Body mass index (BMI) computer

The body mass index (BMI) helps you to assess whether you are normal, overweight or underweight.

BMI calculator
Body Mass Index (BMI) =

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In this blog article, we show you what the Body Mass Index is, how to calculate your calculate your BMI what differences in BMI calculator between men, women and children and how you can make your BMI with the help of BMI tables tables.

What is the BMI and what does it say?

The Body Mass Index, short BMIis a measure of body weight in relation to height. It was developed in 1832 by the mathematician Adolphe Quetelet and first became popular in the USA, as insurance companies used it to calculate premiums for life insurance policies and assess the risk of obesity risk of obesity. The development was therefore primarily for economic rather than health policy reasons.

The height and weight are set in relation to each other, but the fat percentage, the muscle mass and bone density are not taken into account. This particularly affects strength athletes who have a low body fat percentage with a higher body weight. Therefore, the BMI is only of limited use for assessment, as it is for people with a higher bone density or a larger bone diameter. What is important overall is how comfortable you feel in your body and with your weight, whether you live healthily and consciously and eat accordingly. If you have the feeling that your diet has perhaps gotten a little out of hand, a juice cleanse could help you get back on track and become more aware of your natural feelings of hunger and satiety. For a healthy diet after the juice cleanse you can find here more further information and recipes.

What is the formula of the BMI calculator?

The BMI formula for the calculation is

BMI = body weight / (height in meters * height in meters)

How can I assess my value using the BMI table?

The Body Mass Index is calculated for women, men and children using the same formula and can be calculated for adults using BMI tables roughly into categories in order to estimate whether they are underweight, normal weight or overweight, overweight or already Obesity exists.

Table 1: BMI table for women and men

BMI (kg/m2) Weight/category
< 16 Severely underweight
16-17 Moderately underweight
17-18,5 Slight underweight
18,5-25 Normal weight
25 -30 Overweight/preadiposity
30-35 Obesity grade I
35-40 Obesity grade II
> 40 Obesity grade III


In this context, however, it is not only gender that plays a role, but also the age also plays an essential role. A man is generally assumed to have a higher proportion of muscle mass of a man's weight than a woman's, which is why the respective upper and lower limits are somewhat higher for men. By nature, people with the age from the age of 40, but their weight decreases as they get older due to natural muscle loss, as muscle is heavier than fat.

  • BMI women

The optimum range for the body mass index varies depending on age with women as follows:

Table 2: BMI table for women

19-24 18-23
25-34 19-24
35-44 20-25
45-54 21-26
55-64 22-27
>64 23-28

  • BMI men

The optimal BMI for men is depending on age in the following areas:

Table 3: BMI table for men

19-24 19-24
25-34 20-25
35-44 21-26
45-54 22-27
55-64 23-28
>64 24-29

  • BMI children and adolescents

For girls the Body Mass Index can be categorized according to age.

Table 4: BMI table for girls

Age Optimal BMI
7 13,4-17,9
8 13,3-18,7
9 13,8-19,7
10 14,3-10,6
11 14,8-20,7
12 15,1-21,4
13 15,7-21,9
14 17,1-23,1
15 17,1-23,1
16 17,9-22,7
17 17,9-23,3
18 18,4-23,4


For boys on the other hand, a separate BMI table.

Table 5: BMI table for boys

Age Optimal BMI
7 13,7-19,1
8 14,3-19,2
9 13,8-19,3
10 14,7-21,3
11 14,4-21,1
12 14,9-21,9
13 16,3-21,6
14 16,8-22,5
15 17,9-23,0
16 18,6-23,6
17 18,7-23,6
18 18,7-23,9


Frequently asked questions about BMI:

What BMI is ok?

If you calculate the value for your body mass index using BMI calculator you can classify it using appropriate tables sorted by gender and age (see BMI tables).

From a BMI of 25, it is generally assumed that overweight and from a value of 30 begins Obesitywhich can be classified into 3 levels. From a body mass index < 18.5, we speak of underweight. For the classification of healthy or increased risk of disease, individual factors must always be taken into account and it is also important how comfortable you feel in your body, whether you take care of your body and your health, live consciously and eat healthily. If this is not currently the case and you have the feeling that your body needs relief or you would like to change something, then a juice cleanse can help with this change. For a healthy diet after the juice cleanse you can find here more further information and recipes.

How does a BMI calculator work?

With a BMI calculator the BMI is calculated using the following formula:

BMI= body weight / (height in meters * height in meters)

The resulting value can then be calculated using BMI tables tables (see BMI tables).

Which BMI applies to which age?

From the age of eight BMI formula with the corresponding calculator can be used. For children and teenagers up to the age of 18, you should use the BMI table for children, which also differentiates according to gender. For children under the age of 8, the pediatrician has corresponding charts to classify weight and height. For adults over the age of 18 there are BMI tableswhich are broken down by age, also separately for men and women. Roughly, the body mass index for adults of 18.5-25 is classified as normal weight. Anything below this is underweight and anything above begins overweight and Obesity with different levels.

What to do if you are overweight?

When calculating your BMI with the calculator have you determined that you are BMI tables as overweight or even obesity classified, then you could, for example, with a juice cleanse reset your diet in order to integrate a healthier diet afterwards. Make sure that there are colorful vegetables, a source of protein and high-quality fats on your plate at every meal. Sufficient daily exercise is important. You don't need to be a top athlete to do this, but integrating exercise into your daily routine is the first step. Also pay attention to your stress levels and get enough healthy sleep. For a healthy diet after the juice cleanse you can find here more further information and recipes.

How suitable is the BMI for classifying health risks? 

The BMI provides a rough guide to weight-related health risks. However, the BMI is not reliable enough as a sole measure, as it does not take individual circumstances into account. Just because your BMI is too high or too low, you are not automatically at risk of health problems. Nor can the BMI guarantee that people of normal weight are not exposed to health risks. Even athletes with a very high muscle percentage and therefore a correspondingly higher weight, the BMI does not provide a reliable value, as they are heavier due to the heavier muscles. muscle mass are quickly classified as overweight. Similarly, people of normal weight with very little muscle or a light bone structure could quickly be classified as underweight, even if they are not from a medical point of view.

For these reasons, the BMI should not be overestimated, but should only be used as a guide. If you are unsure about your BMI, it is best to talk to a doctor.

However, if you have the feeling that you would like to pay more attention to your diet and eat more consciously again, then a juice cleanse can help you to reset your diet and become much more aware of your natural feelings of hunger and satiety. This will make you feel fitter and more comfortable, making it much easier for you to eat healthily. For further support you can find here Further information and recipes.