
Juice cure advantages: That's why you should take a juice cure

What is a juice cleanse?

Energized and fit through everyday life - that's the promise of ajuice cleanse. During this time of reflection treat your body to a break from toxic environmental influences. In this way it can regenerate and find new strength. During the juice cleanse you drink over a period of a few days only juices from rich fruits and vegetableswater, tea and vegetable broth to relieve your body. Solid foods, caffeine, nicotine and alcohol are avoided during the cleanse is dispensed with.

In a nutshell, here are the reasons for a juice cleanse at the end of the article.

How are you living now and what would you like to change?

One juice cleanse is above all a time of change, mindfulness and awareness. You can change your reflect on your own lifestyle and eating habitsso that you can then start your everyday life with a suitable diet and more exercise.

Because let's be honest: our bodies have to put up with a lot. We sleep less than 7-8 hours, rarely eat five fruit and vegetables a day and probably don't do the recommended 20 minutes of sport a day. A healthy and fit lifestyle is often difficult to integrate into everyday life. As a result, our bodies become sluggish and our performance levels drop. But our our health and well-being suffer in the long term from such a lifestyle.

What are the advantages of a juice cleanse?

time for a new beginning: With a juice cleanse from LiveFresh you can get your inner self back on track. Reset your body, recharge your batteries and start with a healthier and more self-confident you through.

You want to change something, challenge yourself or dare to make a new start - then start a juice cleanse. With this relieve both your body and your gut. The break you give yourself and your body makes it possible, get to know your feeling of hunger & satiety anew. The juice cleanse is like a time-out and you make it easier for yourself to changeover to a more conscious diet in the long term - even after the juice cleanse.

The advantages of a LiveFresh juice cleanse at a glance 

We currently offer four different juice cures in our online store to:

All cold-pressed1 juices in the juice cleanse are designed to support the natural functions of your body. Thanks to their diverse effects, these juices are real all-rounders. 

Our yellow & golden juices: Happy Lemon, Hey Wach & Gold Rush 

  • Happy LemonPerfect for the morning, supports the metabolism and gives energy. 
  • Hey WachNatural stimulant with guarana and vitamin C. 
  • Gold RauschExotic multi-juice with biotin, supports the metabolism. 

Our red juices: Summer feelings & Rote Rakete 

  • Sommer Gefühle: Fruity refreshment with strawberry and mango, rich in zinc, copper and manganese. 
  • Rote RaketeBeetroot-based juice with potassium, promotes normal blood pressure and muscle function. 

Our green and purple juices: Grüne Gefühle & Keep Calm 

  • Grüne Gefühle: Contains kale and spinach, provides vitamin K for normal blood clotting and bone maintenance. 
  • Keep CoolSoothing with ashwagandha, supports the immune system and nerve function with vitamin C. 

Our shots in the juice cleanse:

  • Red PowerMagnesium booster with apple, pineapple, banana and sour cherry. 
  • Kurkuma PowerHigh vitamin C content, anti-inflammatory and digestive. 
  • Sunshine BerryBerry flavor, rich in vitamin D3 and K2, supports bones and immune system. 

Here you can find more information about our different juice cleanse juices: LiveFresh juice cleanse Juices in focus 

What is there to juice cleanse to consider? 

One juice cleanse requires careful preparation. Prepare your body slowly by eating a few days beforehand. switching to light meals. Decide, how long your juice cleanse should last - with LiveFresh you can choose between 3, 5 and 7 days. During the juice cleanse you drink one drink every few hours. gently prepared juice and make sure you drink enough water to stay hydrated. Pay close attention to how your body reacts. Feelings of hunger are normal, but if you have a stressful everyday life or if you continue to exercise it may make sense, an additional vegetable broth or snacks such as bananas, nuts or avocados to keep your energy levels up. After the juice cleanse it is important, slowly reintroduce solid foodspreferably with light meals such as soups and salads. LiveFresh offers the perfect guide: With the included LiveFresh guide you will be well prepared for the juice cleanse and even after the cleanse accompanied. 

Make your own juices or buy them? 

When deciding whether you want to make your own juices or buy them you can find LiveFresh many convincing advantages. Our juices are cold-pressed1to retain maximum nutrients and vitamins, which is difficult to achieve with household juicers. You also save time and effort with our juices - our juices are ready to enjoy at any time. Our recipes are carefully developed to maximize the perfect balance of flavor and health benefits 100% natural and without artificial additives. With LiveFresh you can be sure to always enjoy fresh, high-quality juices that are specifically designed to to optimally support your body's natural functions. 

The advantages of a juice cleanse are obvious. In order to precious vitamins and nutrients of the juices the juices should be cold-pressed during such a fasting period. But instead of having to use the expensive juicer every two hours, we offer you a high quality juice cleanse at a fair price To-Go to. Never heated, 100% natural and without additives. Here you can find more information about our various juice cleanse juices: LiveFresh juice cleanse Juices in focus

Short and sweet

5 reasons why you should juice cleanse should do

  1. Healthier lifestyle - Use the juice cleanse as preparation for a sustainable change in diet. It supports you in breaking with unhealthy eating habits and getting off to a fresh start.
  2. A more conscious diet  Get to know your own body better and learn to eat more consciously. When am I really hungry? When and what do I eat just out of appetite, habit or stress? Discover our delicious recipes for light meals before and after juice cleanse: Our recipes.
  3. Inner health - The intestinal flora can be improved by starting with a natural diet - an important basis for a healthy body in the long term.
  4. More energy - Many convinced juice fasters feel energized by a cleanseso revitalized that they take fasting days several times a year to recharge their batteries.
  5. The good feeling of having done it – You have your juice cleanse done? Congratulations, now you can do ANYTHING! Even your first step towards a healthier, fitter life. So that you feel good :)

But: This can be a juice cleanse not

than small start-up with high standards, we want to provide honest and 100% natural products products. That is why we do not want to advertise with false promises. Sustainability is our claim - not a crash diet or crash cleanse!

Juice fasting can't do that at least not alone

  • Crash diet - A diet that gives you a summer figure in the short term should be the cleanse should not be. The low calorie intake in the short term will inevitably give you a flatter stomach. But in order to achieve such a result in the long term, we would like to recommend the juice cleanse rather use it to start a long-term dietary change.
  • A holistic detox - Even if a juice cleansehelps you to leave bad eating habits behind, detoxification is not 100% scientifically proven. Holistic medicine swears by it, conventional medicine is divided. And so do we: detoxification is of course not done in one or three days. You have to do it yourself - preferably through a slow but sustainable change according to the cleanse. In this way you can really effectively get rid of waste products and toxins and have a say in your own health.
  • Automatically kick yourself into a better life – It's up to you! Find out with a juice cleanse to find out what makes your body tick. Do you feel comfortable with the cleanse well? How much hunger is "a matter of the mind"? How much do you often snack out of habit? And what goals have you set yourself for the time after the cleanse? During and after the cleanse take time to find out which healthy habits suit you personally and which habits you would like to replace with healthier alternatives. Remember: what works for everyone does not necessarily have to work for you.

Frequently asked FAQs

What are the benefits of juice cleanse?

One juice cleanse offers many advantages:

  • With a juice cleanse you set your body to zero and give your body and intestines a break.
  • During the cleanse the LiveFresh juices and shots provide you with all the important nutrients and vitamins.
  • This inserted break gives you a a better sense of hunger, satiety and your body.
  • Juice cures are the ideal possibility for a new startIt will then be easier for you to get rid of bad eating habits and introduce healthier habits. The juice cleanse can therefore help you to a more conscious way of eating or even living lifestyle.

Is a juice cleanse effective?

One juice cleanse supports the natural cleansing of the bodyto eliminate harmful substances. During these days Body and intestines with the help of juices made from rich fruit and vegetables relieved. In this way, it can regenerate and regain its strength. A juice cleanse thus represents the start of a more conscious lifestyle and more balanced diet diet. The longer you eat a juice cleanse diet, the more you can learn about your own body and the more likely you are to decide on a healthier lifestyle afterwards.

For whom is a juice cleanse?

Do you want to relieve your body and recover from the stress of everyday life? Then a juice cleanse is just right for you! Basically, anyone who wants to change something, eat more consciously or make a new start can try a juice cleanse start. However, we advise pregnant or breastfeeding women not to start one. juice cleanse not. If you suffer from health problems or severe allergies, you should consult a doctor before starting your juice cleanse consult your doctor before you start.

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