding calories. Plan meals in advance to make everyday cooking easier.

Tips for on the go and social occasions

Healthy eating should also be possible on the go and at social events. Prepare snacks such as nuts, fruit or vegetables to avoid cravings. In restaurants, choose dishes with lots of vegetables and protein. Drink enough water to stay well hydrated and avoid cravings. At social events, share dishes or choose smaller portions to allow enjoyment without overindulging.

By consciously shopping, cooking efficiently and making strategic choices on the go or at social events, you can integrate healthy eating into your everyday life and benefit from the positive effects in the long term.

Food choices and nutrients

Important nutrients and their functions

When it comes to healthy eating, it's important to know the right nutrients and understand why they are so crucial for you. Here are some of the important nutrients and what they do for you:

  1. Protein: These building blocks are not only important for muscle building, but also for tissue repair and the production of enzymes and hormones.

  2. Carbohydrates: They are the main source of energy. Complex carbohydrates from wholegrain products provide you with energy for longer and keep your blood sugar levels stable.

  3. Fats: Healthy fats are essential for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, the function of organs and the regulation of inflammation. Choose unsaturated fats from nuts, avocados and fish.

  4. Vitamins: Different vitamins support different bodily functions. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, while vitamin D is needed for strong bones.

  5. Minerals: Calcium is important for bone health, iron for oxygen transport in the blood and magnesium for muscle function and the nervous system.

Food groups and their importance

Not only are individual nutrients important, but also the groups of foods from which we obtain them. Here are some food groups and their importance:

  1. Fruit and vegetables: Rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber that can support and protect you from disease. The more colorful, the better!

  2. Proteins: In addition to animal sources such as meat, fish and dairy products, plant sources such as pulses, tofu and nuts are also important.

  3. Dairy products or alternatives: These provide calcium and vitamin D for strong bones. Plant-based alternatives such as almond or soy milk are also a good choice.

  4. Healthy fats: Avocados, nuts, seeds and high-quality vegetable oils are rich in unsaturated fatty acids and should be consumed in moderation.

By incorporating a variety of these foods into your diet, you can ensure that your body gets the nutrients it needs to function optimally. Remember that a balanced mix of the right foods is the key to a healthy lifestyle.

Ensure long-term success

Sustainability of the dietary change

You've already learned so much about healthy eating and have perhaps already taken the first step! But how do you ensure that these changes are sustainable in the long term?

  • Small steps: Start with realistic goals and focus on gradual changes. This avoids excessive demands and makes the process more sustainable.

  • Diversity: You can achieve long-term success by maintaining a varied diet. Try out new foods and recipes regularly to maintain your motivation.

  • Adapt slowly: Instead of making a radical change, work on gently integrating your new eating habits into your everyday life. This will give you a better chance of sticking to them in the long term.

Dealing with setbacks

No change is ever straightforward. Setbacks are part of the process, but they don't have to discourage you:

  • Self-compassion: Be kind to yourself when things don't go as planned. Everyone has a bad day - that doesn't mean you've given up.

  • Analysis: Use setbacks as an opportunity to reflect. What led to this? What strategies could help to overcome similar situations in the future?

  • Carry on: A setback is no reason to throw in the towel. Find your inner drive to get up again and stick to your goals.

Integration of exercise and sport

A healthy diet often goes hand in hand with regular exercise. Here are some tips on how you can activity into your everyday life everyday life:

  • Find joy: Choose activities that you enjoy, be it dancing, walking, yoga or swimming. This will keep you motivated.

  • Include everyday life: You don't have to run to the gym. Bicycle instead of car, stairs instead of elevator - small changes can make a big difference.

  • Realistic goals: Set yourself achievable goals. It's not about how hard you train, but how consistently you stick to it.

Remember that health is a journey, not a destination. Having the mindset to deal with setbacks and the willingness to continually work on your wellbeing are keys to long-term success. You have the power to make these changes in your life and get the best out of yourself!

Frequently asked questions about changing your diet:

What is the best way to start changing my diet?

The best approach is to start with small steps. Set realistic goals and start with a change. This could mean eating more fruit and vegetables or replacing unhealthy snacks with healthy alternatives. A gradual approach makes it easier to adapt to new habits.

How can I overcome my old eating habits?

The key lies in making conscious decisions. Reflect on your previous habits and think about how you can replace them with healthier alternatives. Set clear motives for your change in diet, be it for your health, your well-being or your long-term goals.

How do I deal with cravings?

Cravings are normal and can be a challenge. Plan ahead by having healthy snacks available that you can enjoy. Make sure you stay full by creating meals with enough protein, fiber and healthy fats. Also drink enough water, as sometimes thirst is perceived as hunger.

What role does portion control play?

Portion control is important to prevent overeating. Make sure you listen to your body and only eat when you are hungry. Avoid distractions while eating to consciously enjoy your meal. Use smaller plates and bowls to avoid larger portions.

Should I count calories?

Calorie counting can be helpful to develop a better understanding of the energy density of food. However, it's not always necessary, especially if it affects your wellbeing. Instead, focus on choosing nutrient-rich foods and paying attention to your satiety.

How do I deal with social occasions or restaurants?

Social occasions can be challenging, but you can still make conscious choices. Plan ahead by having a healthy meal or snack beforehand to avoid cravings. In restaurants, look for healthy options on the menu and pay attention to portion sizes.

How do I stay motivated to eat healthy in the long term?

Find your personal reasons for changing your diet and remind yourself of them regularly. Set clear goals and reward yourself for reaching milestones. Look for support from family, friends or online communities. Remember that healthy eating will improve your well-being in the long term.

How do I find out which diet is best for me?

There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Experiment and observe how different nutritional approaches react to your body. Pay attention to your energy levels, digestion and mood.

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Cherry dumplings

Grandma's recipes are simply the best! So are these delicious Cherry dumplings with a fine curd dough and a juicy cherry filling. Entirely according to original recipe they are then rolled in browned breadcrumbs and cinnamon, delicious!

Preparation: 15 min.

Preparation: 35 min.

Total time: 50 min.

Cuisine/Origin: Regional

Ingredients (15-20 dumplings):

For the dough:

500g low fat curd

2 medium eggs

150g soft butter

1 pinch salt

400g flour

For the filling:

Approx. 20 cherries

For the breading:

100g butter

100g panko breadcrumbs

½ tsp cinnamon


  1. Mix and knead all the ingredients for the dough and then divide it into about 15-20 equal pieces

  2. Now remove the stones from the cherries, preferably with a metal tube.

  3. Then form a round patty from each piece of dough, put a cherry on it and cover it with the dough, close it and form it into a ball.

  4. Now cook the dumplings in boiling water for about 10-15 min.

  5. Meanwhile, melt butter in a hot pan, add panko breadcrumbs and fry until golden brown, then remove from heat and stir in the cinnamon

  6. Then remove the dumplings from the water and toss them directly through the breadcrumb mixture until they are completely covered

  7. Finally, serve with a sauce of your choice and enjoy!

Nutritional values (per 100g):





Recipe video:

@daskochduolivefresh Cherry dumplings 🍒 #cherry dumplings #rezept #dumpling recipe #daskochduo ♬ Cool Kids (our sped up version) - Echosmith


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Trauben Snack


Grapes snack

Super simple and quick to prepare! With xylitol and lemon juice, the delicious Grape Snack excellent as Refreshment for hot summer days or simply for snacking in between!

Preparation: 2 min.

Preparation: 3 min.

Total time: 5. min. + 2 hrs. 

Cuisine/Origin: Regional



Xylitol(or another sweetener of your choice)

Juice of one lemon


  1. Wash the grapes thoroughly and, if necessary, remove the stems

  2. Now put the grapes in a bowl and add the juice of one lemon and the xylitol and mix everything together.

  3. Then place the marinated grapes on a plate lined with baking paper and put them in the freezer for at least 2 hours.

  4. Once the grapes are frozen, you can enjoy them as a refreshing and healthy snack.

Nutritional values (per 100g):


14,4g carbohydrates

0,7g protein

0,3g fat

Recipe video:

@daskochduolivefresh Have you ever tried this? 😨♥️ #einfacherezepte #schnellerezepte #diet recipe #lowsugar #rezeptideen #diet ♬ original sound - vibey music 🎶 🕺 🪩


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Mango-Joghurt Cluster


Mango yogurt cluster

With hot summer days there is nothing better than frozen mango yogurt clusters. The natural sweetness of the mango, the creamy texture of the yogurt and the sweet chocolate coating make them an irresistible snack or dessert, whole without added sugar.

Preparation: 2 min.

Preparation: 3 min.

Total time: 5 min. + 2 hrs.

Cuisine/Origin: Regional


250g mango

200g natural yogurt

2 tablespoons agave syrup

100g dark chocolate


  1. Cut the mango into small pieces

  2. Now mix the natural yogurt and agave syrup in a bowl and meanwhile add theMelt the dark chocolate over a bain-marie.

  3. Then carefully add the mango pieces to the yogurt mixture and mix.

  4. Using a teaspoon, place small mounds of the mango-yogurt mixture on a baking tray lined with baking paper and cover with the melted chocolate

  5. Now place the baking tray in the freezer and freeze the clusters for at least 2 hrs.

  6. Carefully remove the frozen clusters from the baking paper and store them in an airtight container in the freezer

Nutritional values (per 100g):


17,3g carbohydrates

0,7g protein

6,7g fat

Recipe video:

@daskochduolivefresh Today we try the trend with mango 😍 #einfacherezepte #schnellerezepte #gesunderezepte #diet recipe #lowcarb #lowsugar ♬ Barbie World (with Aqua) [From Barbie The Album] - Nicki Minaj & Ice Spice & Aqua


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