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Sudden weight gain

Have you also ever wondered why your suddenly gained weight increased? It can be frustrating when the scale shows higher and higher numbers in a short period of time. Sudden weight gain is an issue that affects many people, especially women. But don't worry, you're not alone. In this post we want to talk to you about the possible causes, symptoms, health risks and treatment options. It is important to understand that a rapid weight gain can have various reasons and it may be necessary to seek medical help. So let's dive into this topic together and find out what could be behind your rapid weight gain.

Causes of sudden weight gain

  • Overeating and unhealthy eating habits: If you regularly consume high-calorie foods and drinks and eat excessively sugary or fatty foods, this can result in an unbalanced diet. Large portions and regular snacking can also create excess calories that lead to weight gain. It is important to incorporate a balanced diet with adequate vegetables, protein and fiber. If you do need a snack in between meals, it should be high protein and low carb - like our delicious Organic Protein Snacks in three different flavors.

  • Hormonal changes: Fluctuations in hormones such as estrogen, insulin or thyroid hormones can affect metabolism and lead to weight gain. Certain hormonal disorders such as PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) or hypothyroidism can increase the risk of weight gain.

  • Taking certain medications: Antidepressants, corticosteroids, antipsychotics, and some contraceptives are examples of medications that have been associated with weight gain. If you are taking medication and notice short-term weight gain, it is advisable to discuss this with your health care provider.

  • Psychological factors: Stress and emotional imbalance can promote overeating. Eating disorders such as binge eating disorder or emotional eating can also lead to weight gain. It is important to recognize psychological stress and seek professional support if necessary.

  • Genetic predisposition: If you have a family history of being overweight or obese, there is a possibility that genetic factors are affecting metabolism and fat distribution in your body. It is important to understand that genetic predispositions do not necessarily mean weight gain, but can only increase your risk.

  • Certain diseases and disorders: Thyroid disorders such as hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's thyroiditis can slow metabolism and lead to weight gain. Hormonal disorders such as Cushing's syndrome or insulin resistance can also promote weight gain.

Sudden weight gain can often be the result of a combination of these factors. A comprehensive examination and medical diagnosis are required to determine the exact cause and initiate appropriate treatment.

Health risks and consequences

Weight gain can result in the development of Obesity (adiposity) result. Obesity is associated with a variety of health problems, including increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke, certain cancers, and other chronic diseases. It also has negative effects on metabolism and hormonal regulation.

A rapid increase in body weight also poses a Load for joints and bones is a major problem. Being overweight and obese puts increased pressure on joints, which can lead to joint problems and arthritis. It can also lead to increased stress on the bones, which increases the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

Gaining weight quickly in a short period of time, can increase the psychological well-being and lead to a negative body image, low self-esteem and depression. Social stigma and discrimination based on body weight can result in psychological distress and increased stress. In addition, eating disorders such as binge eating disorder may develop or be exacerbated.

It is important to take the health risks and consequences of weight gain seriously. A holistic approach that includes a healthy diet, physical activity, medical care, and psychological support can help minimize these risks and improve health.

For an easy way to get started with diet and nutrition changes, the following are appropriateJuice cures. The light feeling afterwards motivates many women to implement a healthy diet. For adelicious and healthy dietyou will find here many delicious and healthy recipesand moreInformation around the topics of health and nutrition.

Diagnosis and treatment options

For medical diagnosis, a physical examination and medical history are performed by a health care professional. This includes measuring body weight, body fat percentage and body mass index (BMI). Blood tests can check hormone levels, metabolic levels and possible underlying diseases.

  • Dietary changes and a healthy lifestyle:It is recommended to reduce consumption of sugary foods, saturated fats, and processed foods and increase consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. Women in particular tend to eat too little when dieting. This not only decreases energy and mood, but also increases the craving for sweets over time. That is why the adequate supply of protein is so important when losing weight.

  • Physical activity: You should choose activities that you enjoy and that suit your individual needs, such as jogging, walking, swimming, cycling or dancing. A combination of endurance and strength training is ideal. You don't have to go to the gym for this, either, because when you purchase a Food cure you get access to different workouts - according to your fitness level.

  • Psychological support: Psychological counseling or psychotherapy can help improve stress management and coping with psychological challenges related to weight gain. Group support or support groups also provide opportunities for shared coping and motivation.

The Food Cure was therefore specially Low Carb, High Protein basis developed to lose weight healthy and sustainable. The weight loss cure is 100% vegan and you get everything you need - from breakfast to dinner and some snacks you are completely supplied every day. The ready-made nutrition plan guides you through the entire diet. 

The choice of treatment options depends on the individual situation and the underlying causes of short-term weight gain. A comprehensive and holistic approach that takes into account both physical and psychological aspects can lead to the best results. Please do not simply take medication to address weight gain, always discuss this with a physician.

Prevention and precaution

  • Optimal diet with balanced meals: This includes avoiding excessive consumption of sugary foods, saturated fats and processed foods. Instead, fruits, vegetables and protein should be preferred. Also pay attention to portion sizes and your eating patterns to maintain a healthy body weight.

  • Regular physical activity and exercise:A regular exercise schedule should be established with aerobic exercise and strength training. Choosing activities that are fun and meet individual needs is recommended. However, you can also Integrate exercise into your daily routine. The goal should be at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week.

  • Stress management and emotional well-being: Coping strategies such as. Meditation, Autogenic training, Yoga or breathing exercises can help with stressful situations. Emotional well-being can be promoted through social support, hobbies and relaxation techniques. It is important to avoid emotional eating habits as a stress management mechanism.

  • Regular medical checkups: Body weight and metabolism should be monitored to detect changes in a timely manner.

Consistent implementation of preventive measures can help reduce the risk of rapid weight gain. A balanced diet, regular physical activity, effective stress management and regular medical check-ups are important pillars of prevention. It is advisable to integrate these measures into everyday life to promote personal well-being and long-term health.

Frequently asked questions about sudden weight gain:

What are the most common causes of sudden weight gain?

The most common causes of weight gain are overeating and unhealthy eating habits, hormonal changes, medication use, psychological factors, genetic predisposition, and certain diseases and disorders.

How can I prevent sudden weight gain?

To prevent rapid weight gain, it is important to eat a healthy diet with balanced meals, be physically active on a regular basis, learn stress management techniques, and have regular medical checkups for early detection of possible health problems.

With the delicious vegan bowlsyou finally have no more excuses! The bowls are available in different varieties, are prepared in only 9 minutes and have only about 400kcal - perfect for a healthy and balanced diet!

What are the health risks associated with weight gain?

Weight gain carries health risks such as the development of obesity, increased risk of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure, stress on joints and bones, and mental health effects such as negative body image, low self-esteem and depression.

When should I see a doctor if I notice weight gain?

If short-term weight gain is unexplained or occurs rapidly and significantly, a doctor should be consulted. Likewise, if there are accompanying symptoms such as pain, changes in appetite or mood, hormonal changes, or other health problems, medical advice should be sought.

What are the treatment options for sudden weight gain?

Treatment options for short-term weight gain include medical examinations and tests for diagnosis, dietary changes and positive lifestyle choices, exercise and physical activity, drug therapies (only in certain cases and under medical supervision), and psychological support and therapy.

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Wassereinlagerungen bei Hitze


Water retention during heat

Hot weather in the summer can be a lot of fun, but it can also cause some unpleasant side effects with it. One of these problems are Water retention during heat. You may have noticed that your feet, ankles or hands feel like they are swollen and heavy. This can be very uncomfortable! That's why we want to help you understand why these annoying swellings can occur in the heat and how you can help them. prevent them them, in order to make the most of the hot days. So let's dive into the topic together and find out what's behind this unpleasant side effect of summer and what you can do yourself for your health.

Symptoms of water retention in the heat

  • Swelling of the extremities: A clear sign of water retention in heat is swelling in the extremities such as the legs, feet, ankles or hands. These swellings are caused by the accumulation of excess fluid and can cause the affected area to swell significantly.

  • A feeling of tightness in the affected areas: Heat often causes an uncomfortable feeling of tightness in the affected areas. You may notice a feeling of heaviness or pressure associated with the swelling. The tightness may feel uncomfortable and restrict movement.

  • Weight gain: As excess water accumulates in the body, it may show up on the scale. It is important to note that this is mainly water and not fatty tissue.

  • Limitation of mobility: The accumulation of water in the affected areas can lead to limited mobility. You may have difficulty putting on shoes or your joints may feel stiff and immobile.

Causes of water retention in heat

When it's hot outside, your veins dilate to carry away the body heat and regulate body temperature. This vasodilatation can cause fluid to leak from the blood vessels into the surrounding tissue. This causes swelling in the legs, feet and hands.

During hot spells hormonal changes occur in your body. In particular, the hormone aldosterone, which is responsible for regulating salt and water balance, can be affected and lead to increased water retention.

At high temperatures you sweat more to lower your body temperature. This causes you to lose not only water, but also salts such as sodium. When your body loses sodium, it tries to compensate by retaining water. This can cause swelling as the body tries to compensate for the lost sodium with water.

The lymphatic system is an important part of the immune system and helps remove waste from body tissues. The lymphatic system may be impaired in heat and not work efficiently. This can cause water to accumulate in the tissues.

Based on the causes, appropriate measures must then be taken to prevent or reduce deposits.

Measures to prevent and treat water retention in the heat

Water retention in heat can be uncomfortable and affect your well-being. One possible cause of storage in heat is the dilated function of veins due to high temperatures. To boost your health and reduce water retention, here are some useful tips, especially in summer.

  • Adequate hydration: Adequate hydration is crucial to prevent water retention. Drink water regularly to keep your body hydrated. Try to avoid alcoholic and caffeinated beverages, as they can have a dehydrating effect. Optimally, you should drink water, diluted fruit juices or unsweetened herbal teas in the summer.

  • Avoiding a highly salty diet: A high-salt diet can contribute to water retention. Therefore, reduce your consumption of salty foods such as convenience foods, snacks and fast foods. Make sure to eat a balanced diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and low in processed foods. Perfect for this are our vegan bowlswhich can be prepared in just a few minutes.

Delicious, light recipes for the summer you can also find on our blog and on our Instagram channel. You can also find more tips about losing weight.

  • Cool and shady environment: Stay in cool and shaded environments in hot weather to avoid overheating. Look for places with air conditioning or fans to keep your body cool. Wear loose and airy clothing that allows your skin to breathe, and wear a hat and sunglasses to protect you from direct sunlight. Cooling measures such as cold compresses or ice packs can help relieve swelling from high temperatures. This can constrict blood vessels and reduce fluid buildup.

  • Physical rest and relief of the legs: Avoid excessive physical exertion in hot weather, as this can lead to increased stress on the cardiovascular system. Try to avoid prolonged standing or sitting, as this can lead to fluid retention in the legs. Instead, it is advisable to elevate your legs regularly to improve circulation and reduce swelling. Light exercise like Yoga however, is ideal to promote vein health in the summer.

  • Regular exercise is one of the best ways to combat congestion in the heat. Light physical activity activates the muscle pumps in the legs, which help pump blood in the veins to the heart more efficiently. This can help reduce fluid buildup in the legs and feet. Try to be more active during the summer by incorporating walks, bike rides or other forms of exercise into your daily routine.

  • The Elevation of the feet can also contribute to the treatment. When you elevate your feet, gravity is used to drain excess water from your legs. Try elevating your legs several times a day for about 15-20 minutes to reduce swelling.

  • In some cases, a drug therapy may be considered to remove excess fluid from the body. Draining medications, also called diuretics, can help eliminate excess water. However, it is important to take these medications only under a doctor's supervision because they have specific dosages and possible side effects.

Self-treatment methods such as cooling measures and elevating the feet in the summer may provide temporary relief, but it is important to treat the underlying cause of water retention to achieve long-term relief.

For a light and carefree summer feeling, a suitable treatment is a3, 5 or 7 day juice cure. With a juice cure you relieve your body and intestines and get rid of bad eating habits. It is ideal for the start of a long-term dietary change and helps to reset your body.

When should a doctor be consulted?

In case of severe and persistent water retentionIf you experience swelling or water retention that does not go away on its own, you should see a doctor. Severe swelling and water retention may be a sign of an underlying disease or health problem that requires medical examination and treatment.

If you experience other symptoms in addition to the retention, such as shortness of breath, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, or other unusual discomfort, you should seek medical attention immediately.

If you have pre-existing conditions such as heart problems, kidney problems or other chronic conditions and notice water retention in the heat, you should consult your doctor. The underlying condition may increase the risk of retention and require special treatment.

It is important to pay attention to your body and react to possible signs of complications. A doctor can perform a thorough examination, determine the cause of water retention and recommend appropriate treatment measures.

Frequently asked questions about water retention in heat:

What is water retention in heat?

Increased water retention in summer usually occurs particularly in the extremities such as the legs, feet, ankles or hands, which can be caused by heat and hot conditions.

Why do water retention occur in heat?

In heat, blood vessels dilate to dissipate the heat and cool the body. This allows fluid from the blood vessels to enter the surrounding tissues and cause retention. Hormonal changes, sodium retention and changes in the lymphatic system may also play a role.

What symptoms can accompany water retention in the heat?

Typical symptoms of retention in heat include expansion of the extremities, a feeling of tightness in the affected areas, weight gain and a restriction of mobility.

How can I prevent water retention in the heat?

The following measures can help to prevent storage:

  • Sufficient drinking

  • Avoidance of a highly salty diet

  • Staying in cool and shady environments

  • Physical rest and relief of the legs

When should I see a doctor?

It is recommended to see a doctor if the water retention is severe and persistent, additional symptoms such as shortness of breath or chest pain occur, or if you already suffer from pre-existing conditions that may increase the risk of retention.

What are the treatment options for water retention in heat?

Treatment options for heavy and thick legs and hands in high temperatures include cooling measures such as cold compresses, elevation of the legs, and in some cases, drug therapy such as draining medications (diuretics). The appropriate treatment depends on the individual situation and the underlying causes.

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Protein Müsli


Protein muesli

Protein muesli is an increasingly popular variant of the classic muesli. It contains a higher amount of protein than conventional mueslis and is therefore particularly suitable for Athletes, people with a active lifestyle or those who want to improve their protein needs in a natural way want. The combination of fiber-rich components such as seeds, nuts and fruits provides a balanced and nutritious mealthat keeps you full for a long time and provides the body with important nutrients. In this article we will take a closer look at the topic of protein muesli, the benefits and ingredients and look at delicious recipes.

What is protein muesli?

Protein mueslis are a special type of cereal that contains a higher amount of protein and fewer carbohydrates, unlike traditional products. The protein is often derived from various sources such as dairy products, nuts, seeds, soy or other plant sources. The ingredients in protein muesli are usually high-fiber components, such as seeds and nuts with some oatmeal, barley or spelt.

The following typical ingredients are used in protein mueslis:

  • Flaxseed

  • Chia seeds

  • Sunflower seeds

  • Pumpkin seeds

  • Almonds

  • Walnuts

  • Hazelnuts

As a supplement, the following components are sometimes used in small quantities:

  • dried fruits such as raisins, cranberries or apricots.

  • cereals such as oat flakes, barley flakes, spelt flakes

Protein mueslis are also usually free of artificial additives.

Health benefits of protein muesli

Protein cereal offers many health benefits that make it a popular choice for a balanced and nutritious meal. Here are some of the benefits in detail:

  • Muscle and tissue repair: Protein is essential for building and maintaining muscle and tissue. Protein mueslis can therefore be particularly useful for people who regularly exercise or want to build muscle.

  • Feeling of satiety: Protein mueslis can help improve feelings of satiety and reduce appetite. The combination of fiber-rich cereals and protein-rich ingredients can help you feel full longer and eat fewer calories.

  • Weight loss: Protein cereal can also be a useful addition to a diet focused on Weight loss aimed at weight loss. The combination of high-fiber cereals and protein-rich ingredients can help you feel full and less hungry, which in turn can lead to eating less overall.

  • Digestive improvement: Protein cereal contains many Dietary fiber, which can help improve digestion and prevent constipation. Fiber also promotes the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria that can support intestinal health.

Overall, protein mueslis are a healthy and nutritious choice for a balanced diet and can provide many physical health benefits.

Different types of protein cereals

Protein mueslis are available in many different varieties to meet the needs of different diets and food intolerances. Here are some of the common types of protein cereals:

  • Vegan: Vegan protein granola contains no animal ingredients and is instead made from plant-based protein sources such as soy, peas or rice. This variety is an ideal choice for people on a vegan diet or who are lactose intolerant.

  • Gluten Free: Gluten Free Protein Muesli is made without wheat, rye or barley, making it an ideal choice for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance.

  • Lactose Free: Lactose Free Protein Muesli is made without dairy products and is therefore an ideal choice for people with lactose intolerance.

  • Organic: Organic Protein Muesli is made from organically grown ingredients that are free of pesticides, herbicides and other synthetic chemicals. This variety is an ideal choice for people who want an environmentally friendly and sustainably

There are also some varieties of protein granola that combine several of these features, such as vegan and gluten-free protein granola or lactose-free and organic protein granola. It is important to check the ingredient list carefully to make sure the granola meets your personal nutritional needs.

The Low Carb High Protein Porridge, in 3 delicious varieties, combines all these criteria and is the ideal companion for weight loss due to its composition. Therefore, this porridge is also a fixed component in the Foodkur. The holistic and sustainable diet, where you can prepare all meals in less than 9 minutes and do not have to plan, shop or cook elaborately.

How to prepare protein muesli

Protein granola can be prepared in many different ways, depending on your personal tastes and nutritional needs. Here are some basic recipes and variations to prepare protein granola at home:

Basic recipe:


  • 200g mixed nuts

  • 100g coconut flakes

  • 30g flaxseed

  • 30g chia seeds

  • 50g hemp seeds

  • 50g sunflower seeds

  • Sweetener to taste, for low carb is suitable erythritol or sucralose

  • 2 tbsp. liquid coconut oil (heat slightly if necessary)


  1. Preheat the oven to 100°C

  2. Coarsely chop the nuts and coke and mix with the remaining seeds in a large bowl.

  3. Now add the sweetness and coconut oil and mix everything well

  4. Then spread the granola mixture on a baking sheet and bake for 30 min until golden brown and crispy. Stir occasionally to ensure even browning

  5. Allow the granola to cool completely and store in an airtight container

Variations and recipe suggestions:

  1. Chocolate Protein Muesli: Add 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder and 1/4 cup dark chocolate chips

  2. Berry Protein Granola: Add 1/2 cup dried mixed berries (e.g. blueberries, raspberries, strawberries)

  3. Vanilla Protein Muesli: Add 1 tsp vanilla extract

  4. Cinnamon Protein Muesli: Add 2 tsp cinnamon powder

  5. For extra protein content, mix 1-2 tbsp. LiveFresh Vegan Protein Powder to it. This is available in three delicious varieties and rounds off your breakfast perfectly

You can enjoy the muesli with milk, plant-based milk or yogurt.

More delicious and healthy recipes you can also find on our blog and on our Instagram channel. 

You don't have enough time in the morning to prepare a delicious High Protein Muesli? Then you should definitely try our Low Carb High Protein Porridge try it out! In just 3 minutes, the delicious porridge is prepared and keeps you fit and full of energy until the next meal. The protein muesli is available in three different flavors, is vegan and thanks to the low calorie content also suitable for any diet.

Frequently asked questions about Protein Muesli:

What is Protein Muesli?

Protein muesli is a special type of muesli that contains a higher amount of protein while being low in carbohydrates. It is typically made from a combination of nuts, seeds and vegetable protein sources such as soy protein or pea protein.

What are the benefits of protein muesli?

Protein granola offers numerous health benefits, such as supporting muscle and tissue repair, making you feel fuller longer, aiding in weight loss, and improving digestion.

What vegetable protein sources are used for Protein Muesli?

There are several plant-based protein sources that can be used for protein cereal, such as pea protein, soy protein, hemp protein and rice protein.

Our delicious Low Carb High Protein Porridge relies on protein-rich soy flakes instead of oat flakes and is therefore particularly nutrient-rich and has only a few carbohydrates.

Is protein muesli suitable for vegans?

Yes, protein muesli can be suitable for vegans if it is made from plant-based protein sources.

Is protein muesli gluten-free?

There are gluten-free varieties of protein granola, but not all brands are automatically gluten-free. Therefore, always read the ingredient list on the package to make sure the granola is gluten-free.

How much protein should a protein cereal contain?

A good protein cereal should contain at least 12g of protein per serving.

Can protein muesli help with weight loss?

Yes, protein muesli can help with weight loss because it satiates longer and provides the body with important nutrients. However, it is important to enjoy the muesli in moderation and to integrate it into a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

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Bikini figure

A bikini figure represents a slim and defined body shape, which is often associated with wearing a bikini. Many people want to look good in the summer at the beach or pool feel comfortable and therefore attach great importance to a figure that matches their personal ideas corresponds to their personal ideas. In this outline we will highlight different aspects that can help you get closer to your dream figure. We will deal with the topics Nutrition, sports and exercise, hydration, stress management, and positive body image. will be addressed. It is important to emphasize that a bikini figure does not have to correspond to a certain ideal of beauty, but is above all important for you and your well-being. Let's take a look together at the different aspects that can help you achieve your goals and not lose sight of the joy of the journey.

Nutrition for the bikini figure

  • Basics of a healthy diet: When it comes to a beach figure, nutrition plays a crucial role. Make sure to eat a balanced mix of proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats. You should also get enough fiber, vitamins and minerals. A varied diet with fresh foods and healthy sufficient protein is the key to losing weight. Our vegan drinking meals in 3 different flavors provide you per serving with 29g of protein and with 26 important vitamins, nutrients and trace elements, making the protein drink ideal for a balanced diet.

  • Calorie balance and weight loss: To lose weight and achieve your beach figure, it is important to create a calorie deficit. This means that you should burn more calories than you take in. Monitor your calorie intake and pay attention to how many calories you burn through exercise. However, it is important to maintain a healthy and sustainable weight loss pace. The Low Carb High Protein Porridge is ideal for a low-calorie breakfast thanks to the use of soy flakes instead of oatmeal. With about 80% less carbohydrates and up to 3.5 times more protein, the porridge is perfect for weight loss.

  • Selection of nutrient-rich foods: When it comes to food choices, aim for nutrient-dense options. This means that you prefer foods that contain a lot of nutrients while not providing too many calories. Favor a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, meats, fish, legumes and healthy fats like nuts.

  • Meal planning and portion control: Good planning is critical to maintaining healthy meals. Plan your meals in advance so you always have healthy options available and aren't tempted to eat unhealthy snacks. Also, control portion sizes to make sure you don't overeat. Listen to your body and watch for signs of fullness to avoid overeating. Short on time to prepare but still want to eat healthy? Then the Vegan Bowls from LiveFresh are the perfect choice for you. The meals are prepared in less than 9 minutes and are super delicious.

Remember, healthy meals aren't just about losing weight, but also about providing you with the right nutrients. It's all about developing a long-term, balanced lifestyle that will help you achieve your bikini figure and boost your health at the same time.

Lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way without planning everything, shopping and spending hours in the kitchen, is that possible? That's exactly what the Food cure was developedLow carb, high protein and 100% vegan. The weight loss diet contains everything you need - from breakfast to dinner and some snacks you are completely supplied every day. The ready-made diet plan guides you through the entire diet and you don't have to do anything but enjoy the delicious dishes. And you get additional tips for the diet afterwards, but also videos for some activity and exercise, according to your fitness level.

With sports and exercise to the bikini figure

While diet is crucial in the pursuit of a bikini figure, physical activity and sports also play a significant role.

  • Importance of regular exercise: Working out regularly can play an important role in achieving your bikini figure. A targeted workout will not only help you burn calories but also shape and tone your body. By exercising regularly, you can target problem areas like the abdomen and improve your figure.

  • Selection of suitable exercises: There are a variety of exercises that can help you achieve your dream figure. Combine cardio exercises like jogging, cycling or Zumba with targeted strength exercises for different muscle groups. A full body workout is ideal for strengthening and toning your entire body. With the purchase of the Foodkuryou get access to a collection of different workouts. Depending on your personal fitness level, you can choose from different workouts.

  • Planning and execution of the workout: Create a workout schedule that fits your lifestyle. It is recommended to work out at least three to four times a week to achieve good results. Be sure to vary your workouts and incorporate different exercises to challenge yourself.

  • Workout sessions of about 30 to 45 minutes: You don't have to do hour-long workouts to achieve your beach figure. Intense workouts of about 30 to 45 minutes can already be effective in improving your fitness and burning calories. Focus on high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to boost your metabolism and burn fat.

  • Tips for women: Women often have specific goals in regards to their beach figure. Therefore, in addition to training, nutrition is quite crucial. It is also important to drink enough to keep your whole system hydrated and support your metabolism.

Remember that each:r is individual and progress takes time. Be patient and stay motivated. With regular training, targeted exercises and a healthy lifestyle, you will achieve your bikini body step by step. Don't get discouraged and enjoy the journey to a fitter and more confident body!

Hydration and detoxification

  • Importance of adequate hydration: Adequate hydration plays a crucial role in your bikini figure. It is important that you stay hydrated by drinking enough water. Water not only helps regulate metabolism, but also aids in digestion and the transport of nutrients. In addition, drinking enough water can help you feel full and avoid overeating.

  • Effects of water on metabolism: Water has positive effects on your metabolism. It helps flush out toxins and helps the body burn fat. A well-hydrated body can make your metabolism work more efficiently, which can lead to increased calorie consumption. In addition, water can help control appetite and reduce cravings for high-calorie drinks.

  • Detox: Detox methods are widely used in the fitness and wellness industry. These methods are designed to cleanse the body of toxins and improve well-being. With a 3, 5 or 7 day juice cure you can give your body a little break and reset your diet. For a healthy diet afterwards you will find here many deliciousrecipesas well as furtherInformation.

Stress management and adequate sleep

In addition to nutrition, physical activity and sports, stress management and sufficient sleep also play a crucial role on the way to a bikini figure.

  • Connection between stress and weight gain: The effects of stress on your beach figure should not be underestimated. Chronic stress can cause hormonal imbalances that affect metabolism and lead to weight gain. In addition, under stress, some people tend to eat emotionally and consume unhealthy foods, which can have a negative impact on body composition. Therefore, it is of great importance to recognize stress and find coping strategies to achieve your goals.

  • Stress Management Strategies: To reduce stress and support your figure, it is important to find effective stress management strategies. Everyone is different, so it is important to identify methods that work best for you personally. Some possible strategies include regular exercise, relaxation techniques such as. autogenic training, Meditation or Yoga, adequate rest, social support, or engaging in hobbies to achieve a work-life balance. Find out what helps you reduce stress and consciously make time for it.

  • Importance of adequate sleep for metabolism: Adequate sleep plays an important role in achieving your beach figure. During sleep you regenerate and metabolism works more efficiently. A lack of sleep can affect hormone balance, which can lead to an increased appetite, especially for unhealthy foods. In addition, insufficient sleep can affect your energy level and make you less motivated to be active. Therefore, make sure you get enough sleep and get enough rest to support your metabolism and overall health.

Remember that stress and lack of sleep can affect your well-being and your beach figure. Implement stress management strategies to reduce stress and make sure you get enough sleep to best support your body. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle that reduces stress and allows for adequate rest, you'll create the optimal conditions to achieve your goals.

Positive body awareness and self-love

Positive body image and self-love are of great importance when it comes to your beach figure. Here are some measures to promote your self-confidence:

  • Importance of having a positive attitude towards your body: Accept and appreciate your body as it is. Recognize its strengths and what it allows you to do. Focus on what you like about yourself instead of fixating on perceived "flaws". A positive attitude towards your body is the first step to a healthy self-confidence.

  • Measures to promote self-confidence: Invest time in self-care and self-care. This can mean exercising regularly, eating healthy meals, and getting enough rest and relaxation. Find activities that you enjoy and feel good about. Surround yourself with positive people who support and encourage you.

  • Deal with body comparisons and social pressure: Avoid comparing your body with other people. Every body is unique and beautiful in its own way. Focus on your individual and above all realistic goals and progress, instead of measuring yourself against others. Only then you will have a smile on your face and that is worth much more in a bikini.

Frequently asked questions about bikini figure:

How long does it take to achieve a bikini figure?

You may be wondering how long it takes to achieve a bikini figure. It is important to understand that every body is different and makes individual progress. There is no set amount of time, as it depends on various factors such as your initial condition, your physical activity, your diet and your genetics. Moreover, you define your dream figure yourself. However, with regular training, a balanced diet and a positive attitude, you can notice positive changes in your body in a few weeks.

Do I have to follow a special diet to get a bikini figure?

It is not necessary to follow a special diet to achieve a beach figure. However, balanced meals rich in fruits, vegetables, protein, nuts and seeds can help you. It is important to pay attention to calorie balance and choose healthy foods. Avoid excessive consumption of sugar, saturated fats and processed foods.

What kind of workout is best for the bikini figure?

There is no single answer to this question, as it depends on your personal preferences and goals. However, a combination of cardio and strength training is usually effective. Cardio exercises such as jogging, swimming or Zumba help burn calories and improve your endurance. Strength training helps to strengthen and tone your muscles. The important thing is to choose exercises that you enjoy and can do continuously.

Can I achieve my bikini figure only through exercise or does nutrition play a bigger role?

Both exercise and nutrition play an important role in achieving your beach figure. Exercise helps shape your body, build muscle and burn calories. However, what you eat is critical when it comes to achieving a calorie deficit and reducing fat. Balanced meals support your training goals, promote health and give your body the right nutrients. A combination of both is the key to success.

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Avoid yoyo effect and lose weight permanently

Your diet is going great, the pounds are just falling off. But no sooner has it ended than the kilos are back on again in no time at all. The infamous yoyo effect has occurred and has ensured that you have lost your your painstakingly achieved desired weight again lose. So that this no longer happens to you in the future, you get from us Tipshow you lose weight healthy and keep your weight permanently. This includes of course delicious recipesbecause a diet does not have to be boring! We have simple and quick dishes collected for you, which are low in calories and quickly prepared.

What is the yoyo effect?

The yo-yo effect occurs when during the diet you are Calorie deficit and return to your old eating habits afterwards. During this time, your body is running on the back burner and thus falls back on fat reserves, so-called depot fat. You also lose water and muscle mass. That means you lose weight.

If you now end your diet and eat again as before, i.e. consume significantly more calories, your body reacts in the same way. body accordingly and stores all excess energy as fat reserves. He does this in order to be prepared for a future "starvation phase". After all, he does not know if and when this will occur again. Therefore, he takes precautions and practically prepares enough reserves for safety in order to be able to draw on them later for as long as possible.

Which crash diets lead to the yo-yo effect and why?

In particular crash diets bring the yoyo effect after their termination. These include, for example, the following:

  • Cabbage soup diet
  • Zero diet
  • Military diet
  • Thonon diet

They are all relative one-sided and pursue only one goal: Lose as many kilos as possible in the shortest possible time. Fortunately, such diets usually last only one to two weeks. Longer they are in any case not recommended, because your body is deprived of important nutrients, vitamins and minerals by the severe restrictions in addition to the depot fat. Crash diets are suitable themselves because of this also not for the start of a long-term healthy diet.

If you want to lose a few pounds for a specific event, for example to fit into your favorite outfit again, you can already resort to such a diet for a short time. For a permanent weight loss, however, is definitely not recommended.

Tips: How to avoid the yoyo effect specifically

Basically there are only one way to avoid the yoyo effect: One Long-term dietary change, best combined with sufficient exercise and sport. Of course, this is much more strenuous and requires a lot of discipline, especially in the beginning. To give you the entry into a permanently healthy diet. facilitate, you can for example refer to our LiveFresh Juice Cure or Food cure fall back on. Our juice cure provides a first Reset and allows your body and intestines a well-deserved time-out. With our well thought-out food cure you can then build directly on it, lose weight effectively and change your diet in the long term. It is a comprehensive diet plan to lose weight that will help you to lose weight and the subsequent dietary change supports.

With these simple tips, losing weight will be easier for you and you can start to live healthier step by step - without any yoyo effect:

  • Water instead of soft drinksA very simple way to lose weight permanently Calories is to replace sugary drinks with water. If you find water bland, you can use fruit infusers or flavored drops or tabs during the transition.
  • Coffee and tea without sugarDepending on how much of it you drink, there is potential for savings here as well. You must drink your tea or coffee without sugar right away. You can gradually phase it out over a longer period of time. This way you will slowly get used to the natural taste of these drinks.
  • Whole grains instead of white flourWhole grain products keep you full much longer. As a result, you also eat less. For example, replace the usual bread roll with whole grain pastries at breakfast.
  • Pasta variations instead of classic egg noodlesTry lentil fusilli, pea spaghetti, konjac or glass noodles and wholemeal Mie noodles. This way you bring variety into your diet and provide your body with additional protein and fiber, depending on the variety.
  • Change portion sizesDon't put all the pots and pans on the lunch table, but prepare your plate directly in the kitchen, just like in a restaurant. That way, you're less tempted to keep going back for seconds. You also don't have to fill it completely. If you also pay attention to the aesthetics, you will automatically eat less.
  • Reduce alcohol consumptionAlcohol contains relatively many calories, especially red wine. Wine has even more calories than beer. Even vodka: It may look like water, but it's much unhealthier. So reduce your consumption or drink non-alcoholic beer, for example - not just for the calories, but for your health and general well-being.
  • Prepare food differentlyTo preserve as many nutrients as possible in your dishes, steaming is an ideal way to prepare them. Here, the food is heated by steam alone. Steaming also works well: the food cooks in its own juice. If possible, you can get yourself a hot air fryer. This way you save a lot of fat during preparation.

Continue, Integrate sports into your everyday lifen. You don't have to become a marathon runner. For example, use the stairs instead of the elevator, try to go for a short walk in the morning or evening, or lead a long run. a short sport unit every day with dumbbells, do sit-ups or squats every day to get you started. Make exercise a routine. Indeed, the most difficult thing is in the beginning and regularity. Sometimes it also helps to enroll in sports coursesto get a Liability To create. Through a healthier lifestyle you lose weight sustainably and lose the kilos permanently - goodbye yoyo effect!

Healthy recipes for long-term weight loss

So that you do not have to fall back again and again on unhealthy crash diets, in order to lose weight, we have for you some tasty recipes as inspiration with which you can lose weight in the long term weight in the future. Meat dishes, for example, often contain a lot of calories. It is best to choose lean varieties such as chicken or turkey. Vegan alternatives such as tofu, tempeh, jackfruit or seitan are also very suitable for making typical meat dishes a little healthier.

With these delicious recipes, you'll find it a lot easier to get started on a healthier lifestyle - without the yo-yo effect:

For on the grill you can also easily resort to plant-based alternatives. Did you know that you can even Grill watermelon watermelon? And instead of animal bacon, you can try your hand at Rice Paper Bacon instead of animal bacon. First, make a marinade with oil, soy sauce, garlic powder, maple syrup or agave syrup, Liquid Smoke and Sriracha. Soak the rice paper in water for 10-15 seconds. Then coat it all around with the marinade and cut everything into bacon-like strips. Then deep-fry them in a little oil or put them in the oven at 200° for about 8 minutes. Enjoy when the Rice Paper Bacon is crispy enough for you.

More delicious Recipes and Diet food for weight loss you will find in our Blog.

LiveFresh cure as a start to a permanently healthy diet

You would like to have Support with this, bad eating habits bad eating habits? Then use our juice or food cure for your start into a more conscious lifestyle:

  • Juice cureThe juice cure is ideal for a start into a balanced diet. Get to know your body anew and give it a well-deserved break. For the most part, you do without solid food, but bananas, nuts and avocados are allowed if necessary to keep your energy level high. Unburden your intestines and reset the body - a great start for a long-term dietary change.

  • Food cure: With the LiveFresh food cure, you don't have to worry about cooking for the time being: For breakfast, lunch, dinner and Snacks is provided! The weight loss cure is suitable for targeted weight loss and varied Before, during and after the cure you will be accompanied by us - for maximum success without yoyo effect.

Our vegan bowls are low in carbohydrates but rich in protein. They contain only high-quality vegetables. The nutrients are optimally preserved by shock freezing. When you need to go fast, our healthy bowls are ideal as a delicious and easy-to-prepare meal.


Frequently asked questions about the yo-yo effect:

How do you know when you have a yo-yo effect?

You can notice the yoyo effect quite simply by the fact that you after a diet Your lost weight within the shortest time again on it again. Sometimes, depending on your diet, you may even weigh more than before.

How quickly does the yoyo effect occur?

There are no fixed point in timewhen exactly the yoyo effect occurs after a diet. Here it depends on how fast and especially to what extent You fall back into old behavior patterns. If, for example, you do without fat and carbohydrates almost completely for two weeks and then indulge in pizza, burgers, cakes and cola every day, you will notice within a few days that your weight starts to rise again. If you stick to a healthy diet for a long time after a diet and maybe even do some sports, you can avoid the yo-yo effect.

Which diet has no yoyo effect?

The more extreme Your chosen Diet in terms of calorie deficit or unilaterality, the more likely it is that you will not be able to yoyo effect you have to reckon with. Apart from a slow and permanent change of diet, you can, for example, for a certain time the Interval fasting try.

These methods are available in interval fasting:

  • 5:2 methodWith this method you eat a balanced diet on 5 days of the week, even a burger or fries are sometimes included. However, you should not really feast. On the other 2 days of the week, a strict diet is the order of the day: women should not eat more than 500 kcal, men no more than 600 kcal. On the fast days you can, for example, take our fruity juice cure, which allows you to save calories, but still provides your body with many important vitamins and nutrients.
  • 16:8 MethodWith 16:8 Intermittent Fasting you can eat for 8 hours and fast for 16 hours. This means that you have to skip either breakfast or dinner. However, this method can only be successful if you do not resort to very high-fat and high-carbohydrate foods during the 8 hours you eat.

Can I avoid the yoyo effect by exercising?

Yes, you can avoid the yoyo effect by exercising. This is possible but only to a certain extent. Very fatty or sugary meals are rather not trained off with 15 minutes of light training. So it depends on what exactly you eat and how much you actually move.

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Schnell Abnehmen – Gesunde Tipps und Tricks


Lose weight quickly - Healthy tips and tricks

To the question "How to lose weight quickly?" you will find a lot of sometimes unrealistic information about diets on the Internet. But the truth is, there is no simple solution for rapid weight loss. Healthy and sustainable weight loss requires lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise and sport and a balanced diet. Crash diets or extreme methods can be dangerous and are generally not recommended.

Lose weight quickly: The prerequisites for losing weight

An important factor in weight loss is the energy balance. To lose weight, you have to burn more calories than you consume. From a very pragmatic and scientific point of view, the reduction of kilo of body fat, you need to burn around 7,000 calories more than you get from food. It is therefore clear that this cannot be achieved in one day.

One way to achieve this is through regular physical activity such as sport to burn more calories. Increased energy expenditure through exercise can be achieved through cardio exercises such as jogging, swimming or cycling. Strength training can also help to burn calories and build muscle mass.

One balanced and healthy diet is also important for losing weight. This means making sure you get enough nutrients, such as proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals, while reducing your calorie intake and the amount of carbohydrates.

Sustainable and healthy weight loss

A sustainable and healthy way to lose weight is a low carb high protein lifestyle. By switching to foods with low carbohydrate content, the body initially loses additional water retention, which makes the appearance look much more defined and several kilos can disappear from the scales in a shorter period of time. At the same time, the proteins provide optimal satiety and, together with a little fitness and exercise, counteract the loss of muscle mass, so that a yo-yo effect no chance has no chance. This is shown in the food cleanse, the vegan all-round carefree package. Detailed support on your healthy path to your desired weight without the typical diet feeling.

The 15 best tips for rapid weight loss

Many quick-fix diets often fail because of the attitude that everything has to happen super fast. However, you can only lose weight in the long term if you get rid of bad habits, change your everyday food choices and integrate exercise into your daily routine. Nevertheless, you will be more motivated if you have already lost a few kilos.

You ask yourself, how to lose weight quickly? We have the answer for you! Discover the proven method of Low carb and high proteinin a simple and uncomplicated way in the food cleansevegan, tasty, low in carbohydrates and high in protein for a feel-good weight. You won't feel like you're on a diet. At the same time, you get access to sports and fitness offers, as well as tips for your diet afterwards. So the yo-yo effect doesn't stand a chance.

We have compiled the most important Tips for losing weight and a long-term light lifestyle.

#1 Define your goal and visualize it daily

What do you want to achieve and why? How do you want to feel? Above all, make sure that your goal is realistic and achievable. Otherwise, set yourself small milestones. Losing 10 kg in one week is neither realistic nor healthy.

Visualize your goal every day. How do you look when you have achieved it and how does it feel? Do this every day!

#2 Consume more protein and fiber

High fiber foods are not only important for the digestionbut they are also very filling. For the optimal satiety and the muscle supply healthy foods with plenty of nutrients protein should be on your menu. 1g of protein per kilogram of body weight is the minimum. For a body weight of 60 kg, this means 60 g of protein per day and therefore 20 g of protein per meal. This corresponds to approx. 80g of vegan meat alternatives or lentils per meal. Don't be afraid of protein shakes if you can't meet your protein requirements with your meals one day. Protein shakes are already available vegan and with a creamy mouthfeel. They support you to the optimal weight reduction.

#3 Eat a balanced diet

A balanced diet with plenty of vegetables, some fruit, protein and healthy fats can help control your appetite and reduce your calorie intake. You should also Carbohydrates only in moderation so that fat burning can run optimally.

#4 Avoid industrially processed foods with sugar and trans fats

Highly industrially processed foods such as Fast Food & Co. usually contain a lot of sugar, salt, unhealthy trans fats, many additives and little protein and can contribute to increasing the risk of belly fat. This not only makes you feel bloated, but also makes you put on weight in the long term. Cook as much as possible with fresh and healthy ingredients. However, if you don't have the time, the vegan and protein-rich meals from LiveFresh  are a healthy, tasty and quick alternative on a low carb, high protein basis.

#5 Eat regularly

For optimal weight loss, it is also important that you eat your fill at your regular meals and avoid uncontrolled snacking.

If you still need a snack, make sure that it provides you with protein and high-quality fats. Snacks that contain carbohydrates usually lead to cravings. Our Organic protein snacks - Vegan, low carb and high protein!

#6 Drink water before meals

If you drink a large glass of water about 30 minutes before a meal, you will feel better afterwards. full fasteras your stomach is already full of liquid. Water also helps as a small hunger brake for in between.

#7 Switch to black coffee

If you like to drink coffee in the morning and want to lose weight quickly, then you should preferably only drink your coffee black. Even without added sugar, lattes, cappuccinos and latte macchiatos are carbohydrate traps and not low in calories due to the milk they contain. The lactose in these drinks can lead to unnecessary hunger, especially between meals. Your body also releases insulin for a latte, which prevents fat burning.

#8 Reduce your sugar consumption

For your diet to be successful, you should reduce your sugar intake. A high-sugar meal causes your body to release insulin, which not only stops fat burning but also quickly makes you hungry again. This also applies to carbohydrates from bread and pasta, which are also broken down into sugar.

#9 Train strength and endurance

You can't avoid sport and exercise if you want to lose weight. A little fitness with endurance and strength training can help to boost your metabolism and also burn fat in the abdominal area. You can also achieve your goal of creating a calorie deficit by abstaining from food, but Losing weight is much easier with sportas your muscles are challenged and thus counteract the yo-yo effect. At the same time combination of strength and endurance training is ideal for burning calories. You don't have to exhaust yourself who knows how. A moderate amount of exercise and light strength training is enough. Ideally, you should do endurance training twice a week and strength training twice a week. On the other days, a brisk walk will suffice.

#10 Make sure you exercise in everyday life

In addition to sport and fitness, you also burn calories through exercise in everyday life. It's best to incorporate some exercise into your daily commute or make it a habit to go for a walk during your lunch break. Another good option if you work at a desk is to switch to standing every day to activate your body.

#11 Get enough sleep

Adequate sleep of at least 7-8 hours per night usually helps to regulate metabolism and fat burning. While we rest at night to recover and recharge our batteries, our body continues to work. Our cells are repaired and toxins are filtered and removed. For all these processes, our body needs energy, which it obtains from existing fat reserves. A restful sleep therefore favors your project.

#12 Abstain from alcohol

Most alcoholic drinks not only provide a lot of calories, but also a lot of carbohydrates and thus inhibit fat loss. When you drink alcohol, your body concentrates entirely on breaking down the alcohol. This in turn means that the utilization of proteins and carbohydrates is reduced and fats are almost no longer used for energy production. It is therefore best to avoid alcohol completely during the weight loss period.

#13 Eat consciously and slowly

Distraction from TV and smartphones while eating tempts you to ignore the feeling of fullness and eat more. By chewing slowly and consciously, you realize more quickly that you are full and can stop eating earlier.

#14 Measure instead of weigh

Women's weight fluctuates slightly from day to day. So it rises due to Water retention during the menstrual cycle and then usually drops again shortly after your period starts. In addition, muscles are heavier than fat, so weight training can increase the number on the scales.

It is therefore better to measure your weight once a week. waist and hip circumference and adding both values together. You can also take regular photos of yourself and see what changes you notice. If you still want to weigh yourself, then pick a fixed day each month, such as the 2nd day after your period starts, and weigh yourself at the same time each day.

#15 Reduce stress and plan breaks

Stress causes the release of a variety of hormones especially cortisol, which among other things inhibits fat burning, stores fat in the abdomen and at the same time leads to more hunger and cravings.

Stress reduction techniques such as yoga, meditation or breathing exercises can help to reduce stress levels. Make sure you take regular relaxation breaks to take a deep breath. You will see that after a short break you will be able to work better and with more concentration.

More home remedies and grandma's tricks for losing weight

There are many home remedies and 'grandma's tricks' that have been passed down from generation to generation to help you lose weight. However, some of them are not necessarily healthy or scientifically proven. Here are a few examples:

  • Using apple cider vinegarApple cider vinegar is often recommended as a natural means of losing weight, as it is said to boost the metabolism and promote fat burning. However, there is insufficient scientific evidence to support these claims.

  • Use of cinnamon: Cinnamon is often recommended as a natural means of lowering blood sugar levels and reducing weight. However, there is limited scientific evidence to support these claims.

  • Use of gingerGinger is often recommended as a natural remedy for stimulating digestion and weight loss. However, there is limited scientific evidence to support these claims.

  • Use of teaTea, especially green tea, is often recommended as a natural remedy as it is said to boost metabolism and promote fat burning. However, there is limited scientific evidence to support these claims.

It is important to note that these grandma's tricks are not necessarily scientifically proven and a balanced diet and regular exercise are the best ways to lose weight.

Frequently asked questions about losing weight fast:

How do you lose weight fast?

If you want to lose weight quickly, but also in a healthy and sustainable way, you need to make a permanent change to your lifestyle. Regular moderate exercise and a balanced diet are essential to achieve your optimum calorie deficit.

  • Use sport to burn calories and increase your calorie consumption.
  • Use a healthy diet to reduce your calorie intake and keep your blood sugar levels stable.

It is important that you consume enough nutrients. Crash diets or other extreme methods can damage your health and are not recommended.

You can find more information on this topic here: Lose weight quickly in one week

Can I lose weight quickly despite alcohol?

It can be difficult to lose weight if you drink alcohol regularly as alcohol has a high calorie density and it can affect your body's ability to burn fat. Some tips to still lose weight while drinking alcohol can be:

  • Try to limit your alcohol intake to reduce calorie intake.

  • Choose lower calorie alcoholic drinks such as citrus infused vodka or lower alcohol beer.

  • Eat a meal or a snack with lots of protein and some good quality fat before you drink alcohol to control your appetite and reduce cravings for unhealthy foods.

  • Avoid mixed drinks, which are often high in sugar and calories, and instead choose alcoholic drinks mixed with water, tonic or citrus fruits.

  • Always drink water between alcoholic drinks to stay dehydrated and reduce your calorie intake.

It's important to note that alcohol contains calories in any amount and it can be difficult to lose weight if you drink alcohol regularly

What is the fastest way to lose 10 kg?

There is no simple solution to losing weight quickly. Healthy and sustainable weight loss requires lifestyle changes such as regular exercise and a balanced diet. Crash diets or extreme methods can be dangerous and are generally not recommended. A weight reduction of 0.5 to 1 kg per week is a realistic and healthy goal. Sometimes greater weight loss is possible due to water loss. A simple, healthy and tasty way to reduce the number on the scales is the food cleanse With vegan, low carb high protein meals you won't feel like you're on a diet and you'll still lose weight.

Can you lose 5 kg in 10 days?

It is possible to lose weight in a short time, but it is unlikely that this weight loss will be permanent and healthy. Crash diets or extreme methods can be dangerous and lead to yo-yo effects. A weight reduction of 0.5 to 1 kg per week is a realistic and healthy goal.

The question, how to lose weight quicklyis not easy to answer and requires a lot of work and discipline. With the food cleanse you make it easier for yourself to achieve your desired weight and lose weight without having a yo-yo effect afterwards. The meals are designed in such a way that your muscles and body are optimally nourished. You will also be accompanied by a guide and even have access to sports and yoga sessions. The all-round carefree package!

What is the best fat killer?

There is no "best fat killer" that guarantees weight loss. A healthy and balanced diet, regular exercise and a healthy body weight are the best ways to lose fat and keep it off permanently. There are no miracle pills that make losing weight easier. With a low carb high protein diet, losing weight is usually much easier and without the yo-yo effect. With the food cleanse you don't even have to cook yourself and you get lots of tips and recipes for a healthy lifestyle afterwards.

Which diet is the quickest way to lose 5 kg?

There is no simple solution for losing weight quickly. Healthy and sustainable weight loss requires lifestyle changes such as regular exercise and a balanced diet. Crash diets or extreme methods can be dangerous and are generally not recommended. A weight reduction of 0.5 to 1 kg per week is a realistic and healthy goal. With the food cleanse you lose weight in a healthy and tasty way, without the yo-yo effect, as you consume sufficient protein and receive detailed instructions for your diet afterwards.

What happens when you're hungry and don't eat?

When you are hungry and don't eat, your body can go into starvation mode and slow down your metabolism. This can cause you to get tired more quickly and feel weaker. It can also lead to eating more than necessary at the next meal to satisfy hunger. It is important to eat a balanced diet and eat smaller meals regularly to control hunger.

Which food blocks fat burning?

An unhealthy diet rich in processed foods, sugar and saturated fats can contribute to increasing the risk of obesity and other health problems. Eating carbohydrates in particular causes the body to release insulin, which in turn stops fat burning. It is important to adopt a balanced lifestyle with plenty of vegetables, some fruit, protein and healthy fats to help burn fat.

How many days does it take to lose 10 kg?

There is no set time to lose 10 kg. Healthy and sustainable weight loss requires lifestyle changes and can take different lengths of time depending on individual health, age and diet and exercise habits. With the food cleanse you lose weight in a simple and vegan way and receive detailed instructions for your food choices and lifestyle afterwards.

How do I lose weight specifically on my stomach?

You've already learned how to lose weight quickly and healthily. But how to lose weight quickly in specific areas such as the abdomen? Losing weight quickly, especially in the abdominal area, can be difficult as it is usually harder to lose fat in certain areas of the body. Some diet tips that can help you lose weight in the abdominal area can be found at the top of the article in the 15 tips for healthy weight loss. It is important to note that losing weight quickly is not always healthy or sustainable and it is better to aim for a healthy and sustainable lifestyle to achieve your desired weight in the long term. Sport and exercise should always be integrated into this, as it offers other health benefits in addition to muscle building.

You can find more information on this topic here: Losing weight on the stomach

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