Tee ist für viele ein täglicher Begleiter. Vielleicht genießt Du Deinen Tee morgens, um wach zu werden, oder am Nachmittag, um eine ruhige Pause einzulegen. Aber hast Du Dich schon mal gefragt,warum Tee Dich wach macht, abernicht so "aufputscht" wie Kaffee? Das liegt an Teein, dem "Koffein im Tee". In diesem Artikel erfährst Du alles, was Du über die Tee-Energie wissen musst – von der Wirkung, über die Unterschiede zu Koffein, bis hin zu praktischen Tipps, wie Du den Teeingehalt in Deiner Portion anpassen kannst.
- Teein und Koffein sind chemisch identisch, wirken jedoch unterschiedlich. Koffein aus Kaffee wirkt schnell und intensiv, während Teein im Tee langsamer freigesetzt wird, wodurch ein sanfteres Wachheitsgefühl entsteht.
- Tee enthält L-Theanin, das beruhigend wirkt und die anregende Wirkung von Teein ausbalanciert.
- Unterschiedliche Teesorten haben unterschiedliche Teein-Gehalte, mit Schwarztee am höchsten und Kräutertees ohne Teein.
- Teein unterstützt die Konzentration, ohne nervös zu machen.
1. teein vs. caffeine: is there a difference?
You may have heard that teein and caffeine are somehow related, or even the same thing. Is that true? Yes, teein and caffeine are actually chemically identical! Both terms refer to the same molecule, which has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. But here's the trick: although it's the same substance, it works differently depending on whether you drink coffee or tea.
The main difference between caffeine in coffee and teein in tea lies in the way it is absorbed by your body. While the caffeine in coffee relatively quickly into the blood and gives you a powerful energy boost, the caffeine in tea is released more slowly. This is because it is bound to certain tannins in tea which make it accessible to the body only gradually. As a result, tea makes you feel less nervous or "wound up" than after a portion of coffee.
Another point: tea contains L-theaninean amino acid that has a calming effect and the stimulating effect of teein balanced. That's why many people feel awake after tea, but relaxed at the same time - quite a pleasant combination, isn't it?
2. how much teein is in different types of tea?
Not all teas contain the same amount of teein. This depends on the type of tea, how it is processed and how it is prepared. Black tea is the leader when it comes to tea content, but green and white teas also contain a certain amount. Here is an overview of the tea content in different types of tea:
- Black teaThe strongest type of tea when it comes to tea content. A cup of black tea contains around 40-70 mg of tea. The longer you leave it to infuse, the higher the content.
- Green teaSlightly gentler than black tea, but still contains around 20-45 mg of teein per serving.
- White teaThe tea with the lowest teein content from the tea plant, with around 15-30 mg teein per serving.
However, there are also teas that contain no tea stimulant at all. Herbal teas such as peppermint, camomile or rooibos are completely tein-free because they do not come from the tea plant (Camellia sinensis). This makes them ideal if you want to have another cup of tea in the evening without disturbing your sleep.
Tip for everyday life: If you are sensitive to teein, try herbal teas or rooibos. They taste delicious and you don't have to worry about a sleepless night.
With a good sleep hygiene you can optimize your sleep and do a lot for your health. You can find out more here: Why is sleep so important?
3. the effect of tea on your body
When you drink a portion of tea, the following happens in your body: The teein enters the bloodstream via the stomach, albeit more slowly than caffeine. This is because it is bound to the tannins in tea - tannins that slow down the release of the teein. This means that the tea does not take effect immediately, but provides a gradual, long-lasting alertness.
But teein is not only responsible for the energy boost. It also has a number of positive effects on your health. Here are a few examples:
- Better concentrationMany people drink tea to help them focus. The combination of teein and L-theanine helps you stay focused and alert without getting nervous. This is one of the reasons why tea is particularly popular among people who study or work creatively.
- Calming influenceThanks to the L-theanine in tea, you can be alert and relaxed at the same time. This is particularly helpful if you want to keep a cool head in stressful moments.
- Fat burning and metabolismStudies show that teein can boost the metabolism. This means that your body burns more calories with tea - especially in combination with exercise. Green tea is therefore often associated with diets.
But there are also a few things you should be aware of: Too much of the tea stimulant can, like caffeine, lead to sleep disorders, nervousness and a racing heart and palpitations. It is therefore a good idea to pay attention to the amount you drink.
Our tip: Three to four portions of tea a day is unproblematic for most people. But always listen to your body - it will tell you what it needs!
Make sure you drink plenty of water or fruit juice spritzers.
Also ideal for starting the day is our Happy Lemon. Lemon water gives you the morning wake-up kick without the stimulating substances from tea.
However, would you like to have some caffeine and like it fruity? Then the Hey Wach with guarana is the ideal start to the day.
4. is tea healthy?
Tea, especially green tea, has been valued as a healthy drink for centuries. And not without reason! Tea is full of antioxidantsthat can protect your cells from free radicals. These antioxidants, especially catechins in green tea, have anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
However, not everyone benefits from tea to the same extent. Pregnant and breastfeeding women in particular should keep an eye on their tea consumption, as too much tea in large quantities can have negative effects on the fetus or baby. People who are sensitive to caffeine should also enjoy tea in moderation. However, this does not mean that you have to give up tea completely. As already mentioned, there are many delicious herbal teas that do not contain any teein at all.
Conclusion: For most people, tea is absolutely harmless in moderation and can even have health benefits. Green tea in particular has a positive effect on health due to its antioxidants. However, it is important to listen to your body and not overdo it.
5. how can I regulate the tea content in my tea?
Now that you know that teein in tea is not the same as teein in coffee, you may be wondering how you can control the amount of teein in your drink. Fortunately, there are simple tricks you can use to influence this!
- Brewing timeThe longer you leave your tea to infuse, the more teein is released. So if you want a milder tea, steep it only briefly (about 2 minutes). For a stronger effect, leave it longer (4-5 minutes or more).
- Water temperatureWater temperature also plays a role. The hotter the water, the more teein is extracted. For a smoother tea, allow the water to cool slightly after boiling before pouring it over the tea.
- Quick infusion methodIf you want to reduce the amount of tea, you can use the so-called "flash infusion". Infuse the tea for 30 seconds and then pour the water away. You can then brew the tea as usual. This significantly reduces the tea's tea content without affecting the taste too much.
With these simple tricks, you can regulate the tea content in your tea according to your mood.
6. mate: the special tea pleasure from South America
Perhaps you have already heard of Mate a traditional drink from South America, which also contains teein. In contrast to black or green tea, this tea is made from the leaves of the holly tree and contains a moderate amount of teein. The effect of mate is similar to that of green tea, but many mate drinkers report a lasting, clear energy that is not associated with the typical "caffeine crash".
Particularly exciting: more and more suppliers are focusing on organic qualitywhich comes from sustainable cultivation and does not use chemical pesticides or fertilizers. If environmental awareness and sustainability are important to you, you should make sure you choose organic mate. This not only supports your health, but also ecological cultivation and fair working conditions in the producing countries.
FAQ - Frequently asked questions about tea
What is the difference between teein and caffeine?
Teein and caffeine are chemically the same molecule. However, the effect in the body differs: teein is released more slowly and has a calming component due to the L-theanine in tea, while caffeine in coffee gives a quick energy boost.
How much teein is in a cup of tea?
This varies depending on the type of tea. A portion of black tea contains around 40-70 mg of teein, green tea around 20-45 mg and white tea around 15-30 mg.
Can I overdose on teein?
Yes, too much teein can have similar side effects to caffeine, including nervousness, insomnia and heart palpitations. However, tea is completely safe when consumed in moderation.
Do herbal teas contain tea?
No, herbal teas such as chamomile or peppermint do not contain any teein as they do not come from the tea plant.
How long does the effect of teein last?
The effect of teein sets in more slowly than with coffee, but lasts longer - usually around 4 to 6 hours
Is tea a healthy alternative to coffee?
Yes, tea is a gentler alternative to coffee. Green tea in particular contains many antioxidants that can have a positive effect on health.
Our conclusion
Teein may be the same molecule as caffeine, but its effect is different - gentler, slower and longer-lasting. For many, tea is therefore an ideal alternative to coffee. You can feel alert and energized without the jittery rush that sometimes accompanies coffee. Whether you prefer black tea, green tea or white tea, each cup can help you stay focused and concentrated throughout the day. If you are sensitive to teein, there are many teein-free alternatives such as herbal teas that can give you just as much pleasure.
So, how do you prefer to drink your tea? Why not try out a few of the tips and find out which preparation is right for you!
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Dr. Ulrike Fischer
Developed on a scientific basis by Dr. Ulrike Fischer, who holds a doctorate in nutritional science.
Tee ist für viele ein täglicher Begleiter. Vielleicht genießt Du Deinen Tee morgens, um wach zu werden, oder am Nachmittag, um eine ruhige Pause einzulegen. Aber hast Du Dich schon mal gefragt,warum Tee Dich wach macht, abernicht so "aufputscht" wie Kaffee? Das liegt an Teein, dem "Koffein im Tee". In diesem Artikel erfährst Du alles, was Du über die Tee-Energie wissen musst – von der Wirkung, über die Unterschiede zu Koffein, bis hin zu praktischen Tipps, wie Du den Teeingehalt in Deiner Portion anpassen kannst.
- Teein und Koffein sind chemisch identisch, wirken jedoch unterschiedlich. Koffein aus Kaffee wirkt schnell und intensiv, während Teein im Tee langsamer freigesetzt wird, wodurch ein sanfteres Wachheitsgefühl entsteht.
- Tee enthält L-Theanin, das beruhigend wirkt und die anregende Wirkung von Teein ausbalanciert.
- Unterschiedliche Teesorten haben unterschiedliche Teein-Gehalte, mit Schwarztee am höchsten und Kräutertees ohne Teein.
- Teein unterstützt die Konzentration, ohne nervös zu machen.