Vegane Falafel im Fladenbrot

Vegan falafel in flat bread

Falafel are an old Arabic dish made from chickpeas or beans. The small balls contain lots of vital substances and only require a few ingredients. As a stand-alone dish, as a snack between meals, at work or on the go - falafel balls always taste delicious and are easy to make yourself! Instead of buying a ready-made product, you can vegan falafel yourself and modify them to suit your personal taste. Even meat lovers and picky kids will be delighted by the spicy and crunchy bites will be convinced. Our vegan falafel in flatbread are also perfect for preparing and following up your juice cleanse - try our serving suggestion or serve them in a wrap, for example. Enjoy your meal!

Ingredients (2 portions):

1 tin of chickpeas

½ bunch of parsley

1 onion

1 teaspoon chili powder

2 garlic cloves

½ tsp salt

1 pinch of pepper

1 teaspoon cumin

1 tbsp lemon juice

olive oil

1 cup panko breadcrumbs


  1. First for the vegan falafel: Drain the chickpeas well in a sieve
  2. Now peel the onions and garlic and finely chop them with the parsley
  3. Next, mix everything together in a bowl and season with salt, pepper, cumin and the lemon
  4. Blend the mixture finely with a hand blender
  5. Then form small balls from the fine mixture with wet hands and roll in the breadcrumbs
  6. Heat the oil in a deep frying pan and fry the balls until golden brown on all sides and then drain on kitchen paper
  7. Now you can serve the falafel!

Nutritional values (per portion):

71 kcal

12.29g carbohydrates

2,91g protein

0,89g fat

Recipe video: 


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