More than just motivated - how you can set and achieve goals

Mehr als nur motiviert - wie Du Ziele setzen und erreichen kannst
Mehr als nur motiviert - wie Du Ziele setzen und erreichen kannst

Vor allem zum Jahreswechsel hin sind sie in aller Munde: Ziele, gute Vorsätze und Motivation. Sie sind es, die die Saison für viele Menschen so besonders machen. Vielleicht möchten sie sich endlich über ihr Wunschgewicht freuen. Mit dem Rauchen aufhören. Oder sich gesünder ernähren. Es wird Dich jedoch nicht überraschen: So groß die Motivation zum Ende des Jahres auch ist, so klein ist das Durchhaltevermögen. Die meisten Menschen können ihre guten Vorsätze nämlich nicht oder nur für kurze Zeit umsetzen.

Vielleicht ging es Dir in der Vergangenheit auch so. Keine Sorge: Du befindest Dich in guter Gesellschaft. Gleichzeitig wird Dir dieses Wissen nichts bringen, wenn Du Deine Ziele endlich erreichen möchtest. Und das nicht nur in den ersten paar Tagen eines neuen Jahres. Also, wie kannst Du Deine Vorsätze langfristig erfolgreich umsetzen? Hier erfährst Du es.


  • Das Erreichen von Zielen wird erleichtert durch die SMART-Formel (spezifisch, messbar, attraktiv, realistisch, terminierbar).
  • Kleine Schritte und das Etablieren von Routinen erhöhen die Erfolgschancen, und realistische, fordernde Ziele halten motiviert.
  • Regelmäßige Erfolge fördern die Zufriedenheit und ein bewusstes Leben.

Make it easy for yourself and act SMART

Whether small or large - you can achieve a goal by tackling it SMART. This means you don't rush things, but prepare the implementation in a planned manner. In doing so, you fall back on the proven formula according to George T. Doran. He defined the criteria for the world-famous SMART rule, which should make every goal achievable.

  1. Specific,
  2. Medible,
  3. Attractive,
  4. Realistic and
  5. Terminable

are the characteristics of a SMART goal. If you incorporate all of them into your actions, your success is foreseeable. What exactly do the individual characteristics mean?

Specific a resolution is specific if you can name it exactly. This could be, for example, to eat at least one vegetable or fruit a day or to walk at least 10,000 steps a day. Without a concrete definition, it is more difficult to achieve a goal in the long term. Through the Measurablea resolution becomes tangible. For example, a measurable goal would be to cook 3 vegan meals a week. You can also resolve to exercise 3 times a week for the next 4 months. A concrete number gives you a measurable goal. The plan should also attractive so that you can achieve it and want to achieve it yourself. You shouldn't set a goal just because others expect you to. It should be attractive to you! If the goal is also realistic? Ask yourself: Can you prepare a purely plant-based meal for yourself 3 times a week? Can you manage to exercise 3 times a week? If so, then this is an achievable resolution. If you already know in advance that you won't be able to exercise 5 times a week, for example, set yourself 3 days as a resolution, because you can always improve. Finally, set yourself a date or a deadline by which you want to achieve your resolution. schedule your intention. That way, you are much more likely to achieve it. Would you like to learn yoga? Then set yourself a personal deadline by which you want to register for a course. 

As you can see, you can use the SMART formula to implement important changes in a structured way. The individual characteristics serve as a helpful guide - regardless of whether your goal is larger or smaller.

How to start setting goals with brains

Looking at the SMART formula, you may be asking yourself: if it's so simple, why do so many people fail to achieve their goals? There are many reasons for this. However, one of them is always the same: they take on too much at once. For example, they not only want to lose weight or eat healthier, but also stop smoking at the same time. They may strive to achieve these many sub-goals over a short period of time. At some point, however, the moment comes when they reach for a pack of cigarettes or order a pizza from their favorite Italian restaurant.

What happens then? After this setback, all too often the thought sets in that that was it for the goal. Now the pendulum swings in the opposite direction: we indulge again without restraint, stop exercising and smoke just as much as before the good intention. It's clear that no goal can be achieved this way. But how can you not only resolve to make a real change, but also establish it?

Proceed in small steps. If you want to exercise twice a week from now on, start by changing just that in your everyday life. Rely on the power of routine. After around 66 days, weekly training should have become a habit. Habits are characterized by the fact that you follow them without having to think. So you no longer think: should you exercise now? Rather, it is a matter of course for you. Once you have established a routine, you can set yourself a new goal. Proceed in this way until you have achieved all your resolutions. However, be aware that failures will always be part of your success. So always keep an eye on your path, especially in difficult times.

Being permanently motivated is no coincidence

Every journey begins with the first step. So don't just focus on your big vision, but consciously take note of each of your partial successes. For example: You want to lose five kilos within the next three months. You have changed your diet and sports program accordingly. Every day counts if you want to stay motivated. So you are pleased that you have exercised and eaten healthily again today. There are several advantages to taking this step-by-step approach: You don't overwhelm yourself. A big goal often seems like it would be difficult to achieve. Small sub-goals, on the other hand, are much easier to manage. After all, you can exercise today, eat the apple and give up the slice of cake.

Another point is also essential when it comes to staying on the ball: your resolution must be realistic, but at the same time challenge you. For example, it would certainly be realistic to lose five kilograms within the next five years. However, very few people find this motivating. Therefore, always think about how you can set your goal in a way that is challenging but not overwhelming. This will also help you to stay on the ball in the long term.

That's why you need small and big goals

Goals serve as orientation. They are like the light at the end of a tunnel. If you see it in front of you, you know the way. Without a plan, you are wandering in the dark. It doesn't matter whether your resolution is big or small. What counts is saying yes to your personal goal. However, a positive side effect is not just the feeling when you finally reach the end of your journey. The journey itself is worth your goal. Think of it like this:

Many people live for the day. They allow themselves to be influenced by their surroundings and often don't know what their dreams are. Do they even have a vision? So they spend every day without getting anywhere. No question: a life without a plan is rarely truly fulfilling. It lacks a why as a driving force. If, on the other hand, you have specific goals, you enjoy your time more consciously. You recognize a purpose in your actions. This not only makes you happier. Your self-esteem also increases. You recognize your own value and that of your lifetime. That's why everyone should set themselves goals. For themselves, but also for those around them. After all, an inspired person is contagious. A good mood doubles when you share it.

Good intentions? Quality before quantity!

Have you decided to tackle your goals? In this case, you are probably asking yourself: is one resolution enough or should you tackle several individual goals at the same time? Many people fail because they overextend themselves with their own planning. They want too much in too little time. That's why you should always focus on quality over quantity. So decide on one thing you want to change next. Once you have achieved this, concentrate on the next goal. In this way, you can gradually achieve each resolution. However, you won't run out of breath. Rather, you focus clearly. Lightness should not be missing. This will get you into action permanently. That is what ultimately counts:

Having nice-sounding resolutions is one thing. Actually achieving them is the real achievement. So think about a goal now that you can achieve within a certain period of time. However, you don't take the first step tomorrow or next week. Start immediately after you have decided on a resolution. You've probably heard the saying: the hardest step is the first one. Once you've taken it, motivation is your new sparring partner. The same applies to your smart planning.

Is your goal a healthier & more conscious you?

Then start now with the juice cleanse into a more conscious lifestyle and feel better in the long term. Choose between the3,5 or 7 days juice cleanseand achieve a better version of yourself. 

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