Veganes Rhabarberkompott

Vegan's rhubarb compote

This super simple rhubarb compote is the perfect spring and summer dessert. The compote impresses with its fresh taste and ease of preparation and should not be missing from your menu this year. In this article, you can find out which 4 ingredients you need and how you can prepare the rhubarb compote yourself super quickly. At the bottom of the article you will find the recipe video with our chef Michi. 

Ingredients (4 portions):

800g rhubarb

0.5cm ginger

35ml lemon juice

80g date syrup

Serve with: Soy yogurt


  1. Wash the rhubarb and cut it into 1 cm pieces
  2. Then grate the ginger as finely as possible
  3. Put both together in a pan and add the juice of a fresh lemon and the date syrup
  4. Simmer everything together for about 20 minutes so that the rhubarb is soft and almost falling apart
  5. Serve the compote warm or cold as desired
  6. Layer the compote alternately with soy yogurt in a nice glass - done! 

Nutritional values (per portion):

97.5 kcal

18.8g carbohydrates

1.8g protein

0.38g fat

Do you want to make your diet healthier in the long term? Use a juice cleanseto lay the foundations for a healthier & more conscious lifestyle and to break bad eating habits. The vegan rhubarb compote has the perfect nutritional values for a healthy and balanced diet. 

Recipe video: 



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