Drei Szenen eines Porridge-Rezepts: Eine Person gießt Flüssigkeit in eine Schüssel, während eine andere rührt, ein Topf voller Porridge garniert mit Bananenscheiben und Blaubeeren, und eine glückliche Person bereit, eine Schüssel Porridge zu genießen.

High protein porridge

Are you looking for a simple and healthy breakfast that is also quick to prepare? Then our High Protein Porridge is just the thing for you! Our porridge recipe consists of just 3 ingredients and can be prepared in just 5 minutes and with the toppings is a real treat for the taste buds!

Preparation: 2 min.

Preparation: 5 min.

Total time: 7 min.

Cuisine/Origin: Regional 

Ingredients (1 portions):

40 g rolled oats

15 g vanilla drinkable meal LiveFresh

200 ml hot water





Almond puree

Lemon juice


hemp seeds



  1. First bring the water to the boil.
  2. Now mix the oat flakes and drinkable meal in a bowl, add hot water and stir until smooth.
  3. Then pour the porridge into a serving bowl and serve with the toppings.

Nutritional values (per portion):


27.1 g carbohydrates

19.9 g protein

5.9 g fat

Recipe video:

@daskochduolivefresh High protein porridge with delicious toppings - the absolute winning breakfast. 🤩 #gesunderezepte #gesundesnacks #winningbreakfast #highprotein #porridge #daskochduo #livefresh ♬ Original sound - The cooking duo
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