Your individual food cleanse

Lose weight with a plan.

14-Tages-Kur enthält:

7-Tages-Kur enthält:

21-Tages-Kur enthält:

  • 14x vegane TK-Gerichte
  • 14x Happy Lemon Saft
  • 14x Low Carb Snacks
  • 14x Sunshine Berry Shot
  • 2x Protein-Porridge-Packung
  • 2x Trinkmahlzeit-Packung
  • 2x Tagesheld-Kapseln
  • Foodkur Guide
  • 7x vegane TK-Gerichte
  • 7x Happy Lemon Saft
  • 7x Low Carb Snacks
  • 7x Sunshine Berry Shot
  • 1x Protein-Porridge-Packung
  • 1x Trinkmahlzeit-Packung
  • 1x Tagesheld-Kapseln
  • Foodkur Guide
  • 21x vegane TK-Gerichte
  • 21x Happy Lemon Saft
  • 21x Low Carb Snacks
  • 21x Sunshine Berry Shot
  • 3x Protein-Porridge-Packung
  • 3x Trinkmahlzeit-Packung
  • 3x Tagesheld-Kapseln
  • Foodkur Guide

Auf Lager - in 1-2 Werktagen bei dir


In 4 steps to your food cleanse

Depending on how much weight you want to lose, you can choose the duration of your cure here.

Wähle die Dauer

Dauer ⌀ Kalorieneinsparung Preis / Tag
7 Tage
14 Tage
21 Tage

Choose your porridge

You can choose a low-carb porridge for your morning breakfast here.

0/1 Stk

Choose your drinkable meal

Choose your shake here, which provides you with all the important micronutrients and sufficient protein.

0/1 Stk
Forest fruit

Overview of your selection

Congratulations! Yours food cleanse has been compiled.

Alle Produkte Gerichte Porridge Proteinpulver
Vegan chili

Vegan chili

2x Mal
Tikka Masala

Tikka Masala

2x Mal
Fussili Tuscany

Fussili Tuscany

2x Mal
Turmeric Curry

Turmeric Curry

2x Mal
Exotic Bowl

Exotic Bowl

2x Mal
Mexican Fajita Bowl

Mexican Fajita Bowl

2x Mal
Ras el Hanout Bowl

Ras el Hanout Bowl

2x Mal
Vegan chili

Vegan chili

2x Mal
Tikka Masala

Tikka Masala

2x Mal
Fussili Tuscany

Fussili Tuscany

2x Mal
Turmeric Curry

Turmeric Curry

2x Mal
Exotic Bowl

Exotic Bowl

2x Mal
Mexican Fajita Bowl

Mexican Fajita Bowl

2x Mal
Ras el Hanout Bowl

Ras el Hanout Bowl

2x Mal

Foodkur - 3 Tage

/ incl. VAT. plus shipping  & deposit
Fühle dich wohler in deinem eigenen Körper mit der Foodkur für Einsteiger.
Translation missing: en.general.payment-bar.method
  • Klarna
  • American Express
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • Klarna
  • Maestro
  • Mastercard
  • PayPal
  • Visa
100% recyclebare Verpackung.
Gekühlter Versand mit DHL & DPD.

Foodkur - 3 Tage

/ incl. VAT. plus shipping  & deposit
Fühle dich wohler in deinem eigenen Körper mit der Foodkur für Einsteiger.
Translation missing: en.general.payment-bar.method
  • Klarna
  • American Express
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • Klarna
  • Maestro
  • Mastercard
  • PayPal
  • Visa
100% recyclebare Verpackung.
Gekühlter Versand mit DHL & DPD.
Von der promovierten Ernährungs-wissenschaftlerin Dr. Ulrike Fischer auf wissenschaftlicher Basis entwickelt. Dr. Ulrike Fischer

Which products can you choose from?

Alle Produkte Gerichte Porridge Proteinpulver Snacks Vitamine Begleiter
Vegan chili

Vegan chili

Tikka Masala

Tikka Masala

Fussili Tuscany

Fussili Tuscany

Turmeric Curry

Turmeric Curry

Exotic Bowl

Exotic Bowl

Mexican Fajita Bowl

Mexican Fajita Bowl

Ras el Hanout Bowl

Ras el Hanout Bowl







{ section.settings.fourth-image-label }}




Forest fruit

Forest fruit

Tamari soy

Tamari soy

Veggie Mix

Veggie Mix

Vitamin capsules

Vitamin capsules

food cleanse-Guide

food cleanse-Guide

Vegan chili

Vegan chili

Tikka Masala

Tikka Masala

Fussili Tuscany

Fussili Tuscany

Turmeric Curry

Turmeric Curry

Exotic Bowl

Exotic Bowl

Mexican Fajita Bowl

Mexican Fajita Bowl

Ras el Hanout Bowl

Ras el Hanout Bowl







{ section.settings.fourth-image-label }}




Forest fruit

Forest fruit

Tamari soy

Tamari soy

Veggie Mix

Veggie Mix

Vitamin capsules

Vitamin capsules

food cleanse-Guide

food cleanse-Guide

This is how the food cleanse takes place:

Our diet is easy to follow and allows you to reach your calorie deficit without having to give up delicious food. You will notice that you feel more energetic and fitter during the cure because you are consuming the right amount of nutrients.

Zeigt eine Packung „Live Fresh“ Porridge in der Geschmacksrichtung Apfel-Zimt, daneben eine Schale mit dem zubereiteten Porridge, garniert mit Apfelscheiben, Mandeln und einer Zimtstange. Die Verpackung weist darauf hin, dass das Produkt vegan, proteinreich und bio-zertifiziert ist, mit Zutaten wie Sojaflocken, Chiasamen und Hanfsamen. Eine aufgeschnittene Apfelhälfte und verstreute Mandeln ergänzen die Szene.

8:00: Low carb porridge & Happy Lemon


Start the day with a low carb, high protein porridge and lemon water.

Zeigt eine Person in Sportkleidung, die eine Dose „Live Fresh Proteinmix“ in der Hand hält. Eine zweite Person reicht ihr einen Shake in einem „Live Fresh“-Shaker. Das Bild vermittelt eine aktive und gesundheitsbewusste Szene, die den Proteinshake als Teil einer Fitness- oder Ernährungsroutine darstellt. Der Proteinmix ist vegan und als Trinkmahlzeit geeignet.

12:00: Drinking meal, snack & vitamin capsule


At lunchtime you enjoy a delicious drink, a snack and a vitamin capsule with a high protein content, vitamins and important micronutrients.

Zeigt eine Schale mit einer bunten veganen Mahlzeit, die aus Erbsen, Karotten, Paprika und weiteren Gemüsesorten besteht. Das Gericht ist mit frischen Kräutern garniert und wird mit einer Gabel gegessen. Daneben sieht man die Verpackung des „Live Fresh“ Produkts sowie ein „Food Kur“-Heft. Die Szene betont eine gesunde, pflanzliche Ernährung mit frischen Zutaten.

18:00: Low carb high protein meal & Sunshine Berry shot


Your wholesome vegan meal that you can prepare in max. 9 minutes.

Zeigt eine Packung „Live Fresh“ Porridge in der Geschmacksrichtung Apfel-Zimt, daneben eine Schale mit dem zubereiteten Porridge, garniert mit Apfelscheiben, Mandeln und einer Zimtstange. Die Verpackung weist darauf hin, dass das Produkt vegan, proteinreich und bio-zertifiziert ist, mit Zutaten wie Sojaflocken, Chiasamen und Hanfsamen. Eine aufgeschnittene Apfelhälfte und verstreute Mandeln ergänzen die Szene.

8:00: Low carb porridge & Happy Lemon


Start the day with a low carb, high protein porridge and lemon water.

Zeigt eine Person in Sportkleidung, die eine Dose „Live Fresh Proteinmix“ in der Hand hält. Eine zweite Person reicht ihr einen Shake in einem „Live Fresh“-Shaker. Das Bild vermittelt eine aktive und gesundheitsbewusste Szene, die den Proteinshake als Teil einer Fitness- oder Ernährungsroutine darstellt. Der Proteinmix ist vegan und als Trinkmahlzeit geeignet.

12:00: Drinking meal, snack & vitamin capsule


At lunchtime you enjoy a delicious drink, a snack and a vitamin capsule with a high protein content, vitamins and important micronutrients.

Zeigt eine Schale mit einer bunten veganen Mahlzeit, die aus Erbsen, Karotten, Paprika und weiteren Gemüsesorten besteht. Das Gericht ist mit frischen Kräutern garniert und wird mit einer Gabel gegessen. Daneben sieht man die Verpackung des „Live Fresh“ Produkts sowie ein „Food Kur“-Heft. Die Szene betont eine gesunde, pflanzliche Ernährung mit frischen Zutaten.

18:00: Low carb high protein meal & Sunshine Berry shot


Your wholesome vegan meal that you can prepare in max. 9 minutes.

8:00: Low carb porridge & Happy Lemon
Low carbohydrates.
Eine Person, die eine Schüssel mit Porridge hält, garniert mit frischen Beeren wie Himbeeren, Heidelbeeren und Erdbeeren sowie weiteren Zutaten. Die Person isst den Porridge mit einem Holzlöffel und trägt sportliche Kleidung, wobei der Fokus auf der Schüssel liegt.
Drei Verpackungen des „Live Fresh Lower Carb & High Protein Porridge“ in den Geschmacksrichtungen Apfel-Zimt, Beere-Vanille und Schokolade. Jede Packung hebt die Hauptzutaten wie Sojaflocken, Chiasamen und Hanfsamen hervor. Im Hintergrund sind verschiedene Früchte und Zutaten wie Erdbeeren, Himbeeren, Heidelbeeren, Schokoladenstücke und Zimtstangen zu sehen, die die Geschmacksrichtungen der Produkte widerspiegeln.
8:00: Low carb porridge & Happy Lemon
Low carbohydrates.

Perfect for an energy-rich start to the day. The special thing about our porridge is its low carbohydrate content and high protein content. You can also boost your metabolism with our Happy Lemon juice to get your metabolism going.


You can choose between the varieties apple-cinnamon, chocolate or forest fruit.


High satiety thanks to high protein content.

12:00: Drinking meal, snack & vitamin capsule
With 26 vitamins
Drei Dosen „Live Fresh Proteinmix“ in den Geschmacksrichtungen Schokolade, Vanille und Wildbeere. Jede Dose ist als vegane Trinkmahlzeit ausgewiesen und enthält pflanzliche Proteine aus Soja, Erbsen, Reis und Hanf. Die Produkte sind laktose- und glutenfrei und einfach zuzubereiten. Jede Verpackung zeigt ein Glas cremigen Proteinshakes passend zur jeweiligen Geschmacksrichtung.
Zwei Packungen „Live Fresh“ Snacks: den „Veggie Mix“ mit Tomatengeschmack und „Tamari Soja“. Beide Snacks sind fettfrei geröstet und bio-zertifiziert. Der „Veggie Mix“ enthält Zutaten wie Kürbiskerne, Tomatenflocken und Zucchiniwürfel, während der „Tamari Soja“ würzige Sojabohnen mit Tamari (Sojasauce) bietet. Beide Produkte sind glutenfrei, erdnussfrei und bestehen aus Sojabohnen aus Österreich.
Tagesheld - Daily Vitamine - 18 essentielle Vitamine & Nährstoffe - LiveFresh
12:00: Drinking meal, snack & vitamin capsule
With 26 vitamins

The protein shake contains the 26 most important vitamins, nutrients and trace elements for your body and provides you with sufficient protein. It is also a protein snack for in-between meals to help you cope with small lows or hunger attacks. The daily hero capsule provides you with 18 important vitamins and minerals


You have the choice of drinking meal: Chocolate, vanilla or forest fruit


Fills you up over lunchtime and gives you energy until the evening.

18:00: Low carb high protein meal & Sunshine Berry shot
Eine Frau, die in einer Küche steht und eine Packung mit der Aufschrift „Tikka Masala“ in eine Pfanne leert, in der bereits frisches Gemüse zu sehen ist. Sie trägt ein schwarzes Oberteil und einen karierten Rock.
Auswahl von „Live Fresh“ Produkten, die auf einem Tisch angeordnet sind. Zu sehen sind mehrere Porridge-Packungen in verschiedenen Geschmacksrichtungen, Flaschen mit Säften, Proteinmischungen in Dosen sowie Snacks wie der „Veggie Mix“ und „Tamari Soja“. Zudem liegt ein „Food Kur“-Guide auf dem Tisch, der auf eine strukturierte Ernährungsplanung hinweist. Die Vielfalt der Produkte deutet auf eine komplette Kur oder Ernährungsumstellung hin, die sowohl flüssige als auch feste Mahlzeiten umfasst.
18:00: Low carb high protein meal & Sunshine Berry shot

The highlight in the evening is a warm low carb high protein dish. 7 different delicious meals - a different wholesome, vegan, gently processed meal every day. Quick & easy to prepare in max. 9 minutes in the pan or microwave.


You get 7 different meals - 100% vegan - high protein - high vegetable content - gently processed


The meal will keep you full for the night.


That makes the food cleanse special:

"No classic diet feeling".

Unlike a normal diet, it feels like you're on a diet with our food cleanse doesn't feel like a diet, I eat normally and lose weight.

Up to 800 kcal deficit per day.

The optimum combination of high protein content and low carbohydrate content means you have a clear calorie deficit and lose weight.

All meals per day are included.

Unlike a shake diet, we replace all meals per day with a variety of delicious solid meals for a long-lasting feeling of satiety

Completely guided & accompanied.

Unlike other diets, you will be completely guided and accompanied by us and receive an all-round carefree package for maximum success

"No classic diet feeling".

Unlike a normal diet, it feels like you're on a diet with our food cleanse doesn't feel like a diet, I eat normally and lose weight.

Up to 800 kcal deficit per day.

The optimum combination of high protein content and low carbohydrate content means you have a clear calorie deficit and lose weight.

All meals per day are included.

Unlike a shake diet, we replace all meals per day with a variety of delicious solid meals for a long-lasting feeling of satiety

Completely guided & accompanied.

Unlike other diets, you will be completely guided and accompanied by us and receive an all-round carefree package for maximum success

This is what our customers achieve:

Eine Frau, die vor einem Fenster sitzt. Sie trägt ein graues Oberteil und lächelt in die Kamera. Der Hintergrund ist geteilt: links eine orangefarbene Wand und rechts ein Blick auf ein Gebäude.


27 Jahre

"I was one of the first to test the cure and was totally surprised. The vegan meals are all delicious and I never felt hungry at any time."

Eine Frau mit dunklem, welligem Haar, die strahlend in die Kamera lächelt. Sie trägt einen roten Pullover und befindet sich im Freien, wobei der Hintergrund unscharf ist. Die Szene wirkt fröhlich und lebensfroh, mit einem starken Fokus auf ihr freundliches Lächeln.


30 Jahre

"Simply wow, the concept is amazing. The meals in particular are a dream. I very rarely had the feeling I had to eat more! More than satisfied tester!"

Mann mit kurzen, hellbraunen Haaren und einem gepflegten Bart, der ein schwarzes T-Shirt trägt und in die Kamera lächelt. Der Hintergrund ist schlicht und hell, wodurch der Fokus auf der entspannten und freundlichen Ausstrahlung des Mannes liegt.


29 Jahre

"I tested for 7 days. I was completely won over by the cure. Clean plan per day, great products, no hunger and super easy to prepare! Keep up the good work!"

Eine Frau mit dunklem, schulterlangem Haar, die in einem modernen Raum mit Ziegelwänden steht. Sie trägt einen schwarzen Blazer und hält eine Tasse in beiden Händen. Die Fenster lassen viel Licht herein, wodurch die Szene freundlich und einladend wirkt.


33 Jahre

"I did the cure for 14 days. The concept is more than well thought out. The different meals a day meant I never felt like I was on a diet! The vegan dishes are amazing, by the way!"

Mann mit Brille und Bart, der eine schwarz-weiß karierte Flanelljacke über einem schwarzen T-Shirt trägt. Er sitzt vor einer Wand, die aus einer Mischung von Ziegeln und Beton besteht. Eine Topfpflanze und ein gerahmtes Bild an der Wand verleihen der Szene eine gemütliche und zugleich moderne Atmosphäre. Der Mann schaut ruhig in die Kamera.


29 Jahre

"I started with 7 days and immediately added another 7 because the success motivated me even more. The diet is well thought out from start to finish and you never feel hungry! Even me with my 90kg!"

Why you should work with the food cleanse lose weight:

Eine Frau, die an einem Tisch sitzt und eine Schüssel Essen in der Hand hält, während sie in einem Heft mit der Aufschrift „Food Kur“ blättert. Sie trägt ein weißes Top und lächelt leicht. Neben ihr auf dem Tisch steht eine kleine Flasche „Live Fresh“-Saft. Die Szene vermittelt den Eindruck einer ausgewogenen Ernährung im Rahmen einer Food-Kur

Lose up to 1 kg of pure fat.

With the food cleanse you save an average of 5950kcal per week. This makes it possible to lose around 0.85kg of fat per week (average for men and women). Please note: This can vary depending on your own consumption, which depends on your height, weight and activity level.

Eine Frau in einer modernen Küche, die eine Verpackung mit der Aufschrift „Kichererbsen Toskansiche Art“ in der Hand hält und interessiert betrachtet. Auf der Arbeitsfläche vor ihr liegen frische Zutaten wie Salat, Paprika und Sellerie. Neben ihr steht ein Paket mit der Aufschrift „“.

Simple & compact.

The entire food cleanse is delivered bundled in 1 package and is easy to implement thanks to precise specifications. You feed exclusively on the ingredients in the food cleanse package, so you don't have to worry about your diet and still lose weight.

Eine Frau, die in einer Küche steht und eine Packung mit der Aufschrift „Tikka Masala“ in eine Pfanne leert, in der bereits frisches Gemüse zu sehen ist. Sie trägt ein schwarzes Oberteil und einen karierten Rock.

Delicious & varied

The food cleanse is not only functional, the products also all taste really delicious. The food cleanse contains various solid meals for a long-lasting feeling of satiety.

Eine Frau, die an einem Tisch sitzt und eine Schüssel Essen in der Hand hält, während sie in einem Heft mit der Aufschrift „Food Kur“ blättert. Sie trägt ein weißes Top und lächelt leicht. Neben ihr auf dem Tisch steht eine kleine Flasche „Live Fresh“-Saft. Die Szene vermittelt den Eindruck einer ausgewogenen Ernährung im Rahmen einer Food-Kur

Lose up to 1 kg of pure fat.

With the food cleanse you save an average of 5950kcal per week. This makes it possible to lose around 0.85kg of fat per week (average for men and women). Please note: This can vary depending on your own consumption, which depends on your height, weight and activity level.

Eine Frau in einer modernen Küche, die eine Verpackung mit der Aufschrift „Kichererbsen Toskansiche Art“ in der Hand hält und interessiert betrachtet. Auf der Arbeitsfläche vor ihr liegen frische Zutaten wie Salat, Paprika und Sellerie. Neben ihr steht ein Paket mit der Aufschrift „“.

Simple & compact.

The entire food cleanse is delivered bundled in 1 package and is easy to implement thanks to precise specifications. You feed exclusively on the ingredients in the food cleanse package, so you don't have to worry about your diet and still lose weight.

Eine Frau, die in einer Küche steht und eine Packung mit der Aufschrift „Tikka Masala“ in eine Pfanne leert, in der bereits frisches Gemüse zu sehen ist. Sie trägt ein schwarzes Oberteil und einen karierten Rock.

Delicious & varied

The food cleanse is not only functional, the products also all taste really delicious. The food cleanse contains various solid meals for a long-lasting feeling of satiety.

Die Kundenrezensionen werden von uns weder selektiert noch modifiziert, sondern automatisch und vollständig aus unserem Kundenbewertungsportal übernommen. Für die Inhalte übernehmen wir keine Haftung.

Questions about food cleanse

Yes, the food cleanse is specially formulated to comply with the dietary guidelines for weight loss. The amount of weight loss varies from person to person and depends above all on how you ate beforehand.

Yes, the food cleanse is specially formulated to comply with the dietary guidelines for weight loss. The amount of weight loss varies from person to person and depends above all on how you ate beforehand.

How much energy the body uses, i.e. how many calories need to be eaten, varies from person to person. However, there are reference values that serve as a guide. These are at the age of 25 to 50 years with low physical activity for:

  • Men: 2300 calories per day
  • Women: 1800 calories per day

With our cure you consume approx. 1200 calories per day. This corresponds to the following calorie deficit per day:

  • Men: 2300 kcal - 1200 kcal = 1100 kcal
  • Women: 1800 kcal - 1200 kcal = 600 kcal

In addition, our food cleanse Low Carb - High Protein, which provides optimal conditions for a successful diet. The reduced carbohydrate content keeps your blood sugar level constant and your body has to release less insulin to process it, which means that fat burning can run smoothly and you stay full for longer. The high protein content also ensures long-lasting satiety, as 9 proteins are digested slowly, which means you eat less overall and weight loss is much easier.

How much energy the body uses, i.e. how many calories need to be eaten, varies from person to person. However, there are reference values that serve as a guide. These are at the age of 25 to 50 years with low physical activity for:

  • Men: 2300 calories per day
  • Women: 1800 calories per day

With our cure you consume approx. 1200 calories per day. This corresponds to the following calorie deficit per day:

  • Men: 2300 kcal - 1200 kcal = 1100 kcal
  • Women: 1800 kcal - 1200 kcal = 600 kcal

In addition, our food cleanse Low Carb - High Protein, which provides optimal conditions for a successful diet. The reduced carbohydrate content keeps your blood sugar level constant and your body has to release less insulin to process it, which means that fat burning can run smoothly and you stay full for longer. The high protein content also ensures long-lasting satiety, as 9 proteins are digested slowly, which means you eat less overall and weight loss is much easier.

Yes, the entire food cleanse was designed to contain only plant-based components and at the same time contain all the important vitamins and minerals every day, including vitamin B12, which is important for vegans. So during the food cleanse you do not have to take any additional food supplements.

Yes, the entire food cleanse was designed to contain only plant-based components and at the same time contain all the important vitamins and minerals every day, including vitamin B12, which is important for vegans. So during the food cleanse you do not have to take any additional food supplements.

The weight loss cure is generally suitable for for every healthy, adult personwho wants to change their diet in the long term. For example, for your summer figure or your feel-good figure. Thanks to the composition also vegetarians and vegans can also benefit from it. If you have health problems or are not sure whether the food cleanse is actually suitable for you, please discuss this with your doctor.

The weight loss cure is generally suitable for for every healthy, adult personwho wants to change their diet in the long term. For example, for your summer figure or your feel-good figure. Thanks to the composition also vegetarians and vegans can also benefit from it. If you have health problems or are not sure whether the food cleanse is actually suitable for you, please discuss this with your doctor.

If there is a calorie deficit, i.e. you consume more calories than you eat, you can lose weight. With a total deficit of 7000 kcal, you lose 1 kg of fat, which means the following for our example above: Men: 1100 kcal savings per day x 7 days = 1.1 kg fat Women: 600 kcal savings per day x 7 days = 0.6 kg fat Note, however, that these are only reference values, depending on your own consumption, which depends on your height, weight and activity, this may turn out differently. Due to the low carbohydrate content of the food cleanse reduces water retention, which means that the weight can be reduced depending on your diet before the juice cleansecan reduce your weight even further.

If there is a calorie deficit, i.e. you consume more calories than you eat, you can lose weight. With a total deficit of 7000 kcal, you lose 1 kg of fat, which means the following for our example above: Men: 1100 kcal savings per day x 7 days = 1.1 kg fat Women: 600 kcal savings per day x 7 days = 0.6 kg fat Note, however, that these are only reference values, depending on your own consumption, which depends on your height, weight and activity, this may turn out differently. Due to the low carbohydrate content of the food cleanse reduces water retention, which means that the weight can be reduced depending on your diet before the juice cleansecan reduce your weight even further.

During the cure you consume a maximum of 1200kcal per day. The daily kcal varies slightly due to the different snacks and dishes. Depending on your own calorie requirements, you will save 600-1100kcal per day.

During the cure you consume a maximum of 1200kcal per day. The daily kcal varies slightly due to the different snacks and dishes. Depending on your own calorie requirements, you will save 600-1100kcal per day.

A juice cleanse is the perfect introduction to a healthy & conscious diet and will reset your body. The food cleanse on the other hand, is specifically suitable for losing weight due to its special composition and calorie deficit.

A juice cleanse is the perfect introduction to a healthy & conscious diet and will reset your body. The food cleanse on the other hand, is specifically suitable for losing weight due to its special composition and calorie deficit.

The food cleanse is a diet product for weight loss and can help you achieve a healthier lifestyle in the long term. It is very varied and the different fixed meals ensure a long-lasting feeling of satiety. We accompany you before, during & after the cure for maximum success, thus preventing yo-yo effects.

The food cleanse is a diet product for weight loss and can help you achieve a healthier lifestyle in the long term. It is very varied and the different fixed meals ensure a long-lasting feeling of satiety. We accompany you before, during & after the cure for maximum success, thus preventing yo-yo effects.

The food cleanse should last at least 7 daysbut a maximum of 21 days. During this period, you will benefit most from the positive
effects without weakening the body too much. After the actual cure, however, the aim is to integrate the healthy diet into everyday life in the long term.

The food cleanse should last at least 7 daysbut a maximum of 21 days. During this period, you will benefit most from the positive
effects without weakening the body too much. After the actual cure, however, the aim is to integrate the healthy diet into everyday life in the long term.

With a food cleanse to lose weight, you can expect to pay around €22.00 per day, depending on the duration. This is due to the carefully selected composition and the high-quality products.

With a food cleanse to lose weight, you can expect to pay around €22.00 per day, depending on the duration. This is due to the carefully selected composition and the high-quality products.

Yes, because after the food cleanse it is not over. In order to benefit from the positive effects in the long term, a healthy
nutrition should be permanently integrated into
everyday life. Otherwise there is a risk of the yo-yo effect. To each food cleanse you will therefore receive our free guide, which will provide you with helpful tips and delicious recipes after the cure.

Yes, because after the food cleanse it is not over. In order to benefit from the positive effects in the long term, a healthy
nutrition should be permanently integrated into
everyday life. Otherwise there is a risk of the yo-yo effect. To each food cleanse you will therefore receive our free guide, which will provide you with helpful tips and delicious recipes after the cure.

To keep your weight off after the food cleanse you should keep the maintain a healthy diet in the long term. Our vegan meals can supplement your diet in the long term. In our great guide you will also find numerous tips for establishing a healthy diet in the long term and on our News & Juice Blog you will find Recipe Ideas for healthy and delicious everyday cooking. Furthermore you should make sure you get enough exerciseto avoid the yo-yo effect.

To keep your weight off after the food cleanse you should keep the maintain a healthy diet in the long term. Our vegan meals can supplement your diet in the long term. In our great guide you will also find numerous tips for establishing a healthy diet in the long term and on our News & Juice Blog you will find Recipe Ideas for healthy and delicious everyday cooking. Furthermore you should make sure you get enough exerciseto avoid the yo-yo effect.

You can use the food cleanse with the juices from LiveFresh combine. Get started on a healthy diet with the juice cleanseto reset your body. You then carry out the food cleanse . The basic idea behind both cures is different:

  • The juice cleanse helps you to get rid of bad eating habits and listen to your body again.
  • The food cleanse serves to lose weight and can be seen as the basis for a long-term change in diet.

You can use the food cleanse with the juices from LiveFresh combine. Get started on a healthy diet with the juice cleanseto reset your body. You then carry out the food cleanse . The basic idea behind both cures is different:

  • The juice cleanse helps you to get rid of bad eating habits and listen to your body again.
  • The food cleanse serves to lose weight and can be seen as the basis for a long-term change in diet.

You should not eat for longer than 21 days with such a significant calorie deficitto avoid health problems. What you should definitely do, however, is to carbohydrate-reduced diet into your everyday life after the weight loss cure- permanently.

You should not eat for longer than 21 days with such a significant calorie deficitto avoid health problems. What you should definitely do, however, is to carbohydrate-reduced diet into your everyday life after the weight loss cure- permanently.

With the LiveFresh food cleanse you can approx. 1 kg fat per week per week. This is a reference value. Of course, it also depends on your height and your previous weight, and how active you are during the food cleanse are.

With the LiveFresh food cleanse you can approx. 1 kg fat per week per week. This is a reference value. Of course, it also depends on your height and your previous weight, and how active you are during the food cleanse are.

Yes, you can do sports during food cleanse sport do. Note, however, that you may feel a little weak after particularly strenuous physical activity due to the calorie deficit. In this case, we recommend that you moderate sport and light exercise or reduce the amount of exercise you do.

Yes, you can do sports during food cleanse sport do. Note, however, that you may feel a little weak after particularly strenuous physical activity due to the calorie deficit. In this case, we recommend that you moderate sport and light exercise or reduce the amount of exercise you do.

No, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should not food cleanse not carry out. This period can be particularly strenuous and energy-sapping.
be particularly exhausting.

No, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should not food cleanse not carry out. This period can be particularly strenuous and energy-sapping.
be particularly exhausting.

If you have any further questions about ingredients, take a look at here or get in touch with our Happy Service
Phone: +49 7467 742 3100

LiveFresh food cleanse: Lose weight with long-term success

Looking for a simple and time-saving method to lose weight? lose weight effectively and permanently? Then LiveFresh has the perfect solution for you. The specially developed food cleanse is not only optimal suitable for everyday usebut also 100% vegan and sustainable. It consists of various vegan meals, functional juicessnacks and protein shakes - everything Low carb & High Protein. The weight loss cure has all your meals ready for you each day and you don't have to worry about what you have to buy or cook. The meals are ready in a maximum of 9 minutes and the different flavors flavors provide variety every day.

With the LiveFresh food cleanse you don't have a classic diet feeling. You continue to eat normally and without starving yourself - just low in calories, high in protein and healthy. This allows you to lose weight naturally. You will also be completely LiveFresh weight loss program and optimally supported before, during and after the weight loss cure - perfect suitable for every day. Thanks to all-round carefree package you receive the food cleanse a free guide for maximum success. This contains delicious and nutritious recipes and useful tips for optimal preparation and follow-up. This will make it easy for you to integrate healthy habits into your everyday life after the diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle. healthy diet permanently - making it possible to lose weight without the yo-yo effect.

Key facts at a glance:

  • Duration: 7-21 days
  • Nutrition according to plan
  • Low carb & high protein
  • Focus on functionality
  • 100% vegan and sustainable
  • All-round carefree package
  • No yo-yo effect thanks to holistic support
  • Support with your change in diet

Your benefits with the slimming cure from LiveFresh

Our low carb - high protein food cleanse creates optimal conditions for a successful diet. The reduced carbohydrate content lowers the blood sugar and insulin concentration and thus improves fat loss. The high protein content ensures long-lasting satiety. This makes it easier to lose weight.

Low carb - high protein

Our Low Carb - High Protein food cleanse creates optimal conditions for a successful diet. The reduced carbohydrate content lowers the blood sugar and insulin concentration and thus improves fat loss. The high protein content ensures long-lasting satiety. This makes it easier to lose weight.

Average 5950 kcal deficit per week

With the LiveFresh food cleanse you feed yourself with a
significant calorie deficit. You can save an average of 5950 kcal per week. This makes it possible to lose up to 1 kg of fat per week.

Vegan & healthy

The entire cure contains only plant-based components as well as important vitamins and minerals. No additional dietary supplements are necessary.

Scientifically developed

The food cleanse has been scientifically developed - for weight loss in a natural way. Nutritional values such as calories, protein, fat and
carbohydrates are ideally balanced and precisely calculated. More than
26 vitamins and nutrients ensure that the body is optimally supplied.

Well thought out food cleanse for your permanent feel-good figure

Losing weight is child's play with our cure. You feed yourself during the food cleanse with a clear
calorie deficit
. So men can eat up to 1100 kcal and women up to 600 kcal per day and lose weight naturally. Weight loss is achieved according to dietary guidelines for weight-controlling nutrition - so that it no longer remains just a dream.

  • Significant calorie deficitThis is the basic prerequisite for your weight loss.
  • Utilization of thermal effects: The metabolism from protein consumes more energy and thus ensures a long-lasting feeling of satiety.
  • Improved fat lossIs caused by the lowering of blood sugar & insulin concentrations.
  • Sustainable weight loss: We accompany you before, during & after the food cleanse - for maximum success without the yo-yo effect.