Prozess der Herstellung von vegane nuss nougat creme: Geröstete Haselnüsse in einer Pfanne, ein Schnitt durch ein Brot mit dunkler, nussiger Schokoladenaufstrich, und ein Mann präsentiert stolz eine Schüssel gerösteter Haselnüsse.

Vegan healthy nut nougat cream

Are you looking for a sweet vegan spread that is also healthy? Then you should try this delicious nut nougat cream. Super easy in preparation and with only 4 ingredients. At the bottom of the article you will find the recipe video in which our cook Michi prepares the vegan nut nougat cream yourself.

Ingredients (1 mason jar):

400g hazelnut kernels

4 tablespoons of raw cocoa

2 tablespoons of erythritus

1 knife tip of ground vanilla


  1. Roast the hazelnut kernels briefly in a pan without adding fat and then let them cool down.
  2. Put the hazelnut kernels in a towel and separate the shell from the nut by friction.
  3. Then process the hazelnut kernels into a nutm with a high -performance mixer. The nutmus must not get too warm in the meantime, so turn on the mixer for about 5-10 seconds and then take a break. Charge the nutmus off the mixer and press it down.
  4. Gradually add the hazelnut oil and mix until you get a finely creamy consistency.
  5. Then stir down cocoa, erythritus and vanilla and fill the nut nougat cream into a clean screw glass.

Nutritional values ​​(per portion of 15g):

110 kcal

2.3g carbohydrates

2.8g protein

9.6g fat

Breakfast without a guilty conscience! These unbeatable nutritional values ​​are ideal for integrating the nut nougat cream into your healthy dietary life. When entering a healthier & more conscious lifestyle, you canJuice cure optimally support.

Recipe video:


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