Du hast Dich dazu entschlossen, eine Saftkur zu machen? Die LiveFresh Saftkur ist bestellt, Du hast die Vorbereitungstage eingehalten und bist bereit für eine neue Erfahrung? Du träumst vom Fasten-Hoch, von dem alle erzählen, bei dem man sich fit und leicht fühlt und plötzlich treten unangenehme Nebenwirkungen wie Kopfschmerzen, Kreislaufprobleme und Unwohlsein auf? In diesen Momenten beginnen viele Menschen zu zweifeln, ob eine Saftkur tatsächlich das Richtige für sie ist. Wir verraten Dir, was es mit den Nebenwirkungen auf sich hat und was Du dagegen tun kannst, um Deine Saftkur erfolgreich zu überstehen.
Possible side effects of juice fasting
It is not uncommon that negative side effects occur during a fasting cure. Above all at the beginning of the fasting days symptoms occur, which quickly give rise to doubts.
Possible side effects of juice cleanse are
- Headache
- dizziness
- Skin blemishes
- Sensation of cold
- Mood swings
- aching limbs
- fatigue
- Lack of concentration
You should know one thing in advance: You are not alone with these complaints. These side effects are definitely not a reason to LiveFresh juice cleanse and simply give up. Rather, you should signals as a change in your body, which is adjusting to the change in diet.
Now that you know the possible side effects of a fasting cure, you can prepare yourself accordingly and you know what to expect. The following tips and tricks will help you, deal with the symptoms more easily and react correctly. Once you have overcome your personal low, you can the long-awaited fasting high and the positive effects after the juice cleanse look forward to.
Why are headaches a common side effect of fasting?
Headaches are one of the most common symptoms during a juice cleanse, the which occurs more frequently at the beginning. It is not possible to give a general answer as to whether you will develop headaches and how severe the throbbing is.
The headache is a sign that Your body is currently changing its metabolism. The uric acid levels in your circulation rise for a short time and can be a reason for your unpleasant headache.
Another reason for your discomfort may be withdrawal symptoms. Abstaining from certain foods and stimulants such as coffee, sweets or alcohol can trigger withdrawal symptoms. Your body is to some extent dependent on caffeine and short-chain carbohydrates and the absence of these substances can lead to headaches, malaise and difficulty concentrating at first. When your body realizes that this need is not being met, your metabolism will also change.
What can I do about headaches when fasting?
To prevent headaches from developing in the first place, you should attach great importance to the right preparation place. It is best to start a few days before the juice cleanse to avoid caffeine and sweets. Try to keep your slowly get your body used to the change.
If you are already experiencing pain, you should make sure you drink enough water. This is because the uric acid mentioned above is broken down by the kidneys. To support your organs, we therefore recommend that you in addition to the juice cleanse juices & shots 2.5-3 liters of liquid in addition to the juices & shots. For more variety, you are welcome to unsweetened tea and vegetable broth for more variety. It can also help to have a pinch of salt in a large glass of water and drink it - this balances the electrolytes.
Depending on your well-being, you can also moderate exercise can have a positive effect on your juice cleanse-experience impact. You should avoid intensive training sessions so as not to overstrain your body. Please note: Every body is individual and reacts differently to a fasting cure. It is therefore very important that you pay attention to your body's signals and respond to its needs.
In general, we recommend that you the juice cleanse shift down a gearso that your body can get used to the new situation. It is therefore best to try avoid any kind of source of stress.
Here is a summary of our tips against headaches during fasting:
- Wean your body off coffee and sweets before fasting
- Drink enough water
- The right amount of exercise
- Avoid sources of stress
Why do you have a headache when fasting?
Headaches often occur at the beginning of fasting, as the body changes its metabolism and the uric acid levels in the circulation rise briefly. Another reason for the headaches is often a withdrawal symptomwhich can be caused by abstaining from caffeine, sweets and alcohol.
What to do about headaches during fasting?
To avoid headaches during fasting, thebody should get used to the change in diet early and slowly. Therefore you should a few days before the juice cleanse avoid coffee and sweets. Also important:Drink plenty of water, unsweetened tea and vegetable brothto provide the body with sufficient fluids and support the organs. You should also try to reduce stress and to integrate the right amount of exercise into your fasting routine.
What side effects can fasting have?
Common side effects of fasting include headaches,aching limbs, dizziness, skin blemishes, feeling cold, mood swings, tiredness and lack of concentration. However, if you know what to expect and prepare yourself accordingly, it is easier to deal with these symptoms.