Vegane gefüllte Süßkartoffeln mit grünem Spargel

Vegan filled sweet potatoes with green asparagus

The asparagus period starts with April and this year the asparagus is one of the most popular spring vegetables. We have a super delicious and vegan asparagus recipe with a sweet potato for you. In addition, this recipe can be ideal in yourJuice cure Install the preparation and follow-up and into a healthy everyday life. In this article you will find out how you can prepare this recipe and what ingredients you need. You can find the recipe video with our cook Michi at the bottom of the post.

Ingredients (4 portions):

1.2 kg of sweet potatoes

olive oil

½ teaspoon salt

350g green asparagus

2 TL olive oil

100g of dried chickpeas

4 tablespoons of soy yogurt

3 TL Heller Sesame

Pepper salt

A little arugula

Some spring onions



  1. Heat the oven to 200 ° C top and bottom heat
  2. Stick the sweet potatoes all around with a fork. Rush them with olive oil and sprinkle them with salt
  3. Bake the sweet potatoes for about 45 - 60 minutes in the oven
  4. Break off the asparagus ends and peel the asparagus
  5. Put some olive oil in a pan and steam the asparagus over medium heat for about 5 minutes
  6. Put a little artery on your plate and place the sweet potato on it
  7. Cut the sweet potatoes along and press them apart a little. Fill them with the steamed asparagus and topps with chickpeas, soy yogurt, sesame, sprouts and some leek onions
  8. Wort with pepper & salt
  9. Enjoy your meal!

Nutritional values ​​(per serving):

392 kcal

78.5g of carbohydrates

8.6g protein

2.4g fat

Recipe video:


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