Ginger - healthy and versatile

Ingwer – Gesund und vielseitig
Ingwer – Gesund und vielseitig


  • Ingwer überzeugt durch seinen intensiven Geschmack und sein würziges Aroma. 
  • Er verleiht Speisen und Getränken eine besondere Schärfe und eine angenehme Wärme. 
  • Ingwer ist vielseitig einsetzbar – ob in Getränken, Gerichten oder als Shot. 

India is the main producer of ginger

Ginger belongs to the ginger family and is a tropical spice plant. Cultivated in the tropics and subtropics of Southeast Asia, the Pacific islands are believed to be the original home of ginger. Cultivated as a spice in East Asia for thousands of years, ginger also has a long tradition as a medicinal plant. While the largest sales markets are in the United States and England, India can call itself the largest producer of ginger. The South Asian country produces around half of the world's entire harvest.

Ginger pungent substances as a trademark

The rootstock of the ginger tuber in particular contains active ingredients such as essential oils. It also contains the pungent substances gingerols and shogaols, which give ginger its typical taste. 

The well-known documentary series Galileo also analyzed the miracle root in an interesting report.

The special ginger note in your food

The versatility of ginger is truly impressive. Whether in lemonade, tea, pastries, soups, gingerbread or curry dishes: The unique taste of ginger gives your drink or dish a special touch. When stored in a cool, dry place in the fridge, ginger root has a shelf life of around two to three weeks.

 NEW: LiveFresh Ginger shots

Also we from LiveFresh have also taken advantage of the versatility of ginger to expand our product portfolio. In addition to our cold-pressed juices, we wanted to create other products that stand out from the crowd of drinks and are still very healthy. The result is our ginger shots (60 ml) in the flavors ginger-orange-turmeric-lemon and ginger-apple-cayenne-lime. Pressed ginger refined with other natural ingredients results in an unmistakable taste. See for yourself and try our new ginger shots.

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