Du denkst wir übertreiben? Vollgepumpt mit hilfreichen Nährstoffen, gesegnet mit einem unglaublich guten Geschmack ist der Granatapfel ein wahrer Genuss. Nicht umsonst wird die Wunderfrucht auch „Speise der Götter“ genannt. Legenden behaupten sogar, dass Sie vom Himmel fällt.
Die Zahl der positiven Effekte der roten Granate ist einfach zu hoch – wir haben trotzdem versucht kurz und kanckig zu beschreiben, warum wir absolut auf die Frucht und ihre Wirkung setzen.
The French are leading the way!
Our neighbors from France top the list with the fewest heart diseases in Europe. One reason for this is said to be their high consumption of red wine. The classic glass of wine in the evening provides your body with important antioxidants, which in turn are said to prevent heart disease. Many people know that grapes, red wine and green tea are rich in antioxidants. However, when it comes to the actual content of natural antioxidants, the pomegranate outperforms every fruit without exception. So why drink the classic glass of red wine in the evening? A fresh pomegranate juice will do the trick!
Cores bad? No!
The pomegranate is one of the few fruits where the "seeds" can also be eaten. They contain many vitamins, fiber and secondary plant substances that are not found in such high concentrations anywhere else. But we also know from experience: how do I get the seeds without turning the kitchen into a slaughterhouse? Read the next section or eagerly await our next video post!
Fruit or juice? It doesn't matter!
Did you know that the pomegranate is one of the few fruits whose juice contains just as many antioxidants as the fruit itself? This is mainly due to the fact that the pomegranate seeds and membranes are also pressed, which are also super rich in antioxidants! And three guesses how we press our juice...
Superfood - Superjuice with taste
Hardly any of us have been able to avoid the number one health booster in recent times: Superfood. But why does it always have to be dried fruit or countless seeds from all over the world? we are convinced that fresh pomegranate juice is the best liquid superfood currently available on the market! But that's the problem - it's only available from us!
See for yourself.
Try our cold-pressed pomegranate juice "rote Granate".