Abnehmen mit Saftfasten: Fastenzeit ist Saftkurzeit

Lose weight with juice fasting: fasting time is juice cure time

Lent is just around the corner and many people use this time to break bad habits. Some give up alcohol, others give up sweets. But what is juice fasting actually all about?

What is fasting?

But let's start from the beginning: many people are familiar with the term "fasting", but don't really know what it means. When fasting partially or completely abstaining from a food or stimulant for a certain period of time. Traditionally, this fasting period lasts 7 weeks - from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday. What is remembered by this Christian tradition commemorates the 40 days and nightsthat Jesus spent in the desert after his baptism, fasting to draw strength from his renunciation.

Nowadays, many people cut back on sweets, alcohol and meat during Lent. Hard-boiled people even skip solid food altogether and and only consume liquids. Although weight is lost, for most people fasting is not about losing weight. They want to calm down, harmonize body and mind and "tidy up" inside themselves again. No matter what your personal reasons are, Fasting means a change for the bodybecause it first has to get used to the lower calorie intake.

What is juice fasting?

During the fasting period, people resort to many different methods of fasting of fasting. One of these is the juice cleanse. These days you take exclusively cold-pressed juiceswater, unsweetened tea and vegetable broth in order to maintain the relieve the body and digestive system. Solid food, caffeine, nicotine and alcohol are avoided during the cure. The promise: Get through everyday life fit and full of energy again.

Because let's be honest: we put our bodies through a lot.

  • we often sleep less than the recommended 8 hours
  • we rarely eat enough fruit and vegetables
  • we probably don't exercise for 20 minutes a day either

Many find it difficult to integrate a healthy and fit lifestyle into their daily lives. As a result, our bodies become sluggish and our performance levels drop.

Juice fasting is a time of change, awareness and mindfulness. You have the opportunity to reflect on your own lifestyle and become aware of your eating habits. It is an intensive time in which you can come to terms with yourself and your body and get your digestion in shape. After the cure you can start your everyday life with a diet that suits you and more exercise. The juice cleanse offers you a super foundation for a fresh lifestyle!

Juice fasting guide: step-by-step to your well-being

A juice cleanse requires a certain amount of preparation and follow-upto provide the body with the best possible support and minimize possible side effects. In this juice fasting guide, you will learn how to prepare a juice cleanse correctly and we give you important tips on preparation and follow-up.

  • Step 1: The right preparation is the be-all and end-all

If you prepare 1-2 days before the start of the juice cleanse with sufficient fluids, vegetables and raw foods and abstain from alcohol, you will prepare your body optimally for the upcoming liquid diet. Avoid fatty foods and heavy meals in particular during this preparation period. With our juice cures, you will receive a 30-page brochure with useful tips and tricks for preparing, carrying out and following up the cure. You will also find delicious recipes for light meals. But mental preparation is also important - if you already know what to expect, it will be easier for you.

  • Step 2: Carry out the actual juice fast for 3-7 days

During a juice cleanse the diet consists exclusively of liquids. With our LiveFresh juice cleanse diet includes daily juices and shots of cold-pressed fruit and vegetables as well as sufficient water. We also recommend a fluid intake of 2.5-3 liters per day. This ensures that you get plenty of important vitamins and micronutrients. You can also drink unsweetened tea in between for a change. If you ever feel weaker, you can eat vegetable broth to balance your electrolyte levels.

  • Step 3: The juice cleanse Follow-up for an easier start to a healthy diet

To follow up juice cleanse and to gently get your body used to solid foods again, we recommend eating gentle meals as the last step in our guide. In this way, you can get your body used to a new, more conscious and balanced diet and make the long-term transition to a healthy diet easier.

Use the fasting period for a fresh start

The chance for a fresh start: Lent is a wonderful opportunity to change your diet and lifestyle. With a juice cleanse you bring your inner self back into balance and allow your body to recoverthat it so richly deserves.

  • Press the reset button
  • learn to understand your body and your digestion better
  • take off with a healthier and more self-confident you

What juice cures are there?

We currently offer the following different juice cures:

The benefits of juice fasting are now clear. So that the precious vitamins of the juices - can be preserved as well as possible and absorbed by the body, the juices should be drunk cold-pressed. But instead of having to use an expensive juicer every two hours, we offer you a simpler solution: A high-quality juice cleanse with cold-pressed juices at a fair price and easy to go. Our juices are never heated and are ready to drink. 100 % natural and without additives.

Who should juice fast?

Basically any healthy personwho wants to eat more consciously and is perhaps even aiming to change their diet can do juice fasting. We strongly advise people with health problems to consult a doctor beforehand, as a period of fasting can be dangerous due to the unaccustomed avoidance of solid food. a challenge for the body is a challenge for the body.

We would expressly advise the following people against juice fasting:

  • Pregnant women
  • People with diabetes - the high fructose content is dangerous
  • People with an eating disorder
  • People with chronic diseases

    But: a juice cleanse cannot do everything

    As small start-up we have the ambition to provide honest and 100% natural products products. That's why we don't want to advertise with false promises. Our claim is a sustainable healthy diet - not a crash diet.

    This can be a juice cleanse cannot - or at least not alone:

    • Crash diet: The juice cleanse is not intended to be a short diet to achieve a summer figure in the short term. The temporary low calorie intake will give you a flatter stomach. But to achieve this result in the long term, we would like to recommend that you follow the juice cleanse as the foundation for a permanent change in diet.
    • Holistic detoxification: A juice cleanse may help you leave bad eating habits in the past, but detoxification is not 100% scientifically proven. While holistic medicine swears by it, conventional medicine is divided. And so do we: detoxification is not done in two or three days. You have to do a little more yourself - preferably by making a sustainable change after the juice fast.
    • Automatically kick-start yourself into a better life - because that's what you need to do. With the juice cleanse you can find out what makes your body tick and understand it better. Do you feel comfortable with the cure? Are you really hungry or is it all in your head? Take your time to find out which healthy habits suit you and your life. Remember: what works for others doesn't necessarily have to be right for you.

    Frequently asked questions:

    How healthy is juice fasting?

    With a juice cleanse you will reset your body to zero within a few days and give your body and intestines a break. During the juice fast, the juices and shots from LiveFresh with all important nutrients & vitamins.

    • The natural cleansing of the body is promoted.
    • Juice fasting helps to remove harmful substances from the body.
    • Body and intestines with the help of juices from rich fruits and vegetables relieved.

    These experience is suitable ideal for a new start. After fasting, it will be easier for you to give up bad eating habits and introduce healthier habits - a more conscious way of eating or even living is no longer an obstacle.

    Which juices are suitable for juice fasting?

    So that the regenerate in the long term and recharge its batteries, it is important to high-quality juices that provide the body with all the important nutrients. Conventional juices from the supermarket are often pasteurized and therefore lose many nutrients and flavours. The juices of the LiveFresh juice cures on the other hand cold-pressed and not exposed to harmful heat - Vitamins and even the taste are preserved. You can find our juice cures in our online store.

    Can a juice cleanse lose weight?

    Juice fasting is a diet that consists of a significant calorie deficitwhich means that there are actually people who lose some weight in the meantime. However, the decisive factor is time after the juice fastIf you return to your old eating habits, you will quickly regain your original weight. One juice cleanse should facilitate the change in diet. Are you looking for delicious recipes for light food after the cure? Or visit our blog and discover great recipe ideas such as Beet pasta, High protein chili sin carne, Frozen Yogurt Bites and much more.

    What can I eat during the juice fast?

    When fasting with a LiveFresh juice cleanse you take only liquids for a few days for a few days. Solid foods are avoided during the juice fast. Our juices and shots are on the daily menu, as is plenty of water. We recommend an additional fluid intake of 2.5-3 liters per day. With our Juices made from cold-pressed fruit & vegetables you take all important vitamins and nutrients to you. Unsweetened teas provide some variety between meals and if you feel weaker, you can reach for vegetable broth to balance your electrolyte levels.

    You can find more answers to frequently asked questions about juice fasting here: The 11 most frequently asked questions about juice cleanse.

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